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fronzelneekburm: Let's have some more classy tweets. Surely, the rampant homophobia on display must be the fault of toxic masculinity, the NRA, Christianity, Donald Trump, violent video games,...
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or if you're serious. I'm leaning toward sarcastic, but I just can never be sure these days... Because so many people are actually making that exact claim, even in this very topic.
DJPomegranate: I also hear there's quite a problem in London with stabbings? What are you gonna do to prevent that, outlaw silverware?
Ironically, last night in France, a cop and his wife just got murdered by a "terrorist" (dedicated his crime to Daesh, Daesh later endorsed it and he was previously condemned 3 years ago for supplying djihadi fighters to Pakistan). Weapon of crime: just a knife.
jdsiege: The Second Amendment was just another check and balance that they provided us.
Kleetus: What it has provided is that every nutjob or fool with a grudge or that's disgruntled/disenchanted has easy access to weapons, and in a lot of cases, serious weapons.

That's absolute madness, some people shouldn't even be allowed to drive a car let alone have easy access to firearms.

And if it wasn't an issue, why are there so many shootings and murders?

BTW, gun control doesn't necessarily mean no guns.

It can mean that people have to prove they are fit and competent to own one, what's wrong with that?
You want madness? Madness IS gun control. When I think gun control I think Chicago, schools, movie theaters, recruiting stations (honestly, fuck ANY shit-for-brains politician that thinks an active member of our military should not be allowed to wear a sidearm as part of his uniform), Paris, Brussels, and other gun-free zones which are chose for their sitting prey.

I'll ask you to perform a morbid though process... picture the last time you went to a club. Now ask yourself who do you think the first victim of the sorry sack of shit in Orlando was. My money is on the security at the door, whose job it is to pass the wand over entrants to make sure that they are not armed. How did gun control work out for him? Or the 300 siting ducks inside the club?

For the record, the shooter had been investigated by the FBI twice prior to the incident -- the guns however, had not. The guns did not drive over a hundred miles to appease a savage deity. A hateful whackjob did that. Explosive devices are EXTREMELY regulated in the US and yet it didn't prevent the Tsarnaev brothers from wreaking carnage at the Boston Marathon.

When I was growing up, it seems like everyone had gunracks in their vehicles and many people open carried. Hell, I remember a good friend of my father's carried a .45 acp on his hip everywhere he went, including, believe it or not, the bank. What I don't remember growing up is shootings once a month or more.

Should we work to improve our background checks? We could certainly improve in mental evaluations. But it would also help if we weren't painting targets on the backs of civilians.
The plot thickens. It's transpiring that Omar Mateen was himself likely to have been gay - he frequented Pulse on a regular basis and frequently got drunk and rowdy while in the club, used gay dating apps, and a classmate is claiming that Mateen asked him out at one point.

Mateen was almost certainly radicalised by online Islamist propaganda, but his own ex-wife has said that he was massively paranoid even before that.

You couldn't make this shit up.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and try to deflect with humor, since constantly arguing the same points over and over again gets really frustrating, not to mention boring. Is it too early for jokes? Probably. But I'm gonna do my monologue joke anyway.

'It was reported in the news that at least 20 club-goers survived the shooting. Yes, several survivors at the club were seen hiding in the closet.'


That's my club massacre joke. They say much in life is all about timing. I just won the 'how dare you make light of such a horrible tragedy. What kind of sick asshole are you?' award of the month.
Emob78: 'It was reported in the news that at least 20 club-goers survived the shooting. Yes, several survivors at the club were seen hiding in the closet.'


That's my club massacre joke. They say much in life is all about timing. I just won the 'how dare you make light of such a horrible tragedy. What kind of sick asshole are you?' award of the month.
I must admit I lol'd, even though I shouldn't have.
DJPomegranate: I also hear there's quite a problem in London with stabbings? What are you gonna do to prevent that, outlaw silverware?
Until you can point to an article going like: "Crazy person walks into London nightclub, uses a knife to kill 49 people and injure 50." I don't think those two problems are even remotely in the same league.

DJPomegranate: Y'know, just when Congress is trying to figure out how to outlaw guns and destroy the 2nd Amendment, we have all these problems with mass shootings, just coming out of nowhere! We never used to have this problem THIS much! I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist, but inside jobs, maybe?
Yes you are much of a conspiracy theorist and your claim that congress is trying to destroy the 2nd amendment proves it.

DJPomegranate: But imagine if someone broke into your house at night, with the intent to kill you and your family? How would you defend yourself?
You actually have a bigger chance of being struck by lightning twice than you and your family getting killed by a random guy who goes around random neighbourhoods breaking into random houses to kill random people he doesn't know. That's Hollywood reality. Most of the times people are found dead in their homes, they got killed during a domestic dispute, often with the very weapons that are meant as a safeguard against random-people-murder-burglars.

DJPomegranate: The solution for dealing with ISIS and militarized Islam isn't going to be a politically correct one; probably along the lines of putting people of Middle Eastern descent into concentration camps, like the U.S. did with the Japanese in WWII. Of course, good luck rounding up that many people without the country turning into a complete and total police state.
Your solution to jihadist terrorism is to become the very thing their worst propaganda says you are? Yeah, that sounds like a good plan.

DJPomegranate: I'll say this, too: IF guns are ever outlawed in the U.S., and mass confiscations take place, that's gonna involve the police, and possibly even the military, kicking down your door, and searching your entire house, even if you don't have any guns registered, because just because you don't have guns registered, doesn't mean you don't own guns. Simply put, gun control would be an excuse for an invasive government to become all that much more invasive. And if you smoke pot? Law enforcement would certainly discover that if they ever had the excuse to kick down your door, as well as drag you in kicking and screaming if you're guilty of other harmless, yet still illegal activity.
What good is worrying about a completely fictional apocalyptic scenario that has no basis in reality. You might as well fantasize about what happens when ants spontanously develop sentience, mutate into man-sized abominations and take over as our new insect overlords.

I, for one, welcome them.

The plot thickens. It's transpiring that Omar Mateen was himself likely to have been gay - he frequented Pulse on a regular basis and frequently got drunk and rowdy while in the club, used gay dating apps, and a classmate is claiming that Mateen asked him out at one point.

Mateen was almost certainly radicalised by online Islamist propaganda, but his own ex-wife has said that he was massively paranoid even before that.

You couldn't make this shit up.
I heard that one too. The guy, in addition to apparantly being self-hating closet-case, had a history of mental instability long before ISIS was even a thing.
Post edited June 14, 2016 by Erpy
Emob78: That's my club massacre joke. They say much in life is all about timing. I just won the 'how dare you make light of such a horrible tragedy. What kind of sick asshole are you?' award of the month.
I'm sorry to brake it to you, but in this thread there is already so many sick assholes saying the most idiotic or outright horrible things that your jokes don't even register.
Erpy: Your solution to jihadist terrorism is to become the very thing their worst propaganda says you are? Yeah, that sounds like a good plan.
You beat me to it. I was going to mention that the proposed solution to Islamist terrorism was apparently to basically become the Western equivalent of ISIS. But then, I pointed out the astonishing similarities between right-wing and Islamic fundamentalists here.

Vicious cunts like infinite9 and tort1234 and Islamic extremists are basically two faces of the same evil that we all need to be fighting against.
tammerwhisk: [...]
Of the passages I've read in the best the surrounding context did little to redeem the text. Even tried asking some Muslims about it whether like other religions it's a language/translation thing, idiomatic thing, or whatever and all the one's I have spoken with have done is refer me to a bunch of stupid ass street interviews of some jackass going "Islam means peace" over and over to people on the street.

And truth be told your explanation of the adultry thing seems barbaric as fuck and has a potential for abuse (false testimony?).
I don't want to write an essay but I'll keep it brief: To understand the Abrahamic religions you need to keep two things in mind. One, the reader is a person who believes in an omnipotent creator who asks you to try your best to live in a certain way and will reward or punish you for your intentions and efforts in an eternal afterlife. This informs the second point: the wordly life is brief and we are not necessarily supposed to treat it like it is all that we will ever have. It isn't an arena where people are supposed to accomplish the most success and take the most personal freedoms. All three religions treat this life as a test to see who can stay a believer and be rewarded, and who will fall for other temptations and reject the creator.

A perfect "islamic" society isn't a blissful paradise where all of mankind's ills have been solved. Far from it, the world is a miserable and injust place filled with suffering and temptation. Islam isn't supposed to fix this (or conquer the world for that matter). A perfect islamic society only serves to make the individual more likely to do the things that will reward him in the next life, by eliminating unrepentant hedonistic elements from society if need be (in those few instances where execution is legal). Important point to remember: through all the scary verses you must remember that forgiveness and mercy are core islamic ideals, it always applies to how we deal with sinners.

Now, there are no actual islamic societies in the world today. Daesh/ISIS claims to be one, but they are really just a criminal empire that uses Islamic iconography to frame their selfish atrocities as worship. It is besides the point anyhow. Without an actual recognised islamic society, a caliphate, much of what is in the Qur'an is irrelevant, especially as it relates to crime and punishment. Individual muslims can not judge adulterers, apostates, idolaters and so on. What is relevant however are everything that pertains to the individual:

- Perform your prayers, perform your fasting, perform your alms giving, perform your pilgrimage, be generous, be kind, be patient, protect and stand up for the weak, help safe guard your personal belief in God, don't hurt, don't slander, don't steal, don't lie, don't kill others, don't kill yourself, marry only those that are permited as per the Qur'an, follow the examples for daily conduct as set by the Prophet. I could go on, but you get the idea, it is about the believer and not society or even the world.

Basically, "Try your best to live up to islamic ideals, every day of your life". It is also recognised in the Qur'an that we WILL FAIL because humans are flawed creatures, but fret not, you can always repent and try and do better tomorrow. Every muslim hopes that in the end they will die at a time where they have done more good than bad and that God will be merciful in judging them.

This is why I am personally convinced that 'being a good neighbour', 'respecting the law of the land' and 'standing up for the oppressed' means defending LGBTQ and womens' rights to a life in peace in this day and age. I am male, "white", straight and married. My personal interests are not threatened by the hetero-normative, secular and patriarchal society that I live in, so I can lend my support to other people's fights.

I don't agree with everything that people are doing, but if God is the most merciful and forgiving, I as a muslim believer must give them a chance as well. NO ONE is better off if we hate and kill each other.
ncameron: I don't know what you've been reading, but you might want to reconsider believing it and revise your reading list.

1. The 'left-wing subhuman mongrel' who instituted the gun control laws after the Port Arthur massacre in Australia was John Howard, a conservative politician (aka right wing) with unanimous support from all sides of government and broad popular support.
2. We have not had any such spikes in crimes. Whoever says we have is playing games with statistics, which as you should know can be cherry-picked/massaged to fit any agenda. All evidence strongly supports that the ban worked as designed.
infinite9: 1. John Howard is a left-wing subhuman and deserves to get shot dead with smuggled weaponry.
2. Bullshit. You have shootings, stabbings, robberies, and rapes. There have been cases of gangsters armed with makeshift submachine guns killings each other. There were cases of smuggled weapons and ammo ending up in criminal hands.

Also, Australia historically-speaking has always had lower violent crime rates than certain other countries. There was a mass shooting decades ago that involved the use of a bolt-action rifle, the same kind Aussies can still legally get but there have not been many criminal uses of bolt-action rifles in Australia other than theft or the furnishing of stolen property.

Your gun control laws do not work. The laws in the US do not word either. I support reforming gun laws to make them less authoritarian. The US got safer as private gun sales legally rose. That is a fucking fact and the problem has to do with Islamists and the left-wingers who blame inanimate objects for murder. Both of those people should be gassed if they protest in public or shot dead by National Guard or state-level military forces like the Texas State Guard (this is not National Guard since National Guard can be federalized and is simply a more domestic branch of the national military).

I also support using social media to track down these leftists and Islamists to subject them to a cull. If it was up to me, the US would be tossing these bastards out of helicopters over the ocean similar to what the great general Augusto Pinochet did in Chile except wider scale and without mercy.

Oh and speaking of Australia...

The first link is about the Islamist hostage situation at that Sydney cafe a couple of years ago. The next two are targeted shootings. The final one is a video that deals with homemade and illegally imported full-auto (allegedly) firearms.
itchy01ca01: ]
Same here in Canada. Our gun control is strict. We just don't have the mass murders the Americans ALWAYS do. We just DON'T. GUN CONTROL NEEDS TO HAPPEN IN THE STATES. It's pretty obvious.
infinite9: First of which, I have seen how violence happens in "Christian" countries as oppose to Islamic ones. The Islamic ones use governmental force to execute homosexuals and alleged homosexuals for their sexuality or alleged sexuality. The western nations (the ones that have Christian majorities) do not. I am not a Christian but your BS is overwhelming.

Also, gun control does not need to happen more in the US. The areas that have stricter gun laws like Chicago, IL ended up with worse homicide rates and overall violent crime rates than places with less gun control laws. The US does not need stricter gun laws. It need to destroy Islamists and left-wingers and starting targeting the type of prescription psychiatric drugs that make people worse.

You need to get a stroke, cancer, or AIDS. Or perhaps a group of feral third world migrants imported by Justin "If you kill your enemies, they win" Trudeau need to rape you or just stomp you to death. You are a subhuman mongrel and you do not deserve to use up anymore resources on this planet.
Erpy: More likely he would have had 60 instead. 'cause the only thing that leaves a bigger carnage than one guy pumping out hot lead like crazy in the middle of a crowded environment is several guys pumping out hot lead in the middle of a crowded environment. Real life isn't Hollywood.
infinite9: So fucking what? There have been plenty of cases in which criminals got shot dead by "good guys with guns." Just look at the attempted mass shooting in Texas involving the "Draw Muhammad" event.
More medication for patient 3
Post edited June 14, 2016 by Nemesis44UK
Nemesis44UK: Nurse!
More medication for patient 3
I think I have the perfect cure against violence :o)
Sufyan: I don't agree with everything that people are doing, but if God is the most merciful and forgiving, I as a muslim believer must give them a chance as well. NO ONE is better off if we hate and kill each other.
Interesting. This has probably been one of the most accurate - if not superficial - descriptions of Islam I've seen on this forum to date, at least to me as an atheist who has studied up on Islam for no other reason than to understand other people.

Are you a Muslim or are you just speculating from a Muslim point of view? Would be interesting to see what infinite9 and tort1234 would have to say to you (of course, I bet they don't have the bollocks to actually insult someone directly).
catpower1980: I think I have the perfect cure against violence :o)
Must...kill...kittens....must...kill...kittens...must...cuddle....I mean "kill"...kittens.

Nope, it's not working.
Post edited June 14, 2016 by jamyskis
Sufyan: I don't agree with everything that people are doing, but if God is the most merciful and forgiving, I as a muslim believer must give them a chance as well. NO ONE is better off if we hate and kill each other.
jamyskis: Interesting. This has probably been one of the most accurate - if not superficial - descriptions of Islam I've seen on this forum to date, at least to me as an atheist who has studied up on Islam for no other reason than to understand other people.

Are you a Muslim or are you just speculating from a Muslim point of view? Would be interesting to see what infinite9 and tort1234 would have to say to you (of course, I bet they don't have the bollocks to actually insult someone directly).
catpower1980: I think I have the perfect cure against violence :o)
jamyskis: Must...kill...kittens....must...kill...kittens...must...cuddle....I mean "kill"...kittens.

Nope, it's not working.
Kittens are evil. There - I said it. I've insulted the internet's pinups.
catpower1980: I think I have the perfect cure against violence :o)