CarChris: Interesting subject. Buying many games not only makes you anxious about "When am I going to find the time to play them all?"
Right now I have I total of 132 games I want to play
I have the same "problem", especially as I realized how many months I had played e.g. Jedi Knight + Mysteries of the Sith expansion, or Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain (which I just finished yesterday), before actually finishing them.
My backlog is much bigger than yours, I have 2493 games on GOG alone (no I am not expecting to play even half of them at least to completion, but still), and also hundreds of games on Steam etc... and sometimes I get an urge to play some older console games on emulators or stuff, like now I have this feeling should I play all Zelda games (maybe not the Gameboy versions, too crude) as I'd like to buy the two newest Zelda games for my Nintendo Switch...
Also it is a bit of a problem that most of my gaming time still goes to Team Fortress 2 (an online shooter), and playing my backlog of single-player games comes after that. Sometimes I kinda wish Valve would just shut down TF2 so I'd use my gaming time to single-player games only. This is the same reason I never tried out World of Warcraft, I was afraid it would eat too much of my time. It is a good thing it actually cost money so that was an easy decision to me as I don't want to pay monthly, or any, fees for online multiplayer games (TF2 is free to play, I have used a total 0,30 euros to it during all these years, just to get an expanded inventory).
Another problem is that I many times feel my "duty" is to finish the games too, but sometimes I decide not to, if I just don't enjoy continue playing the game. This happened with e.g. Forsaken (=an insane difficulty level) and Daggerfall (= just too buggy and unfun to play overall), I am not trying to finish those games because of some sort of obligation, but still I feel a bit bad not finishing Daggerfall before continuing to Morrowind or newer TES games.
And yeah, that is part of the problem too, the thinking I want to at least try earlier games in the series, before jumping to newer ones. Like not playing Skyrim before at least trying the earlier TES games, or not jumping straight to The Witcher 3, without playing the earlier Witcher games.
Maybe I also should play more other genres than e.g. RPGs which tend to take insane amounts of time to complete. Then again, quite often so do mere FPS or RTS games. E.g. Portal and Limbo were refreshing to me as finishing them certainly didn't take months (like most games do to me), I think I finished both in a couple of days which is quite uncommon for me. And still I felt they were good experiences, didn't feel like they should have been longer.