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Gilozard: People learn helplessness very easily, and their lives will be better if they teach themselves better habits.

In extreme outliers like North Korea the calculus is different, but that doesn't mean people who play along with the regimes aren't doing wrong things, it just means that doing wrong things is logical under those extremely messed up circumstances.
What are better habits? Propagating revolutionist or resistant virtues against oppressive regimes, always sounds very nice in hindsight or from a distant position. But at what point is a citizen supposed to take action against a regime? What is the line that has to be crossed? Could you outline those conditions, so that one might extrapolate a template on how to act for future changes to the worse?
jamyskis: In fact, I already showed my lack of reticence once when my wife and I were walking along a street in the UK at one point, speaking in German, and this pair of thugs decided to shadow us, doing Hitler salutes and singing "Deutschland über alles". I turned around to give them a threatening glare and walked on, and they persisted anyway, so I just instinctively punched one of them in the face and broke his nose. In doing so, I risked the wrath of British justice (nothing ever came of it), but honestly, although my reaction was instinctive, I have no regrets about it.
That's horrible...not only do you use dehumanizing language (like calling AfD supporters "vile vicious animals)'ve actually caused serious injury to people merely because they mocked you. Seriously, it's bizarre that you're calling out other people as're one yourself.
morolf: That's horrible...not only do you use dehumanizing language (like calling AfD supporters "vile vicious animals)'ve actually caused serious injury to people merely because they mocked you. Seriously, it's bizarre that you're calling out other people as're one yourself.
Yeah, it's funny, because I noticed that you had no problem with people waving Hitler salutes in my wife's face, and in my previous post, you had absolutely no problem with my being happy that the Islamic extremist was dead and instead selectively quoted my attack on right-wing extremists from the very same post.

I think that speaks volumes about you, so how about you drop the sanctimonous act you hypocritical cunt.

And for the fucking record, you prick: I have had death threats explicitly from AfD and Pegida supporters, dogshit posted through my door by the same (just for helping refugees), and AfD supporters set fire to the refugee home two streets down from ours. So yes, AfD supporters are vile, vicious animals, and I will tolerate their existence no more than I will Islamic extremists like Omar Mateen.
Post edited June 15, 2016 by jamyskis
It doesn't get much better than two Germans jousting.

Germans are badarse.
infinite9: left-wing subhumans
And my file on you keeps growing. I do hope we really get some mods here I can show all your posts to and have you banned. Then you'll have to actually go and help your mum with the chores instead of playing Mr. Insult McToughguy on the internet.
Post edited June 15, 2016 by Breja
Breja: Mr. Insult McToughguy
I think I've heard of him, is he related to Mr Affront McHardcunt?
Gilozard: I also don't think dying/being harmed is the worst thing that can happen, and that living through something because I compromised my core principles isn't worth it. I'm aware that my perspective is not the typical one.
No, the worst thing that can happen is your family or loved ones dying/being harmed because of something you did. We had a situation like that in my country during World War II. Resistence fighters ambushed a car containing some German military officers. One of the officers got killed. The Nazi's organized a retaliation action against the nearby village, executing a handful of villagers immediately and sending a large part of the male population off to the camps. Very few of them returned.

You could say the resistence fighters followed their core principles and at least there was one less nazi in the world afterwards. But nearly half the village population was now missing a father, brother or husband and that one nazi didn't make a massive difference in the grand spiel of things. If you were one of those resistence fighters, you could say "It was worth it, at least I followed my principles". Not many people would agree.

War and occupation have this tendency of blurring those comfortable boundaries Hollywood movies and videogames teach us about. In a country that has never suffered occupation or invasion by a foreign power and where people use the word "tyranny" to describe moderate taxes and background checks for assault rifles, this tends to be easily forgotten.

infinite9: snip
I'm kind of convinced you're a troll, but here's a little counternarrative based on bits of info that have bubbled up over the last two days.

First of all, here's some additional info about the guy:

Some tidbits:

- The nightclub wasn't picked randomly or because it was a gun-free zone or because it had a high potential for carnage. It was picked because the shooter had been a customer for over 3 years. He knew the place. It symbolized his own sexual fucked-up-ness to him.

- The guy hadn't just been visiting the nightclub, he had a long history of trying to pick up men and used multiple dating apps for gays.

- Oh, and his dad had a low opinion of gays and immediately denied that his son could be gay. This won't end well, will it?

So...the guy's probably gay, but in the closet. His dad feels homosexuality is an abomination, which must have caused intense pressure in the guy. If his dad hates gays, he probably hates him. The guy secretly hangs out in gay clubs and dates men, but nevertheless eventually marries a female like a good son. It goes as well as you'd expect. She divorced him later, because he was unstable and abusive. That was in 2009, long before IS was even around. This guy's been messed up in the head for years, which is not surprising. Some of the worst homophobes are closeted gays who project their own self-loathing outwards.

An interesting detail is the fact that people from the club mentioned he liked to get shit-faced. This is interesting because muslims aren't allowed to drink alcohol and even many of the more casual practitioners of the religion tend to stick with this one. A real religious islamic fanatic wouldn't get himself plastered.

You and your orange God like to pretend this guy was an average muslim who simply carried out his religious duties. I call bull-shit. This isn't a guy who got so much into islamic fanatism that he picked up a lethal loathing of gays as a result. This was a guy whose lethal loathing of gays was already there and was fueled by self-loathing , picking up islamic fanatism to give himself a justification for his inner rage.

Before the massacre, he made several calls to 911 and claimed he was representing ISIS. Why'd you think that is? Because the feeling of being remembered as a holy warrior made him feel good about himself. If those criminals of ISIS praised him, despite the fact that he himself was a lousy muslim, at least SOMEONE would respect and praise him. Without the ISIS cover, he was just a closeted gay who couldn't accept his own orientation and everybody would remember him as a pitiful excuse of a human being.

Holy warrior: brave martyr.

Confused gay who went nuts inside the closet: loser.

How to be remembered...choices, choices.

No doubt I already lost you, but the truth seems to be quite a bit more and at the same time less complicated than Trump's tasteless tweets would like people to believe. But heck, the way people described him: a loner, socially awkward, unable to fit in pretty much make him sound exactly like all those other nuts who unloaded his too-easily-obtained weaponry into innocent bystanders and whose WASPiness immediately made the right-wing go: "Oh, he was just a mentally messed up loner".
Post edited June 15, 2016 by Erpy
catpower1980: I think I have the perfect cure against violence :o)
infinite9: I prefer this...

Or these...

By the way, gun control advocates would rather have that woman in the first video raped and stabbed to death. They also consider what she did "evil gun violence" or "gun murder." They also call it a "gun-related incident" and some agencies include that in the statistics of gun-related crimes even though the only thing "gun-related" about it was that a gun was successfully used in defense.
JoseWisemang: Personally, my only complaint is how easy it is for me to obtain a firearm here. I don't think they should be pulled or banned from the market, but the screening process is extremely lackluster (or non-existent in some cases). The loopholes for people who aren't "supposed" to be able to purchase them are downright silly.
infinite9: You mean you would allow the federal government to block someone from legally buying a gun by putting him/her on a "watch list" or "no fly list" regardless of evidence or the lack of even though there are plenty of guns and ammo on the blackmarket?

I would rather simply destroy the "rights" of Muslims. We need to control Islam and its followers and not guns or gun owners. We should also eliminate the rights of left-wingers. They prefer Islam over Constitutional rights and when they cannot blame white people, they blame guns.

Gun rights > Muslim rights
Gun rights > Rights of left-wing subhumans
UH OH!!!
tinyE: UH OH!!!
catpower1980: I think I have the perfect cure against violence :o)
infinite9: I prefer this...

Or these...

By the way, gun control advocates would rather have that woman in the first video raped and stabbed to death. They also consider what she did "evil gun violence" or "gun murder." They also call it a "gun-related incident" and some agencies include that in the statistics of gun-related crimes even though the only thing "gun-related" about it was that a gun was successfully used in defense.
JoseWisemang: Personally, my only complaint is how easy it is for me to obtain a firearm here. I don't think they should be pulled or banned from the market, but the screening process is extremely lackluster (or non-existent in some cases). The loopholes for people who aren't "supposed" to be able to purchase them are downright silly.
infinite9: You mean you would allow the federal government to block someone from legally buying a gun by putting him/her on a "watch list" or "no fly list" regardless of evidence or the lack of even though there are plenty of guns and ammo on the blackmarket?

I would rather simply destroy the "rights" of Muslims. We need to control Islam and its followers and not guns or gun owners. We should also eliminate the rights of left-wingers. They prefer Islam over Constitutional rights and when they cannot blame white people, they blame guns.

Gun rights > Muslim rights
Gun rights > Rights of left-wing subhumans
Where did I mention that particular gentleman acquired his firearm through a loophole? I didn't even mention this scenario at all.... Thanks for jumping at me though.

Edit: Upon further inspection... not sure if trolling me.
Post edited June 15, 2016 by JoseWisemang
low rated
infinite9: left-wing subhumans
Breja: And my file on you keeps growing. I do hope we really get some mods here I can show all your posts to and have you banned. Then you'll have to actually go and help your mum with the chores instead of playing Mr. Insult McToughguy on the internet.
Yeah, I know, because anyone who has an opinion contrary to yours on the internet doesn't deserve to be heard.

Entitled SJW super-prick.
Post edited June 15, 2016 by DJPomegranate
high rated
Breja: And my file on you keeps growing. I do hope we really get some mods here I can show all your posts to and have you banned. Then you'll have to actually go and help your mum with the chores instead of playing Mr. Insult McToughguy on the internet.
DJPomegranate: Yeah, I know, because anyone who has an opinion contrary to yours on the internet doesn't deserve to be heard.

Entitled SJW super-prick.
Hem. the guy flat out said that he'd support a mass shooting if the target was different (and I'm being generous in my phrasing). He's way beyond the stage "different opinion".
DJPomegranate: Yeah, I know, because anyone who has an opinion contrary to yours on the internet doesn't deserve to be heard.

Entitled SJW super-prick.
POLE7645: Hem. the guy flat out said that he'd support a mass shooting if the target was different (and I'm being generous in my phrasing). He's way beyond the stage "different opinion".
I should probably go back and actually read what was said, huh?

Don't mind me; I've been spending the past 5 hours trying to post because something's wrong w/ GoG's messageboard system, and that was just my test message; nevermind me.

Acriz: I know, but I try to spread more German words. It's always nice to hear how non-German speakers butcher those ;)
Erpy: Unfortunately the market for "Backpfeifengesicht" cratered together with Ted Cruz' campaign. That one had a really nice ring.
Dude, WTF do you even care? You live in the Netherlands for crissakes!

Unless the Netherlands is actually one of two of those "52 states" that Obama relied on to get re-elected?
Post edited June 15, 2016 by DJPomegranate
low rated
infinite9: left-wing subhumans
Breja: And my file on you keeps growing. I do hope we really get some mods here I can show all your posts to and have you banned. Then you'll have to actually go and help your mum with the chores instead of playing Mr. Insult McToughguy on the internet.
So says someone who feels safe thousands of miles away from me. Bring it. Show everyone how I pissed you off so badly that you had to get a moderator in here to help save your pathetic feelings.

Go on. Go cry to the moderators like a little emo bitch.
morolf: That's horrible...not only do you use dehumanizing language (like calling AfD supporters "vile vicious animals)'ve actually caused serious injury to people merely because they mocked you. Seriously, it's bizarre that you're calling out other people as're one yourself.
jamyskis: Yeah, it's funny, because I noticed that you had no problem with people waving Hitler salutes in my wife's face, and in my previous post, you had absolutely no problem with my being happy that the Islamic extremist was dead and instead selectively quoted my attack on right-wing extremists from the very same post.

I think that speaks volumes about you, so how about you drop the sanctimonous act you hypocritical cunt.

And for the fucking record, you prick: I have had death threats explicitly from AfD and Pegida supporters, dogshit posted through my door by the same (just for helping refugees), and AfD supporters set fire to the refugee home two streets down from ours. So yes, AfD supporters are vile, vicious animals, and I will tolerate their existence no more than I will Islamic extremists like Omar Mateen.
I hope the AfD and Pegida take you down. You helped Islamic invaders take root in Germany. That makes you a traitor and considering the sexual assaults and rapes these RAPEfugees committed as well as the fact that reports show that they reject aid when the food is not good enough for them, they deserve to have their shelters burned. Nothing wrong with chasing out the invaders.

I would love to read an article about your house getting burned while you are trapped inside.
Post edited June 15, 2016 by infinite9
infinite9: I hope the AfD and Pegida take you down. You helped Islamic invaders take root in Germany. That makes you a traitor and considering the sexual assaults and rapes these RAPEfugees committed as well as the fact that reports show that they reject aid when the food is not good enough for them, they deserve to have their shelters burned. Nothing wrong with chasing out the invaders.

I would love to read an article about your house getting burned while you are trapped inside.
Oh, I'll be happy to take on any AfD or Pegida wanker that decides to try and make good on their threat. And I sincerely hope that you get fucking brutally murdered, you Nazi cunt.