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Crewdroog: perhaps. but if shit were ever to hit the fan, i would like to know that i can at least try to do something. i mean, we beat a high-tech well advanced army before, right?
I don't think there can be any comparison anymore.
Sure you could resort to guerrilla warfare skirmishes against the US government. Yes, you'd be ultimately a very annoying thorn in their side. And most probably one that they'd locate with all their superior surveillance technology and simply crush with their vastly superior firepower. Remember, you're still a simple civilian with no special training whatsoever.
They're not.
Now, if you were Snake Plissken, I'd give you a win.
Orlando seemes to be fun place to be last 2 days.

It was fucked up weekend.
What a shitty day:
low rated
CharlesGrey: I don't know, if the government really turns against its own people, then an army of people with personal firearms still sounds a lot more respect-worthy and frightening to the opposition, than people armed with... sticks and stones?
DirkAustin: Why do civilians need to be armed? Thats what cops and the military is for.
You mean so that they can show up in time to draw chalk lines around your dead body? You mean so that they can get a statement from a woman who was just raped?

You cannot always depend on cops and military for defense.

Besides, the same people who claim that we should depend only on cops for protection are often the ones who claim that most cops are "white racists" who target blacks for sport. Their statements are "only cops and soldiers should have guns" and "cops and soldiers are thugs."
low rated
I blame Disney World.
Post edited June 12, 2016 by tinyE
Crewdroog: rights to bare arms
Bare or Bear? There is quite a difference there.
JMich: Bare or Bear? There is quite a difference there.
Crewdroog: perhaps. but if shit were ever to hit the fan, i would like to know that i can at least try to do something. i mean, we beat a high-tech well advanced army before, right?
sunshinecorp: I don't think there can be any comparison anymore.
Sure you could resort to guerrilla warfare skirmishes against the US government. Yes, you'd be ultimately a very annoying thorn in their side. And most probably one that they'd locate with all their superior surveillance technology and simply crush with their vastly superior firepower. Remember, you're still a simple civilian with no special training whatsoever.
They're not.
Now, if you were Snake Plissken, I'd give you a win.
as long as i could go down as a very annoying thorn in their side, i'd be happy :)
Crewdroog: rights to bare arms
JMich: Bare or Bear? There is quite a difference there.
whoops, it's bear :) my mistake. come on, english is only my first language ;)
Post edited June 12, 2016 by Crewdroog
Sadly horrors like this are occurring more and more , I don't know what the answer is to try and stop these appalling crimes against humanity happening.

For people harping on about Gun laws , I thinks that's something for the American people to find the solution to, no one else.
Breja: I'm learning so much about some people here. And I'm not liking most of it.
Breja: I'm learning so much about some people here. And I'm not liking most of it.
On the contrary, I still love you. And Poland.
high rated

173 attempted homicides, 25 Guns per 100 people, 18 firearm related crimes in 2014 - 8.1 million inhabitants.

Gun control won't solve anything, this is a social/cultural problem in the states as LiquidOxygen has already said.
Post edited June 12, 2016 by MaGo72
Dear lord, this is shocking news. I was already quite sad at that singer that got shot in front of fans and her brother - just yesterday? And now this... :(

I can't imagine how the families and friends of the victims must be feeling. Since the asshole doing this got what was coming to him maybe some folks will find some closure more easily. Still won't bring back any of their loved ones though.

I also see the thread is going places fast... a muslim shooter, disturbed at public displays of LGBT affection, pledging himself to ISIS before the shooting. The religious motivation is obvious, but for sure there were deeper issues and more causes. Reminds me a lot of that couple that went shooting in California some months back?

Also so tragic to think of the children. This guy had a 3 year old. The Calif couple left newborns with their parents right? I mean... doesn't fit in my mind really.

Either way I expect the situation will get politicized immediattely. Both sides will find it a great opportunity to and inflame identity politics / fear fo the other and help their voting constituencies up the stakes fo the coming election.
Crewdroog: I own guns. I am a staunch believer in the 2nd amendment. like hardcore. however, this is the shit everyone is sick of:
fine people will still get their hands on shit if they want to, but let's fucking TRY to make it a little more difficult, yeah?
fucking NRA blood money those asshats keep taking doesn't help.
I understand your anger, but if you are as much a supporter of the 2nd amendment as you say then I believe that anger is misplaced. Would you be in favor of a bill that authorizes law enforcement to bypass the court system and automatically imprison everyone on the FBI terror watch list? That is essentially what the bill in your quoted article was meant to do.The headline is horribly misleading. The bill was designed to restrict gun ownership to peoples whose names appear on an FBI watch list. There is no form of due process that goes into the FBI putting a person on that list. There is no proof or admission of guilt necessary before someone ends up on a list like that. No defined criteria exists for what is required before the FBI puts a name on their list and likewise there is no process in place for someone to clear their name if they were mistakenly put on the list. You cannot remove a persons constitutional rights solely based on whether or not their name was arbitrarily put on a secret government list. Had this bill passed then any law abiding citizen could be denied their 2nd amendment rights for literally any reason at all.
If it really turns out to have been a jihadi, this should be good for Trump's campaign.