That sounds like quite the bind, hope it's nothing too serious. In any case, you can probably deal with anything that's relatively static and not fast moving - a good time to get into RTSes or TBSes. Try the Anno series, if you haven't already. Heroes of Might & Magic III is also a good option (and an all time best seller on GOG).
paladin181: Other than that, depth is exactly the same for both eyes in games with 3D rendering.
You are right, of course. However, it can affect your FOV depending on the size of your monitor (sometimes even the sharpness of your vision), and get old very fast if you're playing fast paced stuff. As with all things in life, we tend to take this stuff for granted until it becomes a problem.
P.S.: I can somewhat relate to this due to a case of eye infection I had in the past.