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Firebrand9: Guns are just a conduit.
Kleetus: That won't ever change for the US with the outdated second amendment and the NRA.

And didn't the NRA trot out the line once that an armed society is safer as they'll be someone with a firearm around to take out the perpetrators?

Didn't happen in this incident, can't actually recall where an armed and law-abiding citizen has saved the day.
Since when are happy endings reported on nationally or globally? That doesn't get "butts in the seats". It doesn't get people fired up enough that the conservative and liberal media conglomerates will rake in that sweet sweet ad-revenue.

If it's not earning money or furthering an agenda at best it will be local news.
Post edited June 13, 2016 by tammerwhisk
jamyskis: #LGBTMuslims
Thank you for sharing that.
Sufyan: Some of you GOGers are bigoted as fuck, but for what it is worth I've tried to get #MuslimsForLGBT off the ground. I'm sure a few of you can appreciate it.
jamyskis: I think most fall under the #LGBTMuslims tag, but I think that's more for Muslims who actually are LGBT as opposed to heterosexual Muslim LGBT rights activists.
Not trying to start anything. I've gotta ask though hows that even work? Every passage I've ever read from their texts is anything but tolerant. I don't even think I've seen the margin/room for debate that other belief systems allow for when it comes to these topics. Seen a lot of death penalty passages and conquer type passages though.
First off, the friends and families of the victims must be going through hell right now, and my sympathies go out to them. Best of luck to those fighting through their injuries.

Kleetus: You can't really use South Africa as an example that gun control doesn't work.

That's simplistic, and there are underlying issues that account for a lot of the crime.
Ah, but when we take the same discussion to America, very strict gun control is always "the answer". Somehow it's not a complicated matter over here...


This murderer claimed allegiance to a group that regularly uses home-made bombs to wreak its havoc. It's not a stretch to think that he might have done the same in the absence of firearms availability. This quote expresses my feelings on the matter:

Firebrand9: The problem isn't the guns clearly. The problem is mental health, extreme religion, and people who shouldn't have any business handling them acquiring them. IE - Whackjobs. Guns are just a conduit.
With emphasis on the last. This guy was going to do something, somehow. Guns, bombs, machete attacks, and more: all have been in the news the last few days, and people will always find a way to violently push their view onto others. Yes, the firearm makes it easier, but that's not the underlying problem.

Does this mean we can not find ways to improve our system for allowing firearms ownership? Absolutely not, and I think there have been some surveys over the last half-decade or more showing firearms owners mostly support improving the screening process. But that also doesn't help much with the already extant proliferation, of which there isn't a practical solution.
low rated
Tsk, tsk. And people say Donald is mad and dangerous... Condolences. I might not like some content in my games but i don't like "real life innocents being murdered", themes.
Post edited June 13, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
tammerwhisk: Not trying to start anything. I've gotta ask though hows that even work? Every passage I've ever read from their texts is anything but tolerant. I don't even think I've seen the margin/room for debate that other belief systems allow for when it comes to these topics. Seen a lot of death penalty passages and conquer type passages though.
First off, the main difference between Islam and Christianism is that the Quran is considered as "the voice of Allah" (through Mahomet) thus even if a believer can make his own interpration, he/she can't deny the voice of his/her God. Then you have the New Testament which are the writings of the apostles thus leaving way more room to interpretations (or even denial).

Besides the Quran, you also have the hadith (don't know the word in English) which are a collection of rules and traditions told by Mahomet. Through the ages, they've been classified by their relevancy thus they are more prone to interpretations than the suras of the Quran.

Also, rather than reading some verses on a forum, you can read the Quran directly to its source:
Personnaly, I have a paper book version of the Quran because it's more practical and readable.

And most importantly, get some feedback from people with real muslim background because I don't think there a lot of knowledgeable people on this forum. For me it's easier as I had many Muslim acquaintances and can communicate more easily with people from the Maghreb due to our common language (French). While I could direct you to some people in French, I don't know the English-speaking scene but you can maybe start here:

Have a good research ;)
tammerwhisk: Not trying to start anything. I've gotta ask though hows that even work? Every passage I've ever read from their texts is anything but tolerant. I don't even think I've seen the margin/room for debate that other belief systems allow for when it comes to these topics. Seen a lot of death penalty passages and conquer type passages though.
It's a good question, and one that should be asked by anyone who sees themselves with subconscious prejudices against Muslims.

The problem with Islamophobia is that it ignores one fundamental truth: that Islam, like any major world religion, is not uniform. It has dozens of different schools of thought and denominations that range from secular, liberal and 100% compatible with western values to theocratic, ultra-conservative and 100% incompatible with western values.

You can't read the qu'ran or sunnahs in isolation and believe that you "understand Islam". Neither the qu'ran nor sunnahs are to be taken literally. Most of it is written in a historical context that no longer applies today and the different schools of Islam arose as a result of differences in interpretation. The qu'ran rarely makes it 100% clear whether the actions of Muhammad were generally applicable or whether he was reacting to given circumstances. There are also problems with translation. That's where qu'ranic exegesis comes into play - Islamic scholars basically asking themselves "what would Muhammad do?"

I'll give you an example: the widely quoted "kill the idolaters where they stand" quote. The first problem is that "idolater" doesn't refer to "unbelievers", it refers to another people with whom Muhammad's tribe had a peace treaty. This people constantly violated this peace treaty, and Muhammad basically decided turning the other cheek wasn't the best solution. It basically encourages armed resistance against legitimate persecution (so really the polar opposite of Jesus' "turn the other cheek"). Whether you believe armed resistance is justified or not, it prohibits unilateral aggression against peaceful parties. The problem lies in defining "persecution" but you'll find most Islamic scholars agree that targeting civilians and forced conversions are a no-go.

Muslims don't unanimously agree on much - on apostasy, on women's rights, on LGBT rights, on secularism. It's really no different from Christianity or Judaism: compare, if you will, Lutheran doctrine with the Westboro Baptist Church, and you have the same differences. In Israel, you have Jews running the full gamut of secular-liberal to violent extreme-orthodoxy.

So saying "Islam is violent" or "Muslims are all terrorists" is really like claiming that all Germans were Nazis in the Second World War. Sure, Islam has a bit of a problem at the moment with ideological extremists exploiting the widespread lack of education and opportunities for Muslims in the West nowadays, but that's a problem with society, not with the religion as a whole. Extreme political movements on the far left and far right are equally adept at exploiting civil disenfranchisement among low-earners and the poorly educated.

I must admit though, I did find that rainbow burqa hilarious - any branch of Islam that advocates wearing that is very unlikely to tolerate LGBT rights, and very few mainstream Muslims outside of Saudi Arabia actually wear burqas (they just stick out like a sore thumb in western societies).
catpower1980: And most importantly, get some feedback from people with real muslim background because I don't think there a lot of knowledgeable people on this forum. For me it's easier as I had many Muslim acquaintances and can communicate more easily with people from the Maghreb due to our common language (French). While I could direct you to some people in French, I don't know the English-speaking scene but you can maybe start here:
I agree that contact with actual Muslims is the best way to learn more about the various perspectives on the religion, although these "ex-Muslim" groups online should be met with a certain degree of scepticism - I put them pretty much in the same bracket as the "born again ex-gays" in these fundamentalist Christian churches, most of which are scams. Of course, I applaud the courage of anyone who chooses to risk being oppressed for leaving Islam, just as long as the story is genuine.
Post edited June 13, 2016 by jamyskis
infinite9: after the left-wing subhuman mongrels
Breja: Jesus H. Christ.

infinite9: I would even support an Anders Breivik style attack on left-wing political groups except instead of targeting dumbass teenagers, he should have bombed Labor Party headquarters and then shot some Islamic migrants.
Breja: This forum seriously need moderation. There have to be some limits to what kind of violent, hate-filled filth we allow to be posted here. This is fucking sick.
Yeah, this guy has some serious shitty issues he needs to work through ... :(
Post edited June 13, 2016 by summitus
jamyskis: So saying "Islam is violent" or "Muslims are all terrorists" is really like claiming that all Germans were Nazis in the Second World War.
Major problem with this analogy: Germans were functionally all Nazis during WWII. Their government was all Nazis, and was at war with the rest of Europe, so regardless of whether any individual was a hardcore Nazi it was actually a good assumption that any German you ran across was a Nazi.

This is the key difference between modern Muslims and Germany in WWII, in fact. Muslims are not united under a single trigger-happy bigoted government like Germans were. There are multiple majority Muslim countries, and while they all generally have human rights issues they aren't all the same.
zeogold: My gosh, people. This entire thread has QUICKLY degenerated into a warped mass of crap with politics and laws.


So the first thing everybody does is pop out of the woodwork just to mock and bash religion and talk about gun control laws? Seriously?
We've had enough divisive political threads that've gotten closed down just because this constant mudslinging goes on. You want to do that? Fine, you're perfectly entitled to, as it's your opinion, after all.
But does it really have to be the first thing on your mind when you see a massacre? Do you really think this is what they or their families would want?
Have some freakin' respect.
hedwards: While you do have a point about bashing religion, you're completely wrong about talking about gun control.

This is exactly the time that there needs to be talk about gun control. People arguing otherwise have blood on their hands as by the time things cool down enough to "show respect" for the families and victims, any hope of actually addressing the problem will have been gone.

I've had ties to 3 of the last 4 mass shootings around here. One I ran into the murderer's twin brother a bit later as we went to the same college. The next one was at a bar that my dad goes to and I'd been introduced to the murderer as well as at least one of the victims and then the next one was in a college building where I had some of my classes.

The bottom line here is that right now is the time to be talking about sensible gun controls while it's still raw. If we wait, then nothing will be done. How many more people need to die because we wanted to show respect for the families of the deceased?
The problem is that right now feelings are running high and productive discussion is the least likely outcome. Tempers need to cool off before people can make rational policies, generally.

The most frustrating part for me is that if we followed our existing gun control laws, manymass shootings would have been prevented.

We don't need more gun control laws, we need actual enforcement of the ones we do have. And we need police and FBI to stop engaging in turf wars and cooperate on the background checks.
Post edited June 13, 2016 by Gilozard
The problem is that right now feelings are running high and productive discussion is the least likely outcome. Tempers need to cool off before people can make rational policies, generally.
And that's exactly what always happens. In a couple of weeks, it'll be old news and people just can't be bothered with it anymore.

In case people are wondering why folks bring up gun control in response to terrorism, check out this:

Ever since 9/11, the feds have been stepping up tracking the traffic of explosive materials or the stuff used to make them, so terrorists are encouraging their peers to take advantage of America's lax gun laws instead.
Post edited June 13, 2016 by Erpy

The problem is that right now feelings are running high and productive discussion is the least likely outcome. Tempers need to cool off before people can make rational policies, generally.
Erpy: And that's exactly what always happens. In a couple of weeks, it'll be old news and people just can't be bothered with it anymore.

In case people are wondering why folks bring up gun control in response to terrorism, check out this:

Ever since 9/11, the feds have been stepping up tracking the traffic of explosive materials or the stuff used to make them, so terrorists are encouraging their peers to take advantage of America's lax gun laws instead.
Because the gun he used was legally obtained and possessed? As are probably most used in crimes and terrorist attacks? Maybe if even one of the people in the club lawfully owned one he wouldn't have 50 kills.

Maybe if even one of the people in the club lawfully owned one he wouldn't have 50 kills.
More likely he would have had 60 instead. 'cause the only thing that leaves a bigger carnage than one guy pumping out hot lead like crazy in the middle of a crowded environment is several guys pumping out hot lead in the middle of a crowded environment. Real life isn't Hollywood.
Post edited June 13, 2016 by Erpy
low rated
infinite9: These countries are safer than the UK and Australia that ended up with spikes in armed robbery, sexual assault, and home invasions after the left-wing subhuman mongrels implemented authoritarian gun laws. It also did not help that Tony Blair decided to mass import third world degenerates.
ncameron: I don't know what you've been reading, but you might want to reconsider believing it and revise your reading list.

1. The 'left-wing subhuman mongrel' who instituted the gun control laws after the Port Arthur massacre in Australia was John Howard, a conservative politician (aka right wing) with unanimous support from all sides of government and broad popular support.
2. We have not had any such spikes in crimes. Whoever says we have is playing games with statistics, which as you should know can be cherry-picked/massaged to fit any agenda. All evidence strongly supports that the ban worked as designed.
1. John Howard is a left-wing subhuman and deserves to get shot dead with smuggled weaponry.
2. Bullshit. You have shootings, stabbings, robberies, and rapes. There have been cases of gangsters armed with makeshift submachine guns killings each other. There were cases of smuggled weapons and ammo ending up in criminal hands.

Also, Australia historically-speaking has always had lower violent crime rates than certain other countries. There was a mass shooting decades ago that involved the use of a bolt-action rifle, the same kind Aussies can still legally get but there have not been many criminal uses of bolt-action rifles in Australia other than theft or the furnishing of stolen property.

Your gun control laws do not work. The laws in the US do not word either. I support reforming gun laws to make them less authoritarian. The US got safer as private gun sales legally rose. That is a fucking fact and the problem has to do with Islamists and the left-wingers who blame inanimate objects for murder. Both of those people should be gassed if they protest in public or shot dead by National Guard or state-level military forces like the Texas State Guard (this is not National Guard since National Guard can be federalized and is simply a more domestic branch of the national military).

I also support using social media to track down these leftists and Islamists to subject them to a cull. If it was up to me, the US would be tossing these bastards out of helicopters over the ocean similar to what the great general Augusto Pinochet did in Chile except wider scale and without mercy.

Oh and speaking of Australia...

The first link is about the Islamist hostage situation at that Sydney cafe a couple of years ago. The next two are targeted shootings. The final one is a video that deals with homemade and illegally imported full-auto (allegedly) firearms.
itchy01ca01: ]
Same here in Canada. Our gun control is strict. We just don't have the mass murders the Americans ALWAYS do. We just DON'T. GUN CONTROL NEEDS TO HAPPEN IN THE STATES. It's pretty obvious.
First of which, I have seen how violence happens in "Christian" countries as oppose to Islamic ones. The Islamic ones use governmental force to execute homosexuals and alleged homosexuals for their sexuality or alleged sexuality. The western nations (the ones that have Christian majorities) do not. I am not a Christian but your BS is overwhelming.

Also, gun control does not need to happen more in the US. The areas that have stricter gun laws like Chicago, IL ended up with worse homicide rates and overall violent crime rates than places with less gun control laws. The US does not need stricter gun laws. It need to destroy Islamists and left-wingers and starting targeting the type of prescription psychiatric drugs that make people worse.

You need to get a stroke, cancer, or AIDS. Or perhaps a group of feral third world migrants imported by Justin "If you kill your enemies, they win" Trudeau need to rape you or just stomp you to death. You are a subhuman mongrel and you do not deserve to use up anymore resources on this planet.

Maybe if even one of the people in the club lawfully owned one he wouldn't have 50 kills.
Erpy: More likely he would have had 60 instead. 'cause the only thing that leaves a bigger carnage than one guy pumping out hot lead like crazy in the middle of a crowded environment is several guys pumping out hot lead in the middle of a crowded environment. Real life isn't Hollywood.
So fucking what? There have been plenty of cases in which criminals got shot dead by "good guys with guns." Just look at the attempted mass shooting in Texas involving the "Draw Muhammad" event.
Post edited June 13, 2016 by infinite9
ncameron: I don't know what you've been reading, but you might want to reconsider believing it and revise your reading list.

1. The 'left-wing subhuman mongrel' who instituted the gun control laws after the Port Arthur massacre in Australia was John Howard, a conservative politician (aka right wing) with unanimous support from all sides of government and broad popular support.
2. We have not had any such spikes in crimes. Whoever says we have is playing games with statistics, which as you should know can be cherry-picked/massaged to fit any agenda. All evidence strongly supports that the ban worked as designed.
infinite9: 1. John Howard is a left-wing subhuman and deserves to get shot dead with smuggled weaponry.
2. Bullshit. You have shootings, stabbings, robberies, and rapes. There have been cases of gangsters armed with makeshift submachine guns killings each other. There were cases of smuggled weapons and ammo ending up in criminal hands.

Also, Australia historically-speaking has always had lower violent crime rates than certain other countries. There was a mass shooting decades ago that involved the use of a bolt-action rifle, the same kind Aussies can still legally get but there have not been many criminal uses of bolt-action rifles in Australia other than theft or the furnishing of stolen property.

Your gun control laws do not work. The laws in the US do not word either. I support reforming gun laws to make them less authoritarian. The US got safer as private gun sales legally rose. That is a fucking fact and the problem has to do with Islamists and the left-wingers who blame inanimate objects for murder. Both of those people should be gassed if they protest in public or shot dead by National Guard or state-level military forces like the Texas State Guard (this is not National Guard since National Guard can be federalized and is simply a more domestic branch of the national military).

I also support using social media to track down these leftists and Islamists to subject them to a cull. If it was up to me, the US would be tossing these bastards out of helicopters over the ocean similar to what the great general Augusto Pinochet did in Chile except wider scale and without mercy.

Oh and speaking of Australia...

The first link is about the Islamist hostage situation at that Sydney cafe a couple of years ago. The next two are targeted shootings. The final one is a video that deals with homemade and illegally imported full-auto (allegedly) firearms.
itchy01ca01: ]
Same here in Canada. Our gun control is strict. We just don't have the mass murders the Americans ALWAYS do. We just DON'T. GUN CONTROL NEEDS TO HAPPEN IN THE STATES. It's pretty obvious.
infinite9: First of which, I have seen how violence happens in "Christian" countries as oppose to Islamic ones. The Islamic ones use governmental force to execute homosexuals and alleged homosexuals for their sexuality or alleged sexuality. The western nations (the ones that have Christian majorities) do not. I am not a Christian but your BS is overwhelming.

Also, gun control does not need to happen more in the US. The areas that have stricter gun laws like Chicago, IL ended up with worse homicide rates and overall violent crime rates than places with less gun control laws. The US does not need stricter gun laws. It need to destroy Islamists and left-wingers and starting targeting the type of prescription psychiatric drugs that make people worse.

You need to get a stroke, cancer, or AIDS. Or perhaps a group of feral third world migrants imported by Justin "If you kill your enemies, they win" Trudeau need to rape you or just stomp you to death. You are a subhuman mongrel and you do not deserve to use up anymore resources on this planet.
Erpy: More likely he would have had 60 instead. 'cause the only thing that leaves a bigger carnage than one guy pumping out hot lead like crazy in the middle of a crowded environment is several guys pumping out hot lead in the middle of a crowded environment. Real life isn't Hollywood.
infinite9: So fucking what? There have been plenty of cases in which criminals got shot dead by "good guys with guns." Just look at the attempted mass shooting in Texas involving the "Draw Muhammad" event.
Blah blah blah Im a conservative Blah Blah.

All I heard buddy. Your arguments are pointless and fall on deaf ears.
How about using some actual facts instead of the contrivances or those nice indie rag links you have there.
infinite9 was kicked out of ISIS for being too violent.