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Doc0075: Also why semi-automatic rifles and the like?
JMich: Semi-automatic means each press of the trigger fires a single bullet. Burst fire means each press of the trigger fires a set amount of bullets (2 to 5, weapon dependent). Automatic means the weapon keeps firing bullets while the trigger is pressed, until it runs out.
There's also bolt action which means you have to manually chamber the next round after each shot, like most (but not all) shotguns.
haydenaurion: Not quite, he just pledged himself to them over a 911 call:
JMich: Additional information, they said something about a post from an ISIS affiliated site, not the 911 call that they had mentioned earlier. Again, no idea if the information about the post is verified or not.
Ah, I see.
Doc0075: Also why semi-automatic rifles and the like?
JMich: Semi-automatic means each press of the trigger fires a single bullet. Burst fire means each press of the trigger fires a set amount of bullets (2 to 5, weapon dependent). Automatic means the weapon keeps firing bullets while the trigger is pressed, until it runs out.
There's also bolt action which means you have to manually chamber the next round after each shot, like most (but not all) shotguns.
haydenaurion: Not quite, he just pledged himself to them over a 911 call:
JMich: Additional information, they said something about a post from an ISIS affiliated site, not the 911 call that they had mentioned earlier. Again, no idea if the information about the post is verified or not.
Its all to stir up anti islam sentiment again.
Crewdroog: i have found that most people who aren't from the US don't understand this part of our heritage and how this is exactly why we will never allow the outright banning of guns. ever.
Doc0075: It's not the owning of guns that non-Americans find confusing but more why do you need so many each? Also why semi-automatic rifles and the like?
Because we can. shooting for hunting and sport (target, clay pigeons) is fun, you should be able to carry if you feel the need to protect yourself, and just, dammit, people love guns in this country. love. you collect video games and things? well, some people collect guns. i have neighbors that fire high-caliber rounds every weekend. it sounds like a war is going on. guess what? i'm glad they can as long as they obtained them legally.
Crewdroog: maybe it's our wet blanket we can't get rid of? i'm well aware, but i'd rather than something than nothing.
sunshinecorp: But isn't a false sense of security worse than feeling insecure? :P
I don't know, if the government really turns against its own people, then an army of people with personal firearms still sounds a lot more respect-worthy and frightening to the opposition, than people armed with... sticks and stones?
low rated
It should be of no surprise that an Islamist would do this in the US. The doctrines of Islam are about destroying western civilization. There are only two kinds of Muslims: the militants who commit these atrocities and the ones who use self-pity and claim that they are victims too while looking the other way while their militant brethren plot more attacks.

Also, contrary to what the Muslim-sympathizers claim, Islam did NOT create the number zero, Islam did NOT develop new mathematics, Islam did NOT give Europe the astrolabe, and Islam did NOT give us our modern numerals. The number zero existed in various places of the world before Islam, our mathematics are mostly Greek, the Astrolabe was invented Europeans, and our numerical symbols came indirectly from Aryan-descent South Asians.

Islam is basically cancer and the liberals, cucks, and egalitarians are growing it by allowing it to get away with more shit and to distract the masses from its awful doctrines. People are blaming guns especially semi-auto rifles like the AR15 or AK variant thereby transferring responsibility from a human being to an inanimate object. Our country got safer as private gun and ammo sales rose and as conceal carry permits were distributed in greater volume across the nation. The reason for that is because 1) criminals are usually unwilling to risk getting shot 2) criminals have been shot dead or injured thereby ending their career 3) criminals have retreated from a gun being pointed at them 4) the vast majority of the American people are not a bunch of ghetto monkeys or Islamists.

Of course, it is no surprise that first group of people the libtards blamed were white Christians until reports came out that it was an Afghan-American Muslim. Then they blame guns and the fact that we do not live under a Soviet system of gun control.

DirkAustin: This is so sad. What goes on in the mind of someone who does this? And ban assault rifles already, its clear that those that own them dont defend themselves with them but want to murder others. :(
markrichardb: Sad times. Just contacted relatives in the area to make sure they’re okay. Apparently Orlando is in desperate need of blood donations right now, and there are conflicting reports on whether gays are allowed to donate.
DirkAustin: Theyre not allowed to. Just got an update on Twitter on that. So its easier to get a gun than blood.
Nothing wrong with guns. Muslims, on the other hand, need to get subjected to a cull. It was Islam that was responsible for this and not guns. Quit blaming guns like some kind of libtard.

By the way, Obama gave out plenty of guns without transmitters to drug cartels and Middle Eastern terrorists but libtards did not complain since they would rather blame the drug war while ignoring the motivation for the scam. Just saying.
gifftard.jpg (13 Kb)
sunshinecorp: But isn't a false sense of security worse than feeling insecure? :P
CharlesGrey: I don't know, if the government really turns against its own people, then an army of people with personal firearms still sounds a lot more respect-worthy and frightening to the opposition, than people armed with... sticks and stones?
Why do civilians need to be armed? Thats what cops and the military is for.
sunshinecorp: But isn't a false sense of security worse than feeling insecure? :P
CharlesGrey: I don't know, if the government really turns against its own people, then an army of people with personal firearms still sounds a lot more respect-worthy and frightening to the opposition, than people armed with... sticks and stones?
To be fair, apparently if that were to ever happen you'd still be able to get your hands on them if you wanted to anyway, but through 'dark channels'.
CharlesGrey: I don't know, if the government really turns against its own people, then an army of people with personal firearms still sounds a lot more respect-worthy and frightening to the opposition, than people armed with... sticks and stones?
Pheace: To be fair, apparently if that were to ever happen you'd still be able to get your hands on them if you wanted to anyway, but through 'dark channels'.
Yeah everyone in germany here has a gun illegally bought and everyone is armed to the teeth...oh wait, thats americans but they get the guns legally.
Crewdroog: maybe it's our wet blanket we can't get rid of? i'm well aware, but i'd rather than something than nothing.
sunshinecorp: But isn't a false sense of security worse than feeling insecure? :P
perhaps. but if shit were ever to hit the fan, i would like to know that i can at least try to do something. i mean, we beat a high-tech well advanced army before, right?
Crewdroog: i have found that most people who aren't from the US don't understand this part of our heritage and how this is exactly why we will never allow the outright banning of guns. ever.
Maybe, but I'm so glad that every weird neighbor around here in EU doesn't have a gun..
(or teen, according to some states)
Doc0075: It's not the owning of guns that non-Americans find confusing but more why do you need so many each? Also why semi-automatic rifles and the like?
Crewdroog: Because we can. shooting for hunting and sport (target, clay pigeons) is fun, you should be able to carry if you feel the need to protect yourself, and just, dammit, people love guns in this country. love. you collect video games and things? well, some people collect guns. i have neighbors that fire high-caliber rounds every weekend. it sounds like a war is going on. guess what? i'm glad they can as long as they obtained them legally.
Fair enough but surely you can see why it is puzzling to people from countries without this obsession with guns?
CharlesGrey: I don't know, if the government really turns against its own people, then an army of people with personal firearms still sounds a lot more respect-worthy and frightening to the opposition, than people armed with... sticks and stones?
DirkAustin: Why do civilians need to be armed? Thats what cops and the military is for.

yeah, b/c the cops are totally not racists and crap and killing people as they want...
low rated
Doc0075: I personally don't understand why any civilian would need to own an assault rifle. Is a handgun not enough for protection?
CharlesGrey: An assault rifle for "personal protection" does seem absurd. If you absolutely need to own a gun for protection, carry a regular pistol around, and maybe keep a shotgun at your home. If you need to consider automatic rifles or even explosives for your own personal protection, then there's something going seriously wrong in your area/country. It's almost like some sort of bizarre civilian arms race.
I have a better idea. How about you quit throwing around "assault rifle" as a go-to buzzword? The term assault rifle, like automatic, gets tossed around to make a semi-auto rifle like the AR15 sound like a full-auto M16. Get educated before making idiotic remarks.

By the way, a "regular pistol" fires at the same rate as the same rifles that get called assault rifles and automatics. They are semi-autos meaning one shot for every pull of the trigger. Of course, the liberals do not want us to have those either.

Your claims are absurd and your terminology is fucked up. Quit being a fucking retard unless you are one of those Germans that deserves to get stomped by a bunch of Islamic savages that many of you mass imported.
I'm learning so much about some people here. And I'm not liking most of it.
Crewdroog: Because we can. shooting for hunting and sport (target, clay pigeons) is fun, you should be able to carry if you feel the need to protect yourself, and just, dammit, people love guns in this country. love. you collect video games and things? well, some people collect guns. i have neighbors that fire high-caliber rounds every weekend. it sounds like a war is going on. guess what? i'm glad they can as long as they obtained them legally.
Doc0075: Fair enough but surely you can see why it is puzzling to people from countries without this obsession with guns?
honestly, i do sometimes have a hard time understanding how countries convinced their people to give up their rights to bare arms. it's scary.

and no, i don't. maybe it's b/c how i was raised. now, you get someone from the US that wans't brought up with guns, and they'll tell you i'm a crazy person ;) remember, not EVERYONE in my country owns guns and a lot of people don['t want them. it's not like we all have arsenals. and the guns i own are for hunting and sport shooting (shotgun, rifle).