misteryo: Well then, Hi! Welcome. Come on in. Have a cigar. You're gonna go far. Did we tell you the name of the game? No? We call it the Giveaway Train. And we can make it into a monster if we all pull together as a team.
Luthenn: Well hellou everybody ! It's actually very late here where I'm at ! :D My favorite game is Baldur's gate and I remember playin' it through Gamespy, about 4 years prior to it's shutdown and had a blast.... was playin' a kensai wizard :D
You have a very good taste in games! :D Baldur's Gate is one of my all time favorites, and probably # 1 RPG. I beat it as a Ranger. Ah, it is so wonderful, now I want to play it again! :P
I love the atmosphere, the raining and birds singing. I also like the fact that any enemy could prove to be the end of your party, no matter how cool you thought you were. The progression of story and strength is so mysterious, and it kept me playing very late in to the night. It's a masterpiece! Yeah, I'm sure you can tell I love BG. :)