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timppu: But he didn't need if for protection, but for a massacre. An assault rifle works better for the latter.

I was thinking out loud "is there a religion which doesn't for some reason hate gays?", but then I recalled Buddhism. At least buddhist countries like Thailand seem pretty tolerant towards katoyes and such. Good for them.
tinyE: Wiccans don't hate anyone or anything. Groovy people.

And this time I mean it. I'm backing out. :P
Doesn't the wiccans required you to be a virgin, or sacrifice one and then bathe in her blood to join their ranks?
LiquidOxygen80: I'd heard that ISIS had said 3 days ago that they planned to strike Florida. I'm guessing this was it.
I'm not gonna get into any gun control arguments, I'm just gonna leave this here: Prohibition didn't stop people from drinking and the War on Drugs didn't stop people from getting high. Gun control won't stop terrorists and/or unhinged people from getting their hands on guns.
Agreed. There would be people who follow whatever process is put in place, but people who really want one will just turn to non-legal means. I'm probably more for than against gun control laws (at least for things like assault rifles), but realistically, bad guys will still get their toys.
fronzelneekburm: Of course not. Because we all know where this shit is coming from.
We do. Broken minds.
Weapons and USA....thats something I don't understand.
The need for a weapon to deffend yourself or your family sounds like you don't trust the government.
It somehow is displayed in most US movies...corrupt politicans and police.
Don't mind that this comes from one whoes government thinks about registration/regulations for
alarm guns.
But than for me USA is a weird country.
Makes me feel safe knowing that citizenship is subject to opinion, rather than, you know, formal citizenship.
LiquidOxygen80: I'd heard that ISIS had said 3 days ago that they planned to strike Florida. I'm guessing this was it.
I'm not gonna get into any gun control arguments, I'm just gonna leave this here: Prohibition didn't stop people from drinking and the War on Drugs didn't stop people from getting high. Gun control won't stop terrorists and/or unhinged people from getting their hands on guns.
Exactly. I also don't blame the gun, I blame the man.
Guns don't kill people. People kill people. With guns.
Can't wait to see world leaders tripping all over themselves to excuse Islam.
I own guns. I am a staunch believer in the 2nd amendment. like hardcore. however, this is the shit everyone is sick of:
fine people will still get their hands on shit if they want to, but let's fucking TRY to make it a little more difficult, yeah?
fucking NRA blood money those asshats keep taking doesn't help.
Post edited June 12, 2016 by Crewdroog
Orlando has never exactly been a peaceful city to start with, but this along with the shooting of that singer, is really going to make people think twice about ever visiting.

I'd also like to give my sarcastic thanks to the GOP (the massive bags of feces they are) for having absolutely failed to even prevent Donald Trump from making it as far as he has. Was it really so hard to incite the interest of the IRS towards his accounts or create other small metaphorical fires to distract him, such as factory conditions in the sweatshops where his wigs are weaved?

Another reason why we need far better mental health services in the USA and sanity checks for weapon ownership. And to have a buyback program for excess weapons, where the end result is piles of metal ingots we can use to make caskets for the GOP who will then be promptly sealed into them as thanks for their 40+ years of oppression and anti-progression. I'm not saying we would have ivory towers and flying cars, but the world would be far better off with people like Lamar S. Smith of Texas out of the picture.

Religion was just an excuse; but I will say that the Abrahamic religions make it especially easy to turn off sanity checks and logic controls.
Crewdroog: I own guns. I am a staunch believer in the 2nd amendment. like hardcore. however, this is the shit everyone is sick of:
fine people will still get their hands on shit if they want to, but let's fucking TRY to make it a little more difficult, yeah?
Agreed. I used to be a gun owner, have no problem with the second amendment, but the GOP are complete schills when it comes to this. We can do better with gun regulation.
Crewdroog: I own guns. I am a staunch believer in the 2nd amendment. like hardcore. however, this is the shit everyone is sick of:
fine people will still get their hands on shit if they want to, but let's fucking TRY to make it a little more difficult, yeah?
Garrison72: Agreed. I used to be a gun owner, have no problem with the second amendment, but the GOP are complete schills when it comes to this. We can do better with gun regulation.
word :)

edit: i'm worried we are going to get into SUCH a backlash that they WILL take our guns.
Post edited June 12, 2016 by Crewdroog
Another tragedy, yet some of you just can't stop bashing on religion and race. Could you please open a new thread for that?
This was done by a brainwashed psychopath, this had nothing to do with race or religion.

My deepest sympathies go out to the victims and their families.
Post edited June 12, 2016 by NuffCatnip
NuffCatnip: Another tradegy, yet some of you just can't stop bashing on religion and race. Could you please open a new thread for that?
This was done by a brainwashed sociopath, this had nothing to do with race or religion.

My deepest sympathies go out to the victims and their families.
Exactly this.
Post edited June 12, 2016 by sunshinecorp
Crewdroog: edit: i'm worried we are going to get into SUCH a backlash that they WILL take our guns.
Not a chance. Why now and not the last few times?

Besides, this is going to be forgotten soon with the presidential race being main topic.
Crewdroog: edit: i'm worried we are going to get into SUCH a backlash that they WILL take our guns.
Pheace: Not a chance. Why now and not the last few times?

Besides, this is going to be forgotten soon with the presidential race being main topic.
Sigh, I know. but. *throws up hands*