HijacK: Ah well, there are always solutions to this. One would be to learn how to hack and fry their PCs. But ain't nobody got time to learn how to do that. This being said, I added hacking to one of my to do projects. One day I'll use those skills to protect GOG. :P
Getcomposted: And then join Anonymous? :P
Pfff, heck no. They'll be small time compared to me. :P I'll be the best hacker EVER! I will contact aliens before aliens contact us.
truhlik: It's always sad to see that scammers are everywhere and abusing people's generosity.
Crewdroog: But remember, the number of scammers vs awesome people is pretty low. Let's not let one jackass bring down the mood of a normally great place.
Speaking of:
Age of Wonders (steam) first to reply "yes please!"
I would have so wanted that if it was for GOG. But I got enough Steam games, so I'll leave it to someone else. Thank you anyway and +1! :D