Time for an update!
BillyMaysFan59: I'm sure awalterj couldn't resist "sinning" today. =)
Yes, indeed :) The top men did this on purpose, to sabotage my noble quest! I had no choice. They carefully softened up mental resistance with various supreme releases like the Anno games, Archimedean Dynasty, Albion, Revenant, The Elder Scrolls games, Doom/Quake, they even resurrected the Fallout games from the Dead. Ok, I already had all the Fallout games on my GOG shelf from before but I resisted
all those other releases, as unimaginably hard as that was.
Good news: I managed to stay clean for a record length of
69 days between June 19 and August 27. That is a
265% improvement over my previous record of staying clean for 26 days. On average, I've bought one game every 10 days this year compared to 0.5 games per day last year so despite 26 relapses in 2015, I'm still doing 5 times better than last year.
Edit: I miscounted something, my previous record wasn't 26 days but 53 days (forgot to count February) so the new record of 69 days is only a
130% improvement
Good news™: Between August 28 and yesterday, I bought 3 games (Fran Bow, Stasis and Shadow Watch so I guess I have to to update my list in OP. I managed to resist all the games listed above because they're classics most of which I already played years ago and I can always wait for them to go on sale but the key combination of Fran Bow and Stasis was impossible to resist because they're new and exciting and I've been waiting for Fran Bow for months. Played the demo and instantaneously knew that I'd like the game. And I did end up liking it! -->
review If it was just Fran Bow alone, I could have resisted and waited but when I found out about Stasis, I knew that I wouldn't be able to pass up that one. It's a game I never heard about until a couple weeks ago so I downloaded and played the alpha demo and was very pleased. Someone actually made an isometric sci-fi horror point & click adventure game, it's as if untold desires had materialized. This is a great niche that hasn't been filled so far. All the other sci-fi horror games are FPP like System Shock/Dead Space etc and in terms of isometric point & click adventures with prerendered 2D graphics, I can't quite remember any since Sanitarium.
I've always been a big fan of isometric SVGA graphics and greedily gobbled up games like Syndicate, Sim City 2000, Transport Tycoon, Crusader No Remorse, Little Big Adventure, Diablo, Arcanum etc. But I've never seen anything with such beautifully prerendered isometric graphics like Stasis (resolution is limited to 720p though so don't expect miracles), almost couldn't believe this was made for the most part by just one person, Chris Bischoff. That's a hugely impressive achievement and deserves to be supported with more than just words which is why I decided to buy the game at full price rather than wait for a discount. If the money goes towards another project like this, I consider it money very well invested. Had a great time with the game, here's a short
review So knowing that I would end my record clean streak anyway, I bought Fran Bow a couple days before Stasis but at least I downloaded and finished both games already so it didn't add any backlog. And now that Shadow Watch has finally been added to the GOG catalog, I couldn't have kept going with my clean streak anyway. After all, this is the very first game I voted for on the
wishlist 2 years ago because I had trouble getting the original CD version to run on Windows 7. It worked but the scrolling was choppy as hell and the GOG version runs without problems - so far. I've only played one short mission to test things out, hopefully I'll have more time tomorrow. Going to take my sweet time with this one, must savor it!
I'm terribly backlogged in terms of giveaways but they'll all happen in due time, as they have happened so far and shall happen henceforth. With the exception of Fran Bow and Stasis, I already have extra gift codes for every game I bought this year (including Shadow Watch). On release, Fran Bow was one of the games which GOG didn't allow gift code purchases for but that restriction seems to be over so now I have no excuse, except for this big one: It will break my finances if I buy gift codes for Fran Bow and Stasis right now so I'm going to have to think of something. Stasis is definitely out of my reach, it was 20% off initially but that was still $22.79 - it's a regionally priced game so $2.79 of that was store credit, meaning I only had to effectively pay $20 but that was already above my usual pain limit of $15 per game even if it's new games. This is the first time I've spent this much money on a game since buying No One Lives Forever 15 years ago (paid $70 for that one and still have it on CD, one of the few games I didn't get rid of).
Anyway, I just realized there's a loophole in the small print of my OP in this thread, it says I have to "make a giveaway as punishment" but it doesn't say it has to be a giveaway for the same game I sinned with. So I could cheat by buying something expensive and then "atoning" for that sin with peanuts codes I already have....Mohohoho!
Then again, that would be counter productive to my therapy as it drastically reduces the hurdle this rule was meant to provide, thus making me not fear my own punishment. Not good, not good. Either way, by the time I've worked down the list of backlogged giveaways, maybe Fran Bow and Stasis will go on sale but if that's not the case then I might have to use codes for other games even if that's a lousy cop-out. I have to look at things pragmatically: If I go broke completely then that's not so good. The old saying panem at circenses is more like "aut panem aut circenses" in this case, if you know what I mean. It's really fortunate that I formulated the rules in a way that it says I must report my deeds immediately (I guess within days is okay-ish) but that I didn't set a time limit for the giveaways. Of course, this shall not be an excuse for stalling. Ideally, there would be no excuses at all! But then again, if I was so perfect that I didn't need to make excuses, I would be perfect enough not to buy games when I set out not to buy games and then no one could profit off my misfortune, so things are better for everybody if things are the way they are right now. This sounds oddly illogical, but it's not that illogical if you think about it.