OldOldGamer: Today everything is done to please the player, often envisioned as spoiled kid, that needs everything now.
New weapons every 5 minutes. New armours. New spells. New something else.
Of course, with this is mind, items tends to resemble one another.
This statement is at odds with what I remember from the Metroid series.
In many 2D Metroid games (basically any except maybe Metroid 2), you could realistically expect to get an upgrade every 5 minutes. (This would put Super Metroid, which has 100 items, at 500 minutes, or just over 6 hours, which doesn't seem that ridiculous for a casual playthrough.)
But then comes Metroid Prime, the first 3D metroid, and suddenly upgrades are much rarer, to the point that the game is (IMO) less fun because of it. (It's not the only reason I didn't enjoy this game as much as the 2D Metroids, but it is *a* reason.)
I also noticed something similar in the Zelda series; try playing a 3D Zelda, then immediately going back to a 2D Zelda; you'll find that you make progress *so* much faster in the 2D Zelda, particularly if it's one of the NES games.)