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WBGhiro: Never understood this logic, Shouldn't it be both as in Pedophile AND homosexual, it's not like it's mutually exclusive.
But only one of them is an actual sexual deviancy.
Hunter65536: If it's boys they have relationships with then pedophile would be the correct term not homosexual
Depends on the age. One could call a 19 year old male boy, and it would be correct. Having a 16 year old male as a sexual partner would also not classify you as a pedophile, else most of the high school students would be considered sex offenders.
Pedophilia usually refers to been attracted to prepubescent people, not underage ones.
LiquidOxygen80: Gun control won't stop terrorists and/or unhinged people from getting their hands on guns.
That's nonsense. It'll certainly make it a hell of a lot more difficult and makes it far more likely someone who goes 'unhinged' isn't suddenly going to know where to get his hands on an assault rifle. I've certainly never heard of a way to get my hands on one, let alone any other gun.
Bouchart: Is there a mod of Hatred where you play as a jihadist?
No yet.
sunshinecorp: This was the act of a fuckin' idiot psychopath. Religion hardly needs be mentioned.
I would be very much surprised if religion didn't had anything to do with this.
Post edited June 12, 2016 by mobutu
WBGhiro: Never understood this logic, Shouldn't it be both as in Pedophile AND homosexual, it's not like it's mutually exclusive.
sunshinecorp: But only one of them is an actual sexual deviancy.
I've never said otherwise, or that being a gay pedophile is better/worse than the other.
LiquidOxygen80: Gun control won't stop terrorists and/or unhinged people from getting their hands on guns.
Pheace: That's nonsense. It'll certainly make it a hell of a lot more difficult and makes it far more likely someone who goes 'unhinged' isn't suddenly going to know where to get his hands on an assault rifle. I've certainly never heard of a way to get my hands on one, let alone any other gun.
You've clearly lead an extremely sheltered existence, my friend. All kinds of avenues exist that circumvent the controls that already exist.

1. Owning an assault rifle requires licensing on top of standard registration, and is usually only granted to people with collector's licenses, and these operate on ascending grades and classes.

2. Despite the bureaucracy in place to prevent this crazy from obtaining a gun, he still managed to do so, and smuggling/darknet/stolen weapons being resold will exist, as long as people provide a market for it. Same as alcohol. Same as drugs.
Sadly a report just came out that the suspect called 911 and declared his allegiance to ISIS before committing the act.
mobutu: I would be very much surprised if religion didn't had anything to do with this.
Any religion is just an excuse, a thin veil for murdering psychopaths to hide behind. I wouldn't blame religion, I would blame the man.
LiquidOxygen80: You've clearly lead an extremely sheltered existence, my friend. All kinds of avenues exist that circumvent the controls that already exist.
Nah, I just live in a country with sensible gun control.
LiquidOxygen80: I'd heard that ISIS had said 3 days ago that they planned to strike Florida. I'm guessing this was it.
I'm not gonna get into any gun control arguments, I'm just gonna leave this here: Prohibition didn't stop people from drinking and the War on Drugs didn't stop people from getting high. Gun control won't stop terrorists and/or unhinged people from getting their hands on guns.
It's almost like they believe that guns won't fire in a gun free zone. The only people safe in a gun free zone are criminals, they'll still get their hands on guns except this time civilians won't have any on hand to defend themselves. You Americans have liberties us Indians couldnt even dream of and some of you are willing to throw it away for stupid reasons.
Horrible, just.....horrible. :(
timppu: But he didn't need if for protection, but for a massacre. An assault rifle works better for the latter.

I was thinking out loud "is there a religion which doesn't for some reason hate gays?", but then I recalled Buddhism. At least buddhist countries like Thailand seem pretty tolerant towards katoyes and such. Good for them.
tinyE: Wiccans don't hate anyone or anything. Groovy people.

And this time I mean it. I'm backing out. :P
Doesn't the wiccans required that you need to be a virgin, or sacrifice one and then bathe in her blood?
Elisebathe: Doesn't the wiccans required that you need to be a virgin, or sacrifice one and then bathe in her blood?
Isn't that satanists? Who have nothing to do with wiccans? :P
sunshinecorp: Religion hardly needs be mentioned.
Of course not. Because we all know where this shit is coming from.
The Orlando nightclub shooter called 911 around the time of the attack to pledge allegiance to ISIS and mentioned the Boston bombers, according to a U.S. official.

Big fucking surprise.