Posted August 21, 2021

Thanks for making such a great place!
I am wondering, if I just cannot see it or is there a way to download an offline installer of an older patch-level of the game.
For example in the game "Control":
Currently, there's an "Update 2" as offline installer offered and a "Patch Update 1 to Update 2".
Can I somewhere get the files for the older game version, i.e. original release, and/or Update 1 instead of the current one?
Thanks, and keep on doing what you're doing!
Having said that, they do still keep old versions around on their servers so if you contact GOG support and ask them nicely for access to an older version of a game and explain why... such as a mod you want to use requires it, or some other reason they have in the past often honoured such requests and provide a link or some such to obtain the older version.
With the heightened load on support due to the COVID lockdown and people working from home, their support request queue is perpetually overburdened however and they do not respond to support requests within their previously advertised 24-48 hour support window anymore and I don't think that will change any time soon. Also, they give priority to the most critical customer support issues first so non-critical requests like downloading an older version of a game might get a super low priority or even get refused or ignored due to the support load. This sucks, but is understandable to a degree due to the current pandemic situation at least.
I really hope GOG hires a bunch more people for their support team so they can return to having a good support experience again as it was in years past, because the current support situation is bordering on terrible even if there are good reasons to explain it. Time for the parent company CDP SA to spend some of those eddies they made from Cyberpunk on hiring new staff... #JustSaying :)
Anyhow, if you make a polite request to support hopefully you'll get lucky and they'll send you a link for your game.