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xckx: PM sent. Enjoy!
xckx: PM sent. Enjoy!
blarth: Thanks!
You're welcome.
I've got an extra copy of storm in a teacup if anyone wants it.
It's an indiegala link that allows you to redeem the game on steam.
blarth: I've got an extra copy of storm in a teacup if anyone wants it.
It's an indiegala link that allows you to redeem the game on steam.
I would like to have that :)

got the pm, thanks mate
Post edited August 10, 2014 by fehag
fehag: I would like to have that :)
PM'd. Have fun.
high rated
Particulars (Desura) for the first reply that wants it!
Some additional info: I read it works very well on some Linux distros too, so don't shy if you're a Linux user.
blarth: Do you just want the first one? You can have all three if you like this style of game.
Grargar: ErekoseDM above asked about Hacker Evolution Duality if it was a separate Steam key.
thanks for your post ^_^
good looking out

Chappe: can i have Hacker Evolution pl? that would be great!!
blarth: Hi Chappe, looks like I missed ErekoseDM's request for Duality so I can't give you all three keys.
I will send you the Hacker Evolution key.

ErekoseDM: if i could get Hacker Evolution Duality that would be great.

but if they are all linked on one then nevermind.

blarth: PM'd.

Sorry about missing your post. Good thing Grargar pointed it out. : )
thanks for the Duality!
glad it was separate keys ^_^
HijacK: Particulars (Desura) for the first reply that wants it!
Some additional info: I read it works very well on some Linux distros too, so don't shy if you're a Linux user.
I'm both (windows + Linux), so I'd love to try it.
HijacK: Particulars (Desura) for the first reply that wants it!
Some additional info: I read it works very well on some Linux distros too, so don't shy if you're a Linux user.
wyattsmee: I'm both (windows + Linux), so I'd love to try it.
PM sent!
wyattsmee: I'm both (windows + Linux), so I'd love to try it.
HijacK: PM sent!
Thank you so much!

In return, I still have a copy of 1Quest (Desura) for whoever can use it.
Post edited August 10, 2014 by wyattsmee
high rated
Super Panda Adventures (Desura) to the first reply who wants it!
Just bumping this one.
Post edited August 10, 2014 by HijacK
high rated
I have an old Humble Bundle link for the following games that's just gathering digital dust:

Shank 2
Blocks That Matter
Bit.trip Runner

First reply with the correct answer to 81 divided by 9 gets the bundle. (Under the condition that you redeem it within the next 48 hours and you aren't a known leech or scammer)
It's like a free game vending machine in here lately. ^_^
BillyMaysFan59: you aren't a known leech
Is there a thread for such a thing? I know teshra wants one really badly.
BillyMaysFan59: you aren't a known leech
HijacK: Is there a thread for such a thing? I know teshra wants one really badly.
I don't think so. :P