LiquidOxygen80: 1. Owning an assault rifle requires licensing on top of standard registration, and is usually only granted to people with collector's licenses, and these operate on ascending grades and classes.
You (and most other people, as is common with stories like this) are mixing up assault
rifles with assault
weapons. "Assault rifle" refers to a specific class of military weapon, characterized as being a select-fire rifle with a detachable magazine; it is incredibly difficult to get a license to own any assault rifle in the US. "Assault weapon" is a fairly broad category that refers to semi-automatic rifles that have certain cosmetic features (such as pistol grips and folding stocks); the classification has more to do with the guns looking scary than it does with how dangerous they are compared to other types of firearms.
Schnuff: The need for a weapon to deffend yourself or your family sounds like you don't trust the government.
We don't. A distrust of the government is pretty much a founding principle of the US, with much of our constitution consisting of restrictions on the government's power, along with checks and balances to allow citizens various means to reign in the government as necessary. And despite all of this our government continues to become more and more authoritarian, so I'd say the distrust of government is very well justified. Although how effective the ownership of small arms would be in reigning in the government in the current environment is an entirely different discussion.