I went to the park this one time.
There were all these birds. Some of them were big, fat, angry looking birds. Some of them were lean and hungry. I had a loaf of bread I wasn't going to eat, so I decided to toss out handfuls of crumbs to the birds. I tossed some over here, and some over there, and the birds all scrambled for them. I felt pretty good about it. It was fun, I was enjoying myself, and some needy birds got fed.
Then I noticed that some of the bigger, faster birds were actually the ones getting most of the crumbs. No matter where I tossed the crumbs, these same few birds would charge over and gobble them up, and there were a bunch of birds that didn't get anything. And I was like, "HEY, you big birds, stop being dicks!" And I would throw more crumbs. And damn if those same birds weren't still the ones getting most of the goodies, and other birds were like, "WTF, dude, how about some crumbs over here?" And I kept trying. And I would throw more crumbs, and those same fat birds kept hoovering them all, and I was all like, totally, dude, "HEY birds, knock it off!" And then I threw them some more crumbs.
I don't know what the moral of this story is.
But eventually I ran out of bread.