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People who bring up the 2nd Amendment fail to realize that when that was written, guns weighed 50 pounds, took two minutes to load, fired one shot, and were only accurate to within about ten yards.
Crewdroog: as long as i could go down as a very annoying thorn in their side, i'd be happy :)
Goddammit, that's MY line. :P
tinyE: People who bring up the 2nd Amendment fail to realize that when that was written, guns weighed 50 pounds, took two minutes to load, fired one shot, and were only accurate to within about ten yards.
Come now everyone knows that you can shoot and Indian of a moving horse at 500 yards .... I know this coz I watch a lot of westerns ...
Crewdroog: I own guns. I am a staunch believer in the 2nd amendment. like hardcore. however, this is the shit everyone is sick of:
fine people will still get their hands on shit if they want to, but let's fucking TRY to make it a little more difficult, yeah?
fucking NRA blood money those asshats keep taking doesn't help.
Stevedog13: I understand your anger, but if you are as much a supporter of the 2nd amendment as you say then I believe that anger is misplaced. Would you be in favor of a bill that authorizes law enforcement to bypass the court system and automatically imprison everyone on the FBI terror watch list? That is essentially what the bill in your quoted article was meant to do.The headline is horribly misleading. The bill was designed to restrict gun ownership to peoples whose names appear on an FBI watch list. There is no form of due process that goes into the FBI putting a person on that list. There is no proof or admission of guilt necessary before someone ends up on a list like that. No defined criteria exists for what is required before the FBI puts a name on their list and likewise there is no process in place for someone to clear their name if they were mistakenly put on the list. You cannot remove a persons constitutional rights solely based on whether or not their name was arbitrarily put on a secret government list. Had this bill passed then any law abiding citizen could be denied their 2nd amendment rights for literally any reason at all.
I am well aware of that, thank you, i still think it should have been passed :) and the money those guys got from the nra totally isn't what made them pass the bill, it was their looking out for us and our rights, right? right? LOL the same guys that passed the patriot act....

and fine, they didn't pass it b/c they were looking out for us. what have they passed instead? tried to pass? anything? I guess i'm just sick of seeing people get killed and would really prefer not the have a complete backlash where guns actually DO get banned from this country.

*and as a note, it is easy to misread things, and nothing i say to you is in anger or snarky :) *
Crewdroog: word :)

edit: i'm worried we are going to get into SUCH a backlash that they WILL take our guns.
That's the idea behind these "attacks." Government wants to sell you fear to take your rights so that they have even more extreme control. 9/11 could have been stopped and was assisted by the government to sow fear into the American people. "Be afraid of Middle Eastern terrorists, but we won't close the Mexican border to limit people entering the country"

It's simple as School shootings, Marathon Bombing, and this are orchestrated (when they\re not just fake attacks overall, like Sandyhook) to sow the most fear and discontent for people being able to own weapons.
tinyE: People who bring up the 2nd Amendment fail to realize that when that was written, guns weighed 50 pounds, took two minutes to load, fired one shot, and were only accurate to within about ten yards.
you assume just like we assume. in those days, those were some wicked weapons, er so i'd think.
tinyE: People who bring up the 2nd Amendment fail to realize that when that was written, guns weighed 50 pounds, took two minutes to load, fired one shot, and were only accurate to within about ten yards.
summitus: Come now everyone knows that you can shoot and Indian of a moving horse at 500 yards .... I know this coz I watch a lot of westerns ...
I can't believe we didn't get along when we first met. Shit, your my favorite person here now. :D
tinyE: People who bring up the 2nd Amendment fail to realize that when that was written, guns weighed 50 pounds, took two minutes to load, fired one shot, and were only accurate to within about ten yards.
People take the amendments like they take the bible. They think those are timeless and are never outdated. When in truth, its the opposite, theyre very outdated and should be changed or gotten rid of.
low rated
tinyE: People who bring up the 2nd Amendment fail to realize that when that was written, guns weighed 50 pounds, took two minutes to load, fired one shot, and were only accurate to within about ten yards.
Crewdroog: you assume just like we assume. in those days, those were some wicked weapons, er so i'd think.
wicked weapons to be sure, wicked firearms not so much. :P

I'm not saying we should ban all guns or burn the 2nd Amendment, I'm just saying that doing a little tweeking might not be a bad idea.
Post edited June 12, 2016 by tinyE
Crewdroog: you assume just like we assume. in those days, those were some wicked weapons, er so i'd think.
tinyE: wicked weapons to be sure, wicked firearms not so much. :P

I'm not saying we should ban all guns or burn the 2nd Amendment, I'm just saying that doing a little tweeking might not be a bad idea.
Yeah, just update it. But the gun nuts wont allow it.
Crewdroog: you assume just like we assume. in those days, those were some wicked weapons, er so i'd think.
tinyE: wicked weapons to be sure, wicked firearms not so much. :P

I'm not saying we should ban all guns or burn the 2nd Amendment, I'm just saying that doing a little tweeking might not be a bad idea.
Tweaking Islam might not be a bad idea either, but there won't be any pressure to do that.
DirkAustin: People take the amendments like they take the bible. They think those are timeless and are never outdated. When in truth, its the opposite, theyre very outdated and should be changed or gotten rid of.
People should open up a vocabulary.
An amendment is in fact, a change in frame of government. And it, itself can be amended.
Garrison72: Tweaking Islam
This gave me horrible visions of a reality TV show about muslim drug addicts.
Post edited June 12, 2016 by sunshinecorp
Crewdroog: you assume just like we assume. in those days, those were some wicked weapons, er so i'd think.
tinyE: wicked weapons to be sure, wicked firearms not so much. :P

I'm not saying we should ban all guns or burn the 2nd Amendment, I'm just saying that doing a little tweeking might not be a bad idea.
i totally agree with you :) <3

and the more and more this happens, the stronger and stronger i feel, even w/my huge lady boner for guns :) a few years ago, i'd have been waving the NRA banner.
Bouchart: Yes, muslims hate gays.
tinyE: So do most Baptists.

If this guy was Baptist would your first post have been, "The killer was Baptist."?
But there isn't a state run by violent Christian extremists where gays are executed just because of their homosexuality, like used to happen in Iran (don't know if they're still doing it, they used to hang gays from building cranes), or like IS does today (throwing gays off high buildings).
There are also numerous Islamic countries like Saudi-Arabia which have rather severe punishments for homosexuality.
The US might have a lot of religious crazies, but really, there is no equivalence.
Post edited June 12, 2016 by morolf
low rated
To the people bitching about how in the US we do not have Soviet-style gun laws, let me remind you that New Zealand allows people to own semi-auto "military-style" rifles like the ones some people here keep calling automatics or "assault rifles." Let me remind you that in the Czech Republic, they allow people to conceal carry and personally store semi-auto handguns last time I checked. These countries are safer than the UK and Australia that ended up with spikes in armed robbery, sexual assault, and home invasions after the left-wing subhuman mongrels implemented authoritarian gun laws. It also did not help that Tony Blair decided to mass import third world degenerates.

The rights of the people of the United States should never depend on the misconduct of thugs whether they be ghetto monkeys like in Chicago, IL or Islamists like the subhuman degenerate in Orlando. People have successfully used gun in defense when no other means of defense would have worked regardless of whether or not the assailants had guns. Many guns were distributed from governmental agencies to thugs around the world like when Obama mass distributed guns and ammo without transmitters to drug cartels and then pinned it on US gun stores in order to create blood libel against private gun owners. Also, it was not because of the drug war so do not try to make yourselves feel less guilty about doing heroin or Mexican marijuana.

The term "assault weapon" and "automatic" get thrown around loosely to make semi-auto rifles like the AR15 or AK variant sound like a full auto machine gun. Truth is the guns that get targeted by Marxists fire no faster than a cop's handgun.

Having said all that, quit blaming INANIMATE OBJECTS and just blame the perpetrator.