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sunshinecorp: What she said.
Dont leave me behind!
low rated
infinite9: [

I would even support an Anders Breivik style attack on left-wing political groups except instead of targeting dumbass teenagers, he should have bombed Labor Party headquarters and then shot some Islamic migrants.

Also, if any governmental agency targets people for simply owning AR15 and semi-auto AK-style rifles, I would support a Timothy McVeigh style attack on that agency. After all, he bombed that building in Oklahoma City in retaliation to federal agents burning kids to death in Waco, Texas.
morolf: Don't you think that's a bit extreme? I mean, I sympathize with some of your views...but terrorist violence shouldn't be the way to promote your political agenda.
Besides, it seems rather foolish to post such things online. You might draw attention by some security agencies to yourself.
I was speaking about extreme circumstances leading to extreme responses. Hopefully it will not have to come down to laying waste to a federal building or a bunch left-wing goons but people should be willing to use extreme measures when other people use extremes to undermine them.
sunshinecorp: Oh, there's something absolutely and seriously wrong with you.
I will take that as a compliment.
Post edited June 12, 2016 by infinite9
Crewdroog: i have found that most people who aren't from the US don't understand this part of our heritage and how this is exactly why we will never allow the outright banning of guns. ever.
DirkAustin: Thats not true.
It's a bit dishonest to cherry-pick the opinions of supreme court justices without considering the overall decisions of the court regarding gun control. Most notably, the fairly recent District of Columbia v. Heller, of which one of the key findings was that the 2nd Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms.

DirkAustin: Why do civilians need to be armed? Thats what cops and the military is for.
Because when seconds count, the police are just minutes away.

DirkAustin: People take the amendments like they take the bible. They think those are timeless and are never outdated. When in truth, its the opposite, theyre very outdated and should be changed or gotten rid of.
And there's a process for amending the constitution if enough people think parts of it are actually outdated. The second amendment could be removed if there was enough support for doing so, but there isn't.
NuffCatnip: This was done by a brainwashed psychopath, this had nothing to do with race or religion.
Brainwashed by who/what?
infinite9: I would even support an Anders Breivik style attack on left-wing political groups except instead of targeting dumbass teenagers, he should have bombed Labor Party headquarters and then shot some Islamic migrants.
Breja: This forum seriously need moderation. There have to be some limits to what kind of violent, hate-filled filth we allow to be posted here. This is fucking sick.
The religious extremist who perpetrated this vicious act of cruelty is a vile cunt and I'm glad he's dead. I'm sure he won't be the last Islamist extremist who we can hope is burning in hell.

There are a number of political extremists here in this thread (like infinite9) and in the larger world trying to extort political capital from this atrocity. They too are vile cunts and I wish them dead.

And just in case you're wondering, the very assholes who are usually so quick to incite hatred and violence against Muslims are the same assholes [url=]fucking this [url=]attack! Seems Islamists and right-wing radicals have an astonishing amount in common.

That's my last word on the matter.

My thoughts go to the families, friends and other loved ones of those lost in this cowardly attack.
jamyskis: There are a number of political extremists here in this thread (like infinite9) and in the larger world trying to extort political capital from this atrocity. They too are vile cunts and I wish them dead.
If you're hoping for other people's deaths, you're not exactly a moderate yourself, aren't you?
Breja: This forum seriously need moderation. There have to be some limits to what kind of violent, hate-filled filth we allow to be posted here. This is fucking sick.
CharlesGrey: This.
jamyskis: There are a number of political extremists here in this thread (like infinite9) and in the larger world trying to extort political capital from this atrocity. They too are vile cunts and I wish them dead.
I didn't neccesarly want to participate in the topic but somehow the chain combo by Infinite9/Breja/CharlesGrey/Jamyskis is somehow priceless.... :o)

Gotta like the defendants of censorship ^o^
jamyskis: There are a number of political extremists here in this thread (like infinite9) and in the larger world trying to extort political capital from this atrocity. They too are vile cunts and I wish them dead.
catpower1980: I didn't neccesarly want to participate in the topic but somehow the chain combo by Infinite9/Breja/CharlesGrey/Jamyskis is somehow priceless.... :o)

Gotta like the defendants of censorship ^o^
NuffCatnip: this had nothing to do with religion.
That's exactly what the shooter's father would like to have you believe.

Turns out he's a Taliban supporter.

You couldn't make this shit up!

Also, a gun ban would've done nothing to prevent this, as the shooter was a trained security guard and had a permit.
high rated
My gosh, people. This entire thread has QUICKLY degenerated into a warped mass of crap with politics and laws.


So the first thing everybody does is pop out of the woodwork just to mock and bash religion and talk about gun control laws? Seriously?
We've had enough divisive political threads that've gotten closed down just because this constant mudslinging goes on. You want to do that? Fine, you're perfectly entitled to, as it's your opinion, after all.
But does it really have to be the first thing on your mind when you see a massacre? Do you really think this is what they or their families would want?
Have some freakin' respect.
high rated
morolf: But there isn't a state run by violent Christian extremists where gays are executed just because of their homosexuality, (...)
There are also numerous Islamic countries like Saudi-Arabia which have rather severe punishments for homosexuality.
The US might have a lot of religious crazies, but really, there is no equivalence.
You mean like Uganda? You mean like many other African countries? You mean like Jamaica?

There are plenty of christian countries out that there that punish gays. The US itself made gay sex a felony until 2003, and some gays are still tortured in christian conversion camps to "fix" them. The catholic church opposed a non-binding UN resolution calling on countries to not kill gays. Numerous christian leaders in the US have gone abroad pushing their anti-gay agenda elsewhere. There are TONS of people online constantly expressing the most horrific things to gays, playing a role in the high suicide rate of gays. And of course the bible itself calls for the murder of gays. Don't for one second think that christianity is an ideology that is mild and respectful towards homosexuality, as it absolutely is not.

I'm surprised that people here are taking the gun angle on this shooting when that is not the issue. The issue is his motivation, his thinking, not the tools with which he did this. If he called 911 beforehand and said he was doing this for ISIS (which is suspect for the media to claim, as it's an odd thing to do), then we can infer that it was religion's anti-gay teachings that were behind this.

I am beyond sick and tired of people claiming to love and revere ideologies that call gays perverted and degenerate abominations, and then act all shocked and surprised when gays are oppressed, beaten, killed and tortured. It is ideologies that lead people to commit such acts, beliefs that there is an invisible being that wants you to go and kill "those people" because it hates them, whoever "those people" are, that is the problem.

This shooter is only one example of a much larger problem, teachings that hurting and killing and oppressing other people are good. It is these teachings, regardless of the source, regardless of the name, regardless of whether they are from of your pet religion or favorite philosopher or personal musings, that must be universally and constantly condemned, in the strongest terms.

What this shooter did was horrible, and any person or teaching that supports it is horrible as well.
zeogold: My gosh, people. This entire thread has QUICKLY degenerated into a warped mass of crap with politics and laws.


So the first thing everybody does is pop out of the woodwork just to mock and bash religion and talk about gun control laws? Seriously?
We've had enough divisive political threads that've gotten closed down just because this constant mudslinging goes on. You want to do that? Fine, you're perfectly entitled to, as it's your opinion, after all.
But does it really have to be the first thing on your mind when you see a massacre? Do you really think this is what they or their families would want?
Have some freakin' respect.
Because a Muslim immigrant went on a rampage and killed a bunch of gay people at a nightclub, so therefore logic demands that we blame American gun owning Christians. I mean like... duh.

You're right I had forgotten about anti-gay laws in African countries some of which are rather extreme; and Christian groups play a very dubious role in that as well, don't want to defend that.
Just can't stand it when people try to relativize violence committed by Islamists...whatever the faults of other religions, Islam-motivated violence today is a major problem that doesn't really have any equivalents in other religions today (though certainly there are Christians that could be just as dangerous if they had the power to act on their beliefs, like those Christian Dominionists).
Post edited June 13, 2016 by morolf
low rated
tinyE: .
So glad you didn't get hurt, Mr e.