Calamitus: I bought only one game so far. Although every game in my wish list had a discount, i played almost all of them, so its not very tempting. I bought many games which i dont even want to play on the winter sale so it was a good lesson.
You have no newer games in your wishlist, or at least stuff you never played?? Aside from Gabriel Knight and Grim Fandango, I kicked off all the games I already played off my list. In the case of Gabriel Knight, I want to buy the remake to support the developer and contribute to a possible Gabriel Knight 4 that way, however the full price is clearly well above what I'm willing to pay despite all the good intentions. Thing is, there is no guarantee of Gabriel Knight 4 (and it being good if they make it) even if I threw thousands of $$ at the developer.
It's good to hear you learned from the winter sale, I learned too but the learning effect somehow didn't last :/
MrAlphaNumeric: I could definitely benefit from this group...
Welcome then, MrAlphaNumeric! Anyone in need of help is welcome here. Lots and lots of different strategies and tips outlined by all the various members here. You can also use the thread to pep talk yourself into some kind of action, or non-action in the case of shopping. It doesn't really work for me, this summer sale is my worst string of relapses since starting therapy but I'm nonetheless in much more control now than in the last big sales where I bought way more stuff and spent more money despite the fact that I am spending more on gifts now than on stuff for myself.
BillyMaysFan59: Got
Good News(TM)! and good news.
Good News(TM)!:
Caved in and bought a couple games.
The good news:
So far I didn't buy very much yet. None of the bundles interested me and I resisted most of the flash deals that were more or less tempting. Also I do plan on picking a game to donate to TBBBBoB.
I still lol at the ™ thing every time. I tend to call a spade a spade so I'm having trouble with smart marketing, pretty sure I'd be less poor if I started to ™ a little more in RL.
No idea what the TBBBBoB thread is about but if it involves gifting then it can't be a bad thing.
neuroboy: I've only bought the
Sam & Max Bundle in the sale so far, 'cos it was dirt cheap.
That's how they catch you. And then you're hooked and unlock the junkie level achievement!
neuroboy: I already own those 3 games on Steam, but I'm considering giving that account away with a PC I'm selling - it has 440 games associated with it, only half of which I've played. Bonkers I know, but it's a way of reducing my backlog of games that I will probably never get round to play.
Throwing the baby out with the bathwater, are we :)
bluesky777: This is simply not the time to stop buying games on GOG :)
Spend, spend, spend :)
Tora tora tora! ...and then one gets nuked :'(
One has to be careful. Everything in moderation is key. Come back and let the group therapize you properly!
Itlodeo: I read some post of this long thread. It's fun. :-)
Well I tought I had really too much game but I understand it's not so. I have here more than 400 games, but I have only few more games out of here and I play only on pc. I don't like consoles. I have just a machine (the pc) to make almost everything.
I Know I will not play all these games and I also bought some game I already have (but here I'm sure I will play them). But I really enjoy Gog. For me this is a special place so even if I buy something elsewhere too, I buy here most of my games and I like and play "good old games". Now I'm playing Ultima underworld for example. :-)
Welcome Itlodea, it doesn't sound like you're in trouble as long as you can afford it financially and feel no regrets (unless you're in the denial phase where you still feel good about it).
Seems still within reason from the sound of things and with 400 games you're surely far above average but I've seen way "worse" cases. Enjoy your games, but don't forget this group is always here if you do suddenly need help.
This is not designed to stop people from buying games but to help them gain better control of their habits and ensure that one is a happy member on the long term, and long term includes buying things again -within reason- once one has recovered from shopaholicism. Not buying anything isn't the goal per se, it's one method of shock therapy.
(and currently not working in my case and same with many other members)
We are h4r4 for you! Spill the b4ans, we're all on the same ocean - just sinking at different speeds.
dick1982: X-Com TFTD scarred me for life. i don't wanna play another x-com-ish unless it's made for retarded babies.
if i "make it" to the $50 mark, i will gift it away.
Perhaps you'd enjoy
Halfway, it sounds just like what you might like! It's nowhere as aggravating as TFTD. I currently don't have the stomach for TFTD either, just no thanks. Halfway is a fresh breeze and a wonderfully causal game in comparison. Still puts up decent resistance on hard mode though so it's a full recommendation from me for burnt out XCOM fans of ye olden days who want something more simple and fun.
ET3D: The easiest way to resist temptation is to not look at the store page. I just went there and immediately got tempted to look at some deals (though resisted the urge to buy).
I can't resist, it's the first page I check every day.
You can't tell me to simply not look at the cake, I know the cake is there. Always there!
ET3D: Looks like I've gotten pretty good at resisting temptation.
Last month I spent $1.25 on games and this month $1 so far (although I think I'll buy that $2 bundle at Bundle Stars). (This doesn't include Kickstarter pledges, which I account for separately.) Of course what I end up playing is hidden object adventures given for free by Amazon (but that's partly because Hellraid: The Escape crashes on my tablet).
Methinks not counting Kickstarter pledges is slightly cheating but I'm still in awe of such self-control. You seem to like games more than I do currently and yet I find it harder to resist buying them. Imbalance in the Force :/
I haven't played anything for two weeks now, hoping to get around to playing Sokobond or something short-session compatible like that from my newest trespasses.