I'll join in, I think - congrats on a rumbustious year! And thanks.
There are so many people here who make the place vibrant: you, for particularly relentless generosity; xckx for different but also relentless generosity; Fox and Chimp and Eye, for organizing and stumping for the remarkable Bonza and keeping us safe from the worst of the pillagers; Momo, for keeping us all reasonable. Ddickinson and GenkiColleen for always being chipper and pleasant and present, and hosting (and directing) cheerful chatty giveaways. Ragnar, who hasn't been around much lately I think, for Beard. Madth3 for the posting and posting and posting of all the gaming deals. Sinistar for being Sinistar (and Thespian, despite a recent break, for similar reasons). All the wacky cypher folks who run those insane solve-the-code giveaways, whose names I don't really know because I can never solve them. And DeMignon, for today at least, for telling me something important about Uplink: Hacker Elite that is going to save me at least one restart-from-scratch in the game. Budejovice, for being kind. And all the others who I'm not naming here, but could, but can't because I'm at work and they want me to, you know, like, work. From time to time.
It's a nice place to hang out. 8)
I'll be in, too, for:
Legend of Grimrock 2
Drox Operative
Strike Suit Zero: Director's Cut
Edit: And I really must add TinyE, for the nutty.
Post edited March 25, 2015 by LinustheBold