RWarehall: 600+ votes on the wishlist in this short a span of time IS significant...
JMich: Indeed. About 20 votes per day. Significant numbers indeed.
RWarehall: And throwing out misleading numbers trying to outright dismiss this thread while implying that forum users are just insignificant and should never be listened to constitutes cherry picking.
JMich: True. I assumed there were 150 different people that posted in this thread and that 600 different people voted on the wishlist. True numbers are probably way lower than that, tell me if you'd like me to go for the lower number (which would be dismissing this thread).
And I never said that minorities should not be listened to.
RWarehall: How else does one measure such a silent majority anyway?
JMich: By seeing how many people actually buy Zachtronics games? I don't have those numbers though, so I can only guess. If you do have the numbers for the silent majority, please, do post them.
RWarehall: I really don't see the point in your post "raining on the parade".
JMich: If I see a group of 5 people saying "We are over 1000 people", I would question their numbers. Hopefully, they will be able to prove me wrong. I do enjoy being proven wrong.
eiii: So these votes very likely represent a much larger buyer base.
JMich: Ah, true. Forgot to take that into account. Thank you for correcting me.
So, what would your estimate be for how many copies a Zachtronics game would sell on GOG?
I just love the way you are completely dismissive of all the other users on this forum.
"talking about the forum users, we are not the user-base. We are a minority of the user base."
I guess "the great JMich" is just completely special and no one else can possibly disagree with anything he or GoG has to say.
I have, in fact gave estimates of this game on GoG, at 2800 copies in the first week if accepted at launch based on 10% of Steam sales.
Furthermore, you seem to be neglecting the first Tweet implying GoG rejected it because someone there thought it looked like a mobile game. But I guess you know better than Zachtronics in that GoG really meant that their other games didn't sell well enough.
I guess no amount of wishlist votes are good enough for you because the forum doesn't matter to GoG at all...