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Hey trentonlf, it's great that the GOG community was great to you. I've met a great amount of people myself, and I feel the atmosphere here is more relaxed than any other forum site I've been to.

I've traded games with a few people before on here, and they were all very nice, patient, and trustworthy. If someone wouldn't hold up their end of the deal, it would be dealt with, and that really exemplifies how much the community cares about each other. So yeah, I'd like to thank the people who do these giveaways and trades (yourself too, don't worry haha), and some of the people across various forums that I've had questions about a game for, or was able to contribute help.

I got brought into GOG because a few years ago, the original Fallout was free for a limited time, so I grabbed a copy. Then I really got into it when I saw all the bonus goodies and how well GOG polishes these games. Plus I like my games without DRM, makes everything less of a hassle.

You said we should list the top 4 games I am interested in, however I'm only really interested in 2 (hope this technicality doesn't disqualify me!) They are:

1) Legend of Grimrock 2
2) Ultima 7 The Complete Edition

Congrats on your first year and here's to many more!
Bumpy! Thanks for the giveaway and to all that make this a really friendly place! :D

Not in & +1! :D

(congrats on your gogversary also! :P)
trentonlf: Will probably close this in the next 24-36 hours.
tick tock, tick tock, tick tock...

OK then, so far the game I wanted is no-one's first choice. If by the time you close the GA nth changes, I'd like to be considered for:

- The Labyrinth of Time.

Cheers again for the GA, for the kind words, and above all, for being you! :-DD
I'm in
thank you very much and congratulations on your anniversary

There's just too many people here who make the community so awesome. Many people make fun contests, giveaways and stuff, or are generally helpful and nice and whatnot. Random picks would be like genkicolleen, TinyE, sachys, dzsono, real.geizterfahr, IAmSinistar, Hypersomniaclive and many more. The thing is that the list of scum people would be significantly shorter and in fact I haven't met such a person here yet.

As for what brought me to gog, there's not much of a story. I just found out on forums that someone is starting up a store for old games. That was pretty much it. The thing was in beta or some pre-final release state then and I also didn't really use my credit card for internet purchases back then. So I didn't create an account until later when gog was already on and people were writing quite positive feedback on the internet. So I rechecked it, created an account and here I was. My usual nickname was probably already taken so I came up with this one, however, I kinda made a habit of not using just one nickname for every account I make on the internet.
And ever since then it's my favourite store on the Citadel.

And the games I'm in for are:
Legend of Grimrock 2
Its really Just one Year?
You added already so much happiness to the community what will happen the next years? ;-)
After being offline for 2 weeks its nice to see at first such a thread.
Happy Anniversary and true respect TrentonIf, hope you will enlighten this community also in future.

1. As there are so much nice people here i just say a Thanks a lot to all people here in this thread
But a few people i want to mention especially.
I was more of reader then a writer but with their crazy humor they invited me also to have fun here:
So the monster insomniathread from Spring 2014 and contributions from people like sachys and his sidekick foxworks (or vice versa - not to offend anyone), IamSinistar, Momo1991, Stilton and Tarnicus brought me in and a lot of others hold me in.
2. When i joined gog nothing special brought me in, I think it was just a summersale on steam and my refusal to buy too much of them cause of the drm with the client and some troubles with the network - never was a friend of it and buyed only very few bargain games from them (and of humble bundle) the mentioning in a gamemag that there is a place to get old games and newer indies without hassle with clients got me in (first games was FTL and Myst)

Im sure i would have fun with Wasteland 2 but i wont play it in the near future - too much backlog and its so new i can wait to get it myself on a lower pricetag later, never was one to need the shiny new games already in the first weeks/months out. So not in, but Happy Anniversary and stay as you are TrentonIf
high rated

Winners announced in a few hours
congratz to your 1 year anniversary
1000 thanks!
Good bye real life :'D
high rated

Wasteland 2- jdsgn

Legend of Grimrock 2- Wolfsrain

Return to Mysterious Island- RWarehall

Vangers- Gede

The Labyrinth of Time- HypersomniacLive

Tetrobot and Co.- Accatone

Drox operative- Wurzelkraft

Shadowrun returns- mobutu

PixelJunk Shooter- Gede

Myst Masterpiece edition- dedoporno

Mark of the Ninja Special Edition- NerdQuest

A Story About My Uncle- Phandom

Strike Suit Zero: Director's cut- drealmer7

Blocks That Matter- bler144

Memoria- djdarko

Majesty Gold HD- Sulibor

Sanitarium- piapancudo

Ultima 7 The Complete Edition- DeathArcanum

Earth Worm Jim 1&2- DreamedArtist

Red Faction 2- Pardinuz

Outlast- Akimatti

Congrats to all winners!!
Post edited April 06, 2015 by trentonlf
Congrats to winner. Thanks again trentonlf!
A big thank you goes to trentonlf for his generousity and for his ongoing efforts towards this great community.
Happy one year anniversary and let's hope for many more great years to come!
Congrats to all winners.
jdsgn: Yeeeaaah!!!
1000 thanks!
Good bye real life :'D
Awesome! Congrats to you and everyone else!!! I've been playing Wasteland 2, it is really great If you like tactical RPGs, definitely play ranger difficulty, IMO.

Totally great! Thanks so very much trentonlf, as well as Oathe, dedoporno, HypersomniacLive, and Grargar!!! WOOooo!!!
Post edited April 06, 2015 by drealmer7
Special thanks to Trent and the other people who made this giveaway even better than it already was.

@Trent, may you have a lot more such anniversaries!
Post edited April 06, 2015 by dedoporno
jdsgn: Yeeeaaah!!!
1000 thanks!
Good bye real life :'D
drealmer7: Awesome! Congrats to you and everyone else!!! I've been playing Wasteland 2, it is really great If you like tactical RPGs, definitely play ranger difficulty, IMO.

Totally great! Thanks so very much trentonlf, as well as Oathe, dedoporno, HypersomniacLive, and Grargar!!! WOOooo!!!
Any important do's and don't's concerning character creation?
Post edited April 06, 2015 by jdsgn
Everyone enjoy your new games! And Trent enjoy many more years on GOG. :)