GreenDigitalWolf: Thanks a lot! It's my first CIV game and I'm sure I will enjoy it from what I've seen and read :D
I saw that you have given more games, nice thing of you :)
Ragnarblackmane: Congrats mate, the Civ series is deservedly legendary, many happy hours to you:)
Thanks, I've read many awesome stories about Civ games where interesting things happen on on various occasions. Everytime I did I wanted to start my own civilization and see how everything goes. I like games where you can play for a lot of time and it doesn't get boring (if you like the genre), in this case by playing a different experience each time. Also, a friend recently got Civ 5 (I think it was that one) and he loved it, so he told me more game stories, which made me want to play more.
Maybe I'm exaggerating but I'm really excited!