Good old trentonlf, celebrating in his trademark way - throwing gifts at us!
Happy 1st GOGverasry, my friend, here's to many more to come; this community would certainly be a lot poorer without your genuinely kind-hearted, friendly and respectful nature, and your enjoyable sense of humour.
Now why does it feel that you've been with us a lot longer than only a year? Oh, I know, because you're an irreplaceable part of us.
A most heartfelt thank you for being my friend, I have been very fortunate you entered my life.
I've been very open time and again in the
Thank the Fellows GAs about the people that make this place more than worth coming to, as well as the reasons. With some we've shared more and, in spite of the limitations of the medium in use, we have come closer over time, and I count you to my friends; you, budejovice, Dischord, foxworks, Enebias, IAmSinistar, ...
Additionally, you are all very respectful in your interactions with others on the forum, and all have a very enjoyable sense of humour; you always get a laugh out of me when you joke.
mrkgnao is another that makes me enjoy this place; no, not because of MaGog, while very much appreciated, it's his eloquence, cool-headed and respectful way of debating, and above all his excellent sense of homour that always makes reading his posts a pleasure.
Broken Sword: Director's Cut + The Original Game didn't exactly bring me to GOG, but it did make me sign up. I had been lurking in the shadows for a couple of years already, and on Sep 30, 2011 GOG was giving this one away; I took the plunge, and the freebie! ;-P
I intended to be in for this one as there is at least one game I wanted from the last Insomnia Promo, but it went by at hours I was catching some zzzz's (others I had to pass due to being annoyingly broke), but after being the recipient of some crazy ninja-gifting these past couple of days, it feels greedy to enter. So:
Not in.