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NM why do I bother?
Post edited June 12, 2016 by sunshinecorp
low rated
DirkAustin: People take the amendments like they take the bible. They think those are timeless and are never outdated. When in truth, its the opposite, theyre very outdated and should be changed or gotten rid of.
sunshinecorp: People should open up a vocabulary.
An amendment is in fact, a change in frame of government. And it, itself can be amended.
You mean like how the First Amendment can be altered? I would happily do that in order to eradicate the Muslims and burn their mosques. I would also use such alterations to have any Marxist that tries to disarm the American people of semi-auto rifles like the AR15 thrown out of helicopters over the ocean.

I would even support an Anders Breivik style attack on left-wing political groups except instead of targeting dumbass teenagers, he should have bombed Labor Party headquarters and then shot some Islamic migrants.

Also, if any governmental agency targets people for simply owning AR15 and semi-auto AK-style rifles, I would support a Timothy McVeigh style attack on that agency. After all, he bombed that building in Oklahoma City in retaliation to federal agents burning kids to death in Waco, Texas.

My support for the right to own guns including semi-auto AR15 rifles is absolute. I would be willing to ambush people to preserve it. Islam, on the other hand, is cancer and the First Amendment should be amended to outlaw it.
infinite9: after the left-wing subhuman mongrels
Jesus H. Christ.

infinite9: I would even support an Anders Breivik style attack on left-wing political groups except instead of targeting dumbass teenagers, he should have bombed Labor Party headquarters and then shot some Islamic migrants.
This forum seriously need moderation. There have to be some limits to what kind of violent, hate-filled filth we allow to be posted here. This is fucking sick.
Post edited June 12, 2016 by Breja
high rated
infinite9: You mean like how the First Amendment can be altered? I would happily do that in order to eradicate the Muslims and burn their mosques. I would also use such alterations to have any Marxist that tries to disarm the American people of semi-auto rifles like the AR15 thrown out of helicopters over the ocean.

I would even support an Anders Breivik style attack on left-wing political groups except instead of targeting dumbass teenagers, he should have bombed Labor Party headquarters and then shot some Islamic migrants.

Also, if any governmental agency targets people for simply owning AR15 and semi-auto AK-style rifles, I would support a Timothy McVeigh style attack on that agency. After all, he bombed that building in Oklahoma City in retaliation to federal agents burning kids to death in Waco, Texas.

My support for the right to own guns including semi-auto AR15 rifles is absolute. I would be willing to ambush people to preserve it. Islam, on the other hand, is cancer and the First Amendment should be amended to outlaw it.
Oh, there's something absolutely and seriously wrong with you.
infinite9: It should be of no surprise that an Islamist would do this in the US. The doctrines of Islam are about destroying western civilization. There are only two kinds of Muslims: the militants who commit these atrocities and the ones who use self-pity and claim that they are victims too while looking the other way while their militant brethren plot more attacks.

Also, contrary to what the Muslim-sympathizers claim, Islam did NOT create the number zero, Islam did NOT develop new mathematics, Islam did NOT give Europe the astrolabe, and Islam did NOT give us our modern numerals. The number zero existed in various places of the world before Islam, our mathematics are mostly Greek, the Astrolabe was invented Europeans, and our numerical symbols came indirectly from Aryan-descent South Asians.

Islam is basically cancer and the liberals, cucks, and egalitarians are growing it by allowing it to get away with more shit and to distract the masses from its awful doctrines. People are blaming guns especially semi-auto rifles like the AR15 or AK variant thereby transferring responsibility from a human being to an inanimate object. Our country got safer as private gun and ammo sales rose and as conceal carry permits were distributed in greater volume across the nation. The reason for that is because 1) criminals are usually unwilling to risk getting shot 2) criminals have been shot dead or injured thereby ending their career 3) criminals have retreated from a gun being pointed at them 4) the vast majority of the American people are not a bunch of ghetto monkeys or Islamists.

Of course, it is no surprise that first group of people the libtards blamed were white Christians until reports came out that it was an Afghan-American Muslim. Then they blame guns and the fact that we do not live under a Soviet system of gun control.

DirkAustin: This is so sad. What goes on in the mind of someone who does this? And ban assault rifles already, its clear that those that own them dont defend themselves with them but want to murder others. :(

Theyre not allowed to. Just got an update on Twitter on that. So its easier to get a gun than blood.
infinite9: Nothing wrong with guns. Muslims, on the other hand, need to get subjected to a cull. It was Islam that was responsible for this and not guns. Quit blaming guns like some kind of libtard.

By the way, Obama gave out plenty of guns without transmitters to drug cartels and Middle Eastern terrorists but libtards did not complain since they would rather blame the drug war while ignoring the motivation for the scam. Just saying.
Perhaps your post would be more fitting for the drunk thread? :-)
infinite9: after the left-wing subhuman mongrels
Breja: Jesus H. Christ.

infinite9: I would even support an Anders Breivik style attack on left-wing political groups except instead of targeting dumbass teenagers, he should have bombed Labor Party headquarters and then shot some Islamic migrants.
Breja: This forum seriously need moderation. There have to be some limits to what kind of violent, hate-filled filth we allow to be posted here. This is fucking sick.
Stahp. You can handle it. They're just words.
DirkAustin: People take the amendments like they take the bible. They think those are timeless and are never outdated. When in truth, its the opposite, theyre very outdated and should be changed or gotten rid of.
The first 10 Amendments are rights. Inalienable rights. These are supposed to be the things that we as people are allowed no matter what. Period. I don't see how it's outdated.
The right to free speech and religion? You think the government should be able to dictate a person's expression of self or expression of god?
The right to bear arms. You think the government should be allowed to do what they like without allowing you the means to defend yourself?
The protection from illegal search and seizure. Should the government be able to break down your down whenever they like for no reason and take what they want? This goes back to the right to bear arms and defend myself.
The protection from quartering soldiers. Should I have to house soldiers free of charge because Uncle Sam says so (the application is out of date, but the premise of the government having no say as to what I do in the privacy of my home exists).

The government that governs best is that which governs least.
Breja: snip
If he isn't yet on some US gov watchlist I'll be surprised...

As to the lack of moderation be it self-moderation, or from authorities... it's a war I'm not going back to: I served my time.
infinite9: [

I would even support an Anders Breivik style attack on left-wing political groups except instead of targeting dumbass teenagers, he should have bombed Labor Party headquarters and then shot some Islamic migrants.

Also, if any governmental agency targets people for simply owning AR15 and semi-auto AK-style rifles, I would support a Timothy McVeigh style attack on that agency. After all, he bombed that building in Oklahoma City in retaliation to federal agents burning kids to death in Waco, Texas.
Don't you think that's a bit extreme? I mean, I sympathize with some of your views...but terrorist violence shouldn't be the way to promote your political agenda.
Besides, it seems rather foolish to post such things online. You might draw attention by some security agencies to yourself.
paladin181: The first 10 Amendments are rights. Inalienable rights. These are supposed to be the things that we as people are allowed no matter what. Period. I don't see how it's outdated.
The right to free speech and religion? You think the government should be able to dictate a person's expression of self or expression of god?
The right to bear arms. You think the government should be allowed to do what they like without allowing you the means to defend yourself?
The protection from illegal search and seizure. Should the government be able to break down your down whenever they like for no reason and take what they want? This goes back to the right to bear arms and defend myself.
The protection from quartering soldiers. Should I have to house soldiers free of charge because Uncle Sam says so (the application is out of date, but the premise of the government having no say as to what I do in the privacy of my home exists).

The government that governs best is that which governs least.
Ah, but doesn't the government, yours and mine, violate those very constitutional rights frequently? They usually quote emergency laws or obscure by-laws or sometimes never bother with any excuse at all.
aaaaaaaaaaaand i'm out of this thread. anyone that replies to me, i'm sorry i'm just not being a part of this anymore.

later, taters!
Crewdroog: aaaaaaaaaaaand i'm out of this thread. anyone that replies to me, i'm sorry i'm just not being a part of this anymore.

later, taters!
What she said.
Crewdroog: aaaaaaaaaaaand i'm out of this thread. anyone that replies to me, i'm sorry i'm just not being a part of this anymore.

later, taters!
sunshinecorp: What she said.
Crewdroog: aaaaaaaaaaaand i'm out of this thread. anyone that replies to me, i'm sorry i'm just not being a part of this anymore.

later, taters!
Hey, no cutting in line! :P
sunshinecorp: Ah, but doesn't the government, yours and mine, violate those very constitutional rights frequently? They usually quote emergency laws or obscure by-laws or sometimes never bother with any excuse at all.
Does that make it right? No. These attacks are designed to get people to sell more of their rights for "protection" from terrorism and the like. People want to sell their rights because they never really needed them. Once they're gone and the government can exert its authority in a mass tyranny, then and only then will they regret giving their rights.