Hmm. I am personally helped by few conditions which helped me cease my desire to buy on this Summer sale:
1. Not so good internet. Limited quota, and not so fast download speed (usually just around 150 KB/s).
2. Recent weakening of my country's currency (IDR) to US$
So far I only bought Jade Empire, Valdis Story, and Postal 2. I bought Jade Empire because in the past I played the game and finished it, but it was pirated game (that time it is very difficult and very expensive to get original game in my country). I bought it because of... I feel guilty, I guess. I feel that I should buy the original as it is more accessible -even from my country now. I bought many games before also because of this reason.
For Valdis Story it was because in my wishlist and caught my interest since long ago. And I found the price is just right. For Postal 2, well... it is $0.99. I thought it won't really hurt much and I am really curious about the game. I think that's it. My total spent in this summer sale is $7.77. The rest is I was just prying into giveaway thread and got 2 games from kind people here on GOG.
I was about to buy BlazeBlue, but my first condition (the internet) really halted me to buy it. The download size is 8 GB. That would really eat my internet quota. This condition really helps me to ignore many games that have titanic download size (Witcher 3 for example).
And about the recent weakening of my currency to US$, it helped when I was about to buy Ys Foundation pack. It just simply too expensive for me right now. Heck, even $10 price tag is already too much for me before the recent currency weakening. Now $6 price tag is already too much for me.
Also, I have another reason that also helped me to not buy game. This reason also made me to remove some games from my wishlist recently. The reason is : "I don't have time to play this game. I need to allocate my time for other more productive activities". It helps for me.
But, you know, with all of those reason and conditions I am also still struggling with this GAS (Game Acquisition Syndrome). But, at least they really helped me to not buy games impulsively in the past 2 years. My tendency to buy on GOG or the one that provide DRM-Free installer also helps me (I usually ignore Steam sale or any bundle that only provide Steam keys)
Another way to stop buying games from my personal experience was : When you about to buy a game, find any reason that would make you feel bad if you buy that game. Sometimes I thought of : "It is better if I use this amount of money for charity".
I mean, you can use the money to buy a game for giveaway (a kind of charity I guess), but why not give the money for charity organization such as
Charity Water or perhaps other charity organizations nearby your neighborhood.
I think that was all from me. Happy struggling !