pds41: Can you install the retail version without using the key? I've not seen a retail box for Cyberpunk. In any case, legitimate instances of selling an unused code from a retail box on a re-seller website would be very, very rare - limited to being given the game as a present when the user already had it.
You could, for some Witcher games, but I believe CP2077 is just a code-in-a-box.
It's really not that rare; the reseller sends you a scan of the code sticker on the manual or the inside of the box (usually for retail boxed games that need Steam activation).
pds41: Regardless, let's not beat about the bush here. OP likely bought a stolen code (technically the proceeds of stolen goods) and it got revoked. Same as nearly every other person who posts on these forums after they've bought from G2A, CD Keys etc...
Sure, sounds likely to me to... I wasn't trying to argue that.