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itchy01ca01: Same here in Canada. Our gun control is strict. We just don't have the mass murders the Americans ALWAYS do. We just DON'T. GUN CONTROL NEEDS TO HAPPEN IN THE STATES. It's pretty obvious.
I will say this much about people who claim gun control isn't the answer: They are partially correct, in that it isn't the entire solution. There is a social component to the problem which also needs to be addressed. But that is in addition to having serious gun control.
itchy01ca01: Same here in Canada. Our gun control is strict. We just don't have the mass murders the Americans ALWAYS do. We just DON'T. GUN CONTROL NEEDS TO HAPPEN IN THE STATES. It's pretty obvious.
ncameron: I will say this much about people who claim gun control isn't the answer: They are partially correct, in that it isn't the entire solution. There is a social component to the problem which also needs to be addressed. But that is in addition to having serious gun control.
Ill agree with that as well. The whole "Im a man because I have a gun" rhetoric HAS to change. I've met a LOT of people who use guns on a regular basis who are little whiny babies. Also, I know a lot of people who are FEMALES who are AMAZING SOLDIERS. Go figure. You don't need to own a gun to be a man or prove your prowess.
drealmer7: such a round number
I just cannot understand such comment.

If your brother or sister or friend or cousin or aunt or father is one of fifty or forty-nine, the grief will be equally cruel, and harrowing.
ScotchMonkey: Je suis sick of this shit.
Ok du är äkta isländer? Mänskor var mördat! Denne är icke *sjuk* - denne är död!
Post edited June 13, 2016 by TStael
I understand that in Switzerlard approximately 1/3 of the population legally owns guns.
Do they have the same mass murders that happen in America?
mobutu: Do they have the same mass murders that happen in America?
Almost never from my understanding,they have a very low rate of gun crime.

And again from my limited understanding, they have a much different gun culture.

They also have conscription, so they're taught how to professionally handle and store guns and treat them with respect.
Doc0075: I personally don't understand why any civilian would need to own an assault rifle. Is a handgun not enough for protection?
Probably acquired illegally with full auto lower receiver (civilian versions are the same as any rifle; semi-auto). The vast majority of gun owners don't do things like this, regardless of the type of gun they own.
Kleetus: And again from my limited understanding, they have a much different gun culture.

They also have conscription, so they're taught how to professionally handle and store guns and treat them with respect.
The problem isn't the guns clearly. The problem is mental health, extreme religion, and people who shouldn't have any business handling them acquiring them. IE - Whackjobs. Guns are just a conduit.

Handling and storing a gun with respect doesn't make someone mentally ill not shoot people.
Post edited June 13, 2016 by Firebrand9
Kleetus: they have a very low rate of gun crime.
So I guess their system shows that it is possible to have a high gun ownership and a low rate of gun crimes at the same time?
mobutu: I understand that in Switzerlard approximately 1/3 of the population legally owns guns.
Do they have the same mass murders that happen in America?
The Swiss reserve troops can have their weapon home. But this is not seen as a privilege, or "right" - but a possibly very heavy duty.

Finland also has a national conscription. But weapons logistic is different, if not attitude.
Firebrand9: Guns are just a conduit.
That won't ever change for the US with the outdated second amendment and the NRA.

And didn't the NRA trot out the line once that an armed society is safer as they'll be someone with a firearm around to take out the perpetrators?

Didn't happen in this incident, can't actually recall where an armed and law-abiding citizen has saved the day.
Post edited June 13, 2016 by Kleetus
mobutu: Do they have the same mass murders that happen in America?
Kleetus: Almost never from my understanding,they have a very low rate of gun crime.

And again from my limited understanding, they have a much different gun culture.

They also have conscription, so they're taught how to professionally handle and store guns and treat them with respect.
There have been a few mass shootings in switzerland, and if I remember correctly, fairly recently.
Let's look at it this way then:
In most underdeveloped third and second world countries, there are no gun laws, or at least, not enforceable gun laws.
There are third and second world countries making progress, but for the vast majority, they are run by despotic dicators and unruly mobs. At the very least, everything is extremely corrupt. How many people do you think have died by those guns?
Of note to me about these "shootings" in other countries is: How many gangland style shootings in Mexico have been reported? And what are they reported as? A shooting is a shooting. Someone dies by a gun, it should be listed as being shot. Looking at the stats, and knowing how many people were dying in the mexico in the past few years, I can tell you any stats that gun nutts are using for their arguments are EXTREMELY flawed.
Post edited June 13, 2016 by itchy01ca01
Kleetus: they have a very low rate of gun crime.
mobutu: So I guess their system shows that it is possible to have a high gun ownership and a low rate of gun crimes at the same time?
Please. It is not owning a gun - it is about threshold of taking a life.

Switzerland national conscription reserve troops can have their SMG at home, and so Scandi-hunting crowd can have their weapons stored if accessible.

But the very covenant of having those weapons is deep respect of human life. Shooting someone whom comes but to steal is murder in Europe, and rightly so.

If that deep covenants breaks down, those guns will no longer be there. Fair n square.
Kleetus: they have a very low rate of gun crime.
mobutu: So I guess their system shows that it is possible to have a high gun ownership and a low rate of gun crimes at the same time?
mobutu, the respect for human life begets even better respect fort it. I hope. To tout the gun-thing when so many were killed by the same - I wonder. Why?
wow. mate. that's not even comparable. read up on the event before posting 'slogans'.

The attack on the club like any other attack which happens all the frigging time is disgusting. Whether it's USA, Europe or Pakistan. Whether killing 50 people or killing a random person on street. It's always the same thing.
primitives using violence because they have nothing else to say. and like dogs they bite.
But all in all, let us not deviate from the victims.

Being gay (lesbo-bi-trans) should not be fatal in our world. But it happens a lot.

My travel pleasure is to either buy Têtu or Attitude, because, hey - common ground.

I am not sure which one of those two magazines it was, but I still remember an article about an Brazilian gay teenie whom was strangled, but not before being tortured first.

You then see a pic of this child smiling with his mother, and knowing some of his teeth were pulled off first.

That boy had that mother whom smiled with him. Maybe a sister like me. Friends. Maybe someone whom had a crush.

I particularly remember him on days such as this.
infinite9: [

I would even support an Anders Breivik style attack on left-wing political groups except instead of targeting dumbass teenagers, he should have bombed Labor Party headquarters and then shot some Islamic migrants.

Also, if any governmental agency targets people for simply owning AR15 and semi-auto AK-style rifles, I would support a Timothy McVeigh style attack on that agency. After all, he bombed that building in Oklahoma City in retaliation to federal agents burning kids to death in Waco, Texas.
morolf: Don't you think that's a bit extreme? I mean, I sympathize with some of your views...but terrorist violence shouldn't be the way to promote your political agenda.
Besides, it seems rather foolish to post such things online. You might draw attention by some security agencies to yourself.
what 'amuses' me about this is how hypocritical it is:

Person A kills bunch of innocent people
Person B wants to kill bunch of innocent people

How can Person B be angry at Person A if Person B wants to do exactly the same? Shouldn't person B actually applaud Person A for using methods which Person B fully supports? They do exactly the same thing to the same group of people.