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Congrats on your 1yr anniversary.

The gamer and the collector in me wants to enter, but I own everthing on steam and some on gog all ready.

Thanks for the incredible giveaway and the chance.

edit: I opted out, as Outlast is in current humble bundle!
Post edited March 31, 2015 by gbaz69
high rated
Good old trentonlf, celebrating in his trademark way - throwing gifts at us!
Happy 1st GOGverasry, my friend, here's to many more to come; this community would certainly be a lot poorer without your genuinely kind-hearted, friendly and respectful nature, and your enjoyable sense of humour.
Now why does it feel that you've been with us a lot longer than only a year? Oh, I know, because you're an irreplaceable part of us.
A most heartfelt thank you for being my friend, I have been very fortunate you entered my life.

I've been very open time and again in the Thank the Fellows GAs about the people that make this place more than worth coming to, as well as the reasons. With some we've shared more and, in spite of the limitations of the medium in use, we have come closer over time, and I count you to my friends; you, budejovice, Dischord, foxworks, Enebias, IAmSinistar, ...
Additionally, you are all very respectful in your interactions with others on the forum, and all have a very enjoyable sense of humour; you always get a laugh out of me when you joke.
mrkgnao is another that makes me enjoy this place; no, not because of MaGog, while very much appreciated, it's his eloquence, cool-headed and respectful way of debating, and above all his excellent sense of homour that always makes reading his posts a pleasure.

Broken Sword: Director's Cut + The Original Game didn't exactly bring me to GOG, but it did make me sign up. I had been lurking in the shadows for a couple of years already, and on Sep 30, 2011 GOG was giving this one away; I took the plunge, and the freebie! ;-P

I intended to be in for this one as there is at least one game I wanted from the last Insomnia Promo, but it went by at hours I was catching some zzzz's (others I had to pass due to being annoyingly broke), but after being the recipient of some crazy ninja-gifting these past couple of days, it feels greedy to enter. So:

Not in.
HypersomniacLive: I intended to be in for this one as there is at least one game I wanted from the last Insomnia Promo, but it went by at hours I was catching some zzzz's (others I had to pass due to being annoyingly broke), but after being the recipient of some crazy ninja-gifting these past couple of days, it feels greedy to enter. So:

Not in.
You are far from greedy and I encourage you to enter :)
Just saw all the new additions from when I looked the other day, nice job everyone for donating to this! +1s!
Not in, sir. Just wanted to say thanks for staying one full year here on GOG, and for this fantastic giveaway.
REP+ for your kindness ;)
Azrael360: Not in, sir. Just wanted to say thanks for staying one full year here on GOG, and for this fantastic giveaway.
REP+ for your kindness ;)
You've only been here a year? I would have thought it was more like 3 or 4. And I gotta say, this place has probably the best community I have ever seen on a forum. I have been a member here for a while but just never looked at the forums, which I now regret!
Anyway, +1
Thank you for such generosity!  It's always a pleasure to read your posts, and you're one of the people who make this forum a better place! :-)

There are so many good people in this community, and listing them all would be impossible!  If I really had to thank six members, I'd probably choose ZFR, Ghorpm, genkicolleen, misteryo, helpo1 and DeMignon for their kindness, but that's just the tip of the iceberg... The community itself deserves a huge thanks!

<span class="bold">Beyond Good and Evil</span> is the game that brought me here!  I had the retail version at home, but it came with Tagès, an annoying DRM! Every time I had to go to a different location, that stupid DRM had to check if the DVD was still in the drive. I had a dead silent computer at the time, and the noise of the DVD-ROM constantly spinning up and down was highly irritating! When I discovered that GOG was selling the game, it was an instant buy for me, and I could finally enjoy this little gem! It was just the beginning of a great DRM-Free journey! :-D

I'd like to enter for the following games (in order of preference):

▪  Legend of Grimrock 2
▪  Earth worm Jim 1&2
Thank you for this amazing giveaway trentonlf!

I wish to thank all of the members who helped me with my game-related questions: HunchBluntley, Grargar, coxdr, rtcvb32, triock, Lillesort131, WingedKagouti also Dischord and Tarnicus for their generosity (outside giveaways) and openness.
I would also like to thank _Slaugh_ and genkicolleen for making the GOG forums so much more interesting with their inventive giveaways and overall positive attitude.
And finally I want to thank to Sachys, foxworks and HypersomniacLive for the efforts they put in the TBBBBB giveaway.

One of my best friends brought me here by gifting me Unreal Tournament 2004 ECE for my birthday. He then advertised me the GOG way, as the place of DRM-Free games and explained me what that means and how much more easy and reliable is this way (no more scratched CDs, no more searching for the updated version of *dll needed for the copy-protection software). After which I took a good look at the site and found many, many of my childhood memories on it shelves, fully compatible with newer systems and working with just one click, out of the box :)

I want to be in for those, in this order please:

Drox operative

A story about my uncle

Wasteland 2 Digital classic edition

Mark of the Ninja special edition
Oh deary me!

1. I would like to thank all the generous people who are giving gifts here, also all the people that like to participate in the discussions. I cannot remember a single discussion or thread that I've started that would not have gotten someone participating. But I cannot name any one person here. I don't know you people well enough to differentiate, but all in all these forums would not be what they are if there were more assholes here and I haven't met any. (Come to think of it, that might mean I'm the asshole but I'll hope for the best)

2. I've been with GOG from the beta beginning. Since I heard about it the first time, it doing a DRM free thing I was sold. Someone was finally thinking about the customers. I brought a few friends here with me, not sure how long they have stayed, though. I even ordered those GOG stickers when they were handing them out but unfortunately I couldn't find a place to put them that I would've been comfortable with. I've been a lurker for a looong time now, though, forgive me.

3. The top 4 games I'm interested in:

Legend of Grimrock 2
A story about my uncle
Wasteland 2 Digital classic edition
high rated
Bump for the weekend
GOG's notification system is completely borked, never got a flag for this. *sigh*

trentonlf: You are far from greedy and I encourage you to enter :)
Hmm... tell you what, if no one enters for the game I'm eyeing, I'll consider an entry for it. ;-)

Do you have a set deadline (hour) in mind?

And thanks a bunch for the kind words. :-)
I'm in. But how can it be that you are only here for one year now? Feels like you've been around forever (and I don't mean it in a negative way).

There are so many great generous and helpful people here, that it's hard to name one specifically. But when I have to, I will thank TinyE. It's so often that his posts make me laugh that I'm almost automatically happy when I see his avatar showing up in a thread. And more than once his witty comments calmed down a discussion that was getting a little heated.

The games I'm interested in:
Legend of Grimrock 2
Wasteland 2
The Labyrinth of Time
BillyMaysFan59: I'm afraid I have to concur with this statement. I appreciate how they got some new publishers and nice games here during the past months, but several things GOG has done recently are quite disappointing. One of the main reasons I keep coming here at all is because of all the admirable efforts of the community. Tracker threads, Barefoot Essentials, MaGOG, lgogdownloader, informative GOGmixes.... and the list goes on.

(still not in btw)
I think it went further downhill quite recently. GOG is just another faceless shop on the internet now.
Post edited April 03, 2015 by Wurzelkraft
BillyMaysFan59: I'm afraid I have to concur with this statement. I appreciate how they got some new publishers and nice games here during the past months, but several things GOG has done recently are quite disappointing. One of the main reasons I keep coming here at all is because of all the admirable efforts of the community. Tracker threads, Barefoot Essentials, MaGOG, lgogdownloader, informative GOGmixes.... and the list goes on.

(still not in btw)
Wurzelkraft: I think it went further downhill quite recently. GOG is just another faceless shop on the internet now.
:/ Yeah, not much integrity on their part anymore...