Posted January 06, 2015

I kind of like looking at my huge collection but I also always feel guilty because there are so many I have not played.
My completion rate is less than half of yours and I've been buying games at a much quicker rate (0,55 games per day on GOG alone) )so I am looking towards an equation that will never be solved unless I curb my buying for a time. Maybe I could allow myself to buy one game for every 10 games completed? That would be less fanatical than to stop buying completely but for the moment, I've decided to apply drastic measures to myself in that regard. Mainly because of finances, if I had plenty of money I would see it as supporting GOG and keep doing it regardless of how immense the collection grows. One of our members (Barry I think) owns the entire catalog and that's perfectly fine as I'm sure he can afford it.

Nothing wrong with too less or too many games,don't worry about trying to keep up with the (Jones).
There are far worse additions than this in the world...:-)
Yes there are worse addictions than this, like I said this is #firstworldproblems 101. However, it's better not to ignore any addictions, even the seemingly harmless ones, as they might be connected to underlying issues that are more problematic.
As long as I could afford to purchase everything I wanted I didn't see it as a problem but now that I can't afford it, it has become an issue. This self-help thread is not for everyone who own a lot of games, only for those who see their game purchasing as a problem, either because of finances or because it makes them feel unhappy/guilty/overwhelmed. Or both.

I miss the old times when I could travel to some place and one Swiss Franc would get me 1000 Lira in Italy and so on, it was fun.

I'll keep buying games from here but have to take a break. I'm quite certain that GOG staff would approve to me playing more of their games instead of just being a zombie collector. By playing games, I ultimately spread more love for GOG in this world than by hoarding endlessly.
I contemplated deeply before making this thread, debating with myself if making such a thread violates the "don't shit where you eat" principle, a principle I certainly believe in.
However, this is not a call for rebellion, I'm not telling people to not buy games. I want to discuss the topic of game purchasing addiction in a group therapy manner and my current decision to not buy any games does not have to be someone else's decision. It's a drastic measure for myself as I haven't come up with a better solution plus as I said, I simply can't afford it. For anyone who is equally broke, it is definitely a sensible decision to stop buying games for the time being. This is not a protest in any way.