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This thread is not going to end well, and I think I've already done enough to contribute to that fact, so I might want to back out, and I would urge others to as well.
Religion Of Peace™ strikes again.
Doc0075: I personally don't understand why any civilian would need to own an assault rifle. Is a handgun not enough for protection?
timppu: But he didn't need if for protection, but for a massacre. An assault rifle works better for the latter.

tinyE: So do most Baptists.
timppu: I was thinking out loud "is there a religion which doesn't for some reason hate gays?", but then I recalled Buddhism. At least buddhist countries like Thailand seem pretty tolerant towards katoyes and such. Good for them.
Wiccans don't hate anyone or anything. Groovy people.

And this time I mean it. I'm backing out. :P
Post edited June 12, 2016 by tinyE
Weird that the media admits to him being islamist, that usually gets swept under the rug (to descalate "racial tensions"). Dude doesn't look very arab either so they could spin it as another the white man is the evil story.

50 (Plus 53 wounded) is pretty damn high number of victims too, this guy had a lot of ammo AND probably was a trained shot. Pretty scary overall.
Post edited June 12, 2016 by WBGhiro
oh so this guy is tweeting all the senators who are "mourning" the tragedy yet took large bribes from the NRA to defeat a bill that would have stopped the fucktard that killed all those people from getting a gun in the first place.
Bouchart: Yes, muslims hate gays.
So do christians, guy. In fact, most religions hate most things.
This was the act of a fuckin' idiot psychopath. Religion hardly needs be mentioned.
Bouchart: Yes, muslims hate gays.
tinyE: So do most Baptists.

If this guy was Baptist would your first post have been, "The killer was Baptist."?
Pretty sure someone else would've pointed that out, could even be you.
Gonna ask the question right here. Is this a respect paying thread or blamegame thread? Normally we split them up, which seemed to be a good idea.
Post edited June 12, 2016 by Shadowstalker16
fronzelneekburm: Religion Of Peace™ strikes again.
Well it was very peaceful indeed.
Fucking Allah would be so proud.

Shadowstalker16: Gonna ask the question right here. Is it a respect paying thread or blamegame thread? Normally we split them up, which seemed to be a good idea.
Must be respect paying thread because it was done by guy of most peaceful religion.
Post edited June 12, 2016 by amrit9037
Hypocrit, like being gay is a strange thing for Afghani

An unclassified study from a military research unit in southern Afghanistan details how homosexual behavior is unusually common among men in the large ethnic group known as Pashtuns — though they seem to be in complete denial about it.

That’s what a new unclassified study of Pashtun men reveals. These men “admire other men physically, have sexual relationships with boys and shun women both socially and sexually — yet they completely reject the label of ‘homosexual.’
Post edited June 12, 2016 by Pheace
Pheace: Hypocrit, like being gay is a strange thing for Aghani

An unclassified study from a military research unit in southern Afghanistan details how homosexual behavior is unusually common among men in the large ethnic group known as Pashtuns — though they seem to be in complete denial about it.

That’s what a new unclassified study of Pashtun men reveals. These men “admire other men physically, have sexual relationships with boys and shun women both socially and sexually — yet they completely reject the label of ‘homosexual.’
If it's boys they have relationships with then pedophile would be the correct term not homosexual
ShadowWulfe: Gotta love when an elected government official celebrates the mass murder of American citizens.
yeah but they are gay so they arent citizens.

or some fucked up logic like that.
Hunter65536: If it's boys they have relationships with then pedophile would be the correct term not homosexual
Yeah and I should think that christian priests are better at it anyway.
I'd heard that ISIS had said 3 days ago that they planned to strike Florida. I'm guessing this was it.
I'm not gonna get into any gun control arguments, I'm just gonna leave this here: Prohibition didn't stop people from drinking and the War on Drugs didn't stop people from getting high. Gun control won't stop terrorists and/or unhinged people from getting their hands on guns.
Hunter65536: If it's boys they have relationships with then pedophile would be the correct term not homosexual
Never understood this logic, Shouldn't it be both as in Pedophile AND homosexual, it's not like it's mutually exclusive.