Posted January 18, 2025
Xeshra: It does not seem like a common issue and not even sure there are at least 5 games i own (out of 400) affected by it. Yet if people are spreading their "issues" it sounds like almost every game is totally busted and they feel they need to use Steam or Goldberg all the time because of it... to say it blunt.
It doesn't affect every game but that's also not what anyone claimed either. It doesn't affect pre-2018 releases nor games that don't use Galaxy achievements because the wrapper is only needed for those. It does affect quite a lot of major post-2018 releases (Dishonored, Bioshock Remasters) and a lot of other same-timeframe Indie releases. I don't know why people can't discuss a subject like grown-ups on this forum without putting words into others mouths for the sake of attempted ridicule at "daring" to suggest GOG fix their bugs, but here we are...Post edited January 18, 2025 by AB2012