kohlrak: I don't know about polish law, but in the US it would actually be illegal to make a statement. I imagine most countries have similar laws regarding commenting on employment status.
paladin181: How do you get that it would be illegal? Many companies release information like this all the time. I can understand why they wouldn't make a statement, but US law would hardly be the reason anyway I can see.
I don't know the official reason, but it could harm your ability to work 2 part time jobs at the same time, as well as could provide blackmail potential.
kohlrak: I never really felt any of it was honest, really.
Lukaszmik: I ran into it at the onset, and a lot of people involved then were simply angry about non-disclosure of personal relationship between somebody endorsing a game and the game's developer. The lack of journalistic integrity, basically. Nothing more, nothing less.
Ironically, the immediate hijack attempts of the conversation that I did see were from the usual sites catering to crowd loving their manufactured controversies to justify how much the whole world is against them or something.
That seems to be the point. Voices like Sargon of Akkad put the blame on the manufactured controversies. Most people don't take games journalism seriously (outside of stock holders and game making companies), but it definitely seems that the big picture at the end of the day was that people who would not have been involved at all got involved when it came to the manufactured controversies, 'cause that is how politics invades an area that it's not welcomed.
kohlrak: In america, for every republican accused of rape or sexual assault, there's probably 2 or more democrats (since the narrative is that democrats care more about women's rights, it's safer for a woman abuser to hide where they're assumed not to exist). Which do you hear more about?
Let me put it this way - the available statistics say otherwise. Behavior of each party members definitely says otherwise. When Franken's dumb "titty grabbing" photo came out, he resigned. When several Republicans got caught on worse things, they were fully supported by their party and nominated to key positions.
Please at least have the decency to acknowledge that part, rather than spreading the usual "both sides are the same (except Democrats are worse)" that has no basis in reality.
Did republicans have titty grabbing, or just unfounded accusations?
kohlrak: These people will meet congressmen in an elevator to harass them into making decisions in favor of a woman they don't know, whose accusations have not been verified, yet you won't see these people going after weinstein, anthony weiner, etc.
It certainly does not help when GOP refuses to allow things like an official investigation into rape accusations by our esteemed Supreme Court judge, though, does it? Funny how the "eevul" Democrats are more likely to politically kill their own party member (and a very effective one) for silly things, yet potential rapists get the "party stronk!" treatment by GOP.
That's funny, he was investigated 6 times prior, which is why the FBI took almost no time in finishing: they already looked into it before. The whole reason to keep doing investigations was to push the nomination past the mid-term elections, to wait for this "blue wave." This wasn't about Kavavnaugh, but about a power grab.
kohlrak: I remember a woman telling me that I was a misogynist for supporting Trump, 'cause he was tied to Epstein and there was a case against Trump for sexual assault allegations, yet "i don't want to talk about it," when bringing up that Epstein and the Clintons were much, much closer.
To be honest, I can't take seriously any claims coming from Trump supporters anymore.
The guy was a known fraud and conman before the election. After all the things he's done since, it takes a serious self-delusion to continue supporting one of the worst examples of humanity in general, much less somebody being a president of the goddamn United States of America.
I would try to defend trump, here, but why bother when the criticism is now levied at trump and trump supporters, while ignoring clinton? Thank you for proving my point.
kohlrak: You can force equality, but it's a question of whether it's equality of opportunity or equality of outcome. Outcomes do not necessarily correlate with opportunity, in fact they necessarily do not correlate if you accept that individuals are different and have free will.
For me, "equality" means acceptance of the various quirks and oddities that are keys to human nature. As long as it's not something harming others, equality is the tolerance of it.
That's fair to say, but there are different definitions of what harms others. This controversy about trans-rights? No one's being harmed: we're talking about having sex listed on IDs based on genetics. How does that harm the trans community? In none of the topics has this ever been enumerated. Meanwhile, every time someone abuses the issue we've ignored for a long time (bathroom policies), it's a "one off thing." Maybe it is, but we see more harm being done there than we conceivable have on government documentation.
True equality is of opportunity: everyone's going to have their quirks, so to let those quirks flourish, we shouldn't do anything that affects the outcomes of those quirks. When given equal opportunity, the quirks will cause different outcomes. Right now, we see disparity of outcomes as a justification for removing the equality of opportunity, which, by your own definition, promotes inequality.
You cannot force this kind of mind frame. Unless through generations-long systemic brainwashing, I guess, but I don't see that as a valid (or desirable) solution, either, regardless of the attempts of our educational system.
say what?
chandra: I can see that there is clearly still a need for a place to talk about the current events, as threads concerning this subject keep on popping up. While I do understand that, I would like to kindly remind you to mind our guidelines and stay civil. I really don't want to lock yet another thread, but I will be forced to do so if things get too heated and aggressive.
This post is not aimed at anyone in particular, think of it as a notice that i do monitor what's going on.
As others mentioned, the lack of official statement from GOG does not help matters, either.
If there's one thing I've learned by now, is that GOG really needs to work on communication with its core customer base. I think these are the people you should be worrying about offending the most, not some well-meaning idiots on a sites profiting from the controversies they bombard their "users" with.
And lack of communication with your users, especially when there seems to be a rather clear need for at least some kind of explanation, might end up more offensive and damaging to your business than some random hashtag SNAFU.
GOG does need to work on communication, but this is one of those issues we need to rspect.
Vainamoinen: It is true that he was doxed – and "
doxed" here means what the word actually means: His full name was of course readily available to those who searched for it last week, but the context matters, and here it was definitely posted to intimidate and fuel outrage against him, and in turn to get him fired. That constituted the dox. So, yes, completely and utterly unacceptable. The forum in which it happened took draconic measures against the doxxing members; there was never any address data posted to my knowledge; there were no threats of physical harm and violence; and he had completely withdrawn from posting before that, however. But that's literally all that can be said to alleviate that this shit happened. The theory that the dox
made him leave however is unsubstantiated.
Even releasing a name with a major controversy like that can ruin employment opportunities. If GOG didn't go after him, i imagine he fled out of fear. It's one thing to deal with keyboard warriors, but once they start digging up your personal information, even just a name (which can be used to derive other info), is a whole other story. They now have information on you, stuff that could ultimately be used against you and levied against you for power, but you have nothing on them.