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Smannesman: snip
Emachine9643: Holy cow! I totally forgot about that game I actually liked it.
It's a fun game, unfortunately the path finding was never patched.
If they had patched that it probably would've been a good game.
Front Mission series - especially part 3 and 4. Its turn based strategy, if you like that genre give it a try.
There was a Mechwarrior game on the Amige, with RPG elements, I don`t remember the name.
Maxvorstadt: There was a Mechwarrior game on the Amige, with RPG elements, I don`t remember the name.
This most likely was Crescent Hawks Inception, if it was from original Battletech series
Maxvorstadt: There was a Mechwarrior game on the Amige, with RPG elements, I don`t remember the name.
hohiro: This most likely was Crescent Hawks Inception, if it was from original Battletech series
Yeah, it looks like this is the game I meant!
There are a lot of good mecha games I could recommend so I'll stick with whats just on Gog.

Shogo: Mobile Armor Division (1st person FPS)

Slave Zero (3rd person FPS)

Strike Suit Zero (Flight Sim)

Shattered Steel (Mech Sim)

Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri (Mech Sim)
Future Cop: L.A.P.D.
Strijkbout: Future Cop: L.A.P.D.
Future President: D.C. (a.k.a. Metal Wolf Chaos)
Strijkbout: Future Cop: L.A.P.D.
BenKii: Future President: D.C. (a.k.a. Metal Wolf Chaos)
You mean Future President Nixon.
Steel battalion
Crazy Ivan
Smannesman: That had mechs, but I don't remember the eject mechanic.
It did have such a mechanic. I haven't played it in more than ten years (well, I did launch it last year but had some graphical glitches and didn't even finish the first mission) but I'm quite positive that crews could move outside of the mechs. I'm not sure if they automatically appeared when the mech got destroyed or had to be manually ejected but as I recall the crew could move as a group of three men or something and could be sent into another mech.
P1na: Either way, I'm pretty sure you had to choose a pilot for each robot and that there were different experience level of them, and that you had to do your best to bring them back to base alive if you wanted to reuse them.
Yes, there was such a thing (as I just described above). I don't recall having to choose a crew before a mission or something but you could certainly move crews between mechs, at least during missions.
Strijkbout: Future Cop: L.A.P.D.
Oh fuck yeah, still waiting for this one to appear on GOG. Hope we'll have another batch of Ubisoft game (IIRC it was a Ubi game).
Post edited July 05, 2015 by F4LL0UT
Does Amok count? I suppose it wasn't considered very good, though.
I now that aren't oldies, but in strategy mech games, the Supreme Comander series are good games.
thejimz: Does Amok count? I suppose it wasn't considered very good, though.
The only reason I even know about that game is because Jesper Kyd composed the soundtrack. I gave it a try after learning about it. I didn't play it much, don't recall if the game was awful or just meh.