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ET3D: Edit: I removed the details about my life, which felt like bragging. They were just meant to illustrate that it's possible to do stuff even if you're gaming. Gaming doesn't have to take over your life. You can play a lot and still schedule other activities.
Hey, I already read and enjoyed your post before you edited it! It wasn't bragging at all, if it's true then it's true and it's you sharing about your life, it wouldn't cross my mind to see it as bragging. I talk a lot about myself etc yadda yadda and I don't give the slightest damn if anyone thinks it's self-centered or bragging. It's in the eye of the beholder - even if someone incessantly talks about e.g. his car and how great it is and all, it could be passion or it could be bragging, or both. Or just trying to sincerely answer and not being able to keep it short in terms of word count. Who am I to judge? If it doesn't interest someone, they can easily ignore it. In live conversation it's different as you don't want to just talk about yourself blablabla while the other person sits there awkwardly and starts thinking you're an egomaniac but in written conversation, things are very different. Anyway, don't worry and just write. This is a group therapy thread after all, you're supposed to share and there is no limit. There is also no overshare. If someone feels you're oversharing, they can always tell you -after- you overshared and then you can say ok I guess I'll tell someone else then, it makes no sense to preemptively undershare. No one is forced to sit here and read anyone's posts, so no problem at all.

Would you consider to re-share what you un-shared? The more info you share about yourself, the more therapy effect you (potentially) get and it also makes it easier for other participants to therapize each other!

ET3D: I really think you should lay off the "waste of time" issue. If you have a generally productive life and a hobby or two that you feel are productive, then gaming or even watching TV isn't "a waste of time". It's a way to unwind, and that's something that's pretty good to do. It's a good thing that you're no longer dedicating all your time to gaming, but you shouldn't be ashamed of dedicating some time to it.
Gaming doesn't have an unwinding effect for me and I don't have much energy for unwinding activities to begin with. Which means that even my hobbies must be productive in some way, shape or form. Sports in moderation works well but only the type of sports where you have to react to another person. Ping pong is fun, martial arts are even better because you have no time to be elsewhere mentally. I have contempt for team sports because they are played in an antisocial way most of the time. There is a way to play team sports socially but most people seem incapable of doing that so I don't bother participating or even watching.

There is no element of shame here as I believe that not having enough energy isn't my fault. Me is the victim! If I had surplus energy and would hang out on this forum or play games, I would most absolutely feel shame for not putting that energy to better use. Saying that "it doesn't matter anyway if you have no energy, might as well be on the forum or play games" isn't acceptable to me because it's no strategy with potential progress.
I'm talking it more easy nowadays with everything so lack of energy can't be attributed to doing too much, or overdoing anything.
I hope you don't feel I'm shooting down your advice, it's great that you write it here because it might help others but in my case, I must find another way.

vicklemos: Who in here has +1000 games, just waiting to be played?
You sound like a rather serious case. Welcome to therapy, vicklemos! do you feel about having +1000 games?

dick1982: call me a buccaneer who should be charged as a violent criminal and thrown in for 7 years, but i'm more like "stop going to emuparadise to see all the ps1 games i used to play on a real console".
Well, at least that doesn't cost you any money. Plus, I think hardly anyone on here is not guilty of the sin of emulating...

ET3D: Bought Unrest on Indie Game Stand for $0.25. I'll probably never play it, but it's a Kickstarter project I supported with $1, and I like to have the chance to check the result of these projects I back below game the game tier.
Another store I didn't know yet, of course I had to run over there immediately but fortunately I didn't find anything so I'm back here where I belong :)
Sale for under $1 are particularly dangerous, I recently bought something on Steam for 99 cents. I really need to update my relapse list, it's outdated.

Gnostic: I fail. I sinned. I only last 1/2 month.
Ah crap, sorry I didn't respond to your earlier post where you said you wanted to stay clean for one month, I'm actually trying to do the same in part thanks to your post. Technobabylon on April 30 was supposed to be my last purchase before going clean for all of May. But I failed as well, because they added Black Mirror 3.

Earlier on, I had written an email to Nordic telling them that I won't buy any more of their games unless they come back to GOG and add Black Mirror 3 here (since the other 2 are already here), and because they did come back and added Black mirror 3, I was bound to make the purchase.

My word to someone else (=buy Black Mirror 3) takes precedence over my word to myself (=don't buy any games) in this case. It's still an infraction though.

Next time, I'll try to support you in time, before you go off the rails!

JudasIscariot: While our business model does rely on us selling games, we're not going to be so crass about it that we'll be taking down threads and all :) We're not all "Buy or GTFO!" :)
johnnygoging: Please make a T-Shirt saying "NO-DRM or GTFO!"
Actually, there already is such a t-shirt, the "Join the DRM-free Revolution" one (see attachment)
drm-free.jpg (117 Kb)
Post edited May 15, 2015 by awalterj
I found this article .
Gnostic: Oh Dear,GoG is trying hard to tempt me with the latest release. I have 20 more days to go to get a clean month. Must Resist.
Resistance is futile you will be, o wait thats not starwars
Feel the power of the dark... . thats not fitting either :D

maybe this obi wan quote might help:

"Use the Force, Luke."

if that also fails , you might try to use this:
helmet.jpg (16 Kb)
Post edited June 03, 2015 by gamesfreak64
I get a feeling this thread should prepare for the great post June 21st spike of people suffering of Postsale Stress Disorder seeking help
Post edited June 03, 2015 by Sockerkaka
ne_zavarj: I found this article .
Thanks for the interesting link, I read the whole thing - sorry I didn't reply yet, I'm completely exhausted from work these days (more like slave labor, but I have a very nice view from work so it could be worse)
Some of these tips obviously can't be applied to difital goods such as game downloads and some of the other stuff is common sense I've already tried, currently the one and only thing that keep me from buying more stuff is my "have to buy extra copy for giveaway" rule. Even though I have to pay double, I'm still saving money because I'm buying a lot less games now.

gamesfreak64: Resistance is futile you will be, o wait thats not starwars
Feel the power of the dark... . thats not fitting either :D

maybe this obi wan quote might help:

"Use the Force, Luke."

if that also fails , you might try to use this:
No amount of tinfoil can save you here. I had to laugh so hard when I saw the GOG main page today...and I'm not surprised to find this thread being re-activated in these dire times.

Sockerkaka: I get a feeling this thread should prepare for the great post June 21st spike of people suffering of Postsale Stress Disorder seeking help
Oh yes, oh's a shame I haven't been able to properly host the therapy here, as explained above I'm totally drained after work these days and in no mental state to be therapizing anyone (including myself) but I hope everyone here will try to help each other best they can!

As of today, I've been clean for 26 days, this seems to be the magic limit so far. I've managed to stay clean for 26 days twice before but never longer. Why couldn't this summer sale have started the day after tomorrow, that way I could have beaten my record. I still have a chance to do so -if- I don't buy anything right now....
Post edited June 03, 2015 by awalterj
Somehow, two games popped into my shopping cart and this is the first round of the sale, argh!

A Golden Wake - because it's the only Wadjet game I haven't played yet
1954 Alcatraz - because it's a decent looking point & click adventure that is normally completely overpriced

Haven't pulled the trigger on the purchases yet but my resolve is wavering. QUO VADIS free will?!

I'd like to mention here that I have spent an absolute zero amount of money on games in the last decade or so. Would like to have that boycott broken of course, but no dice. Can't trust even GOG to not fuck things up in the future.
Update: Clean since 0 days

So much for that...good news is the according giveaways will follow :)
awalterj: Update: Clean since 0 days

So much for that...good news is the according giveaways will follow :)
And the GOG style "Good News(TM)!" is that you caved in? :P

Anyways... I'll see if I cave in once the new deals show up.
awalterj: Update: Clean since 0 days

So much for that...good news is the according giveaways will follow :)
NOOOOOOO!!!! Oh well, if it's summer sale it's summer sale, no greater way to test your virtue.

Nowadays I'm pretty determined when it comes to what and what not to buy, especially during the last year due to some financial limitations, but I still have a couple of games from earlier that I've bought because "hey, it's cheap!" and then barely played like Don't Starve, Duke Nukem and Jagged Alliance 2. Last two games I bought though was TW3 16 days ago and Mafia 2 63 days prior, purchases I'm still satisfied with.

To make sure I don't buy games on a whim anymore I have a list with games I've wanted to play for a really long time and I don't allow myself to buy anything that's not on the list. I think it's a nice system, it helps to sort out what games I feel are important and worth paying for right now, even if it's a crazy good deal it has to go through the list and then eventually bought later if I'm still interested. It's definitely not bulletproof but I know it has saved me more than once so maybe it's useful for someone else as well!
awalterj, I meant to reply to your previous posts, but any post that takes too long to formulate has a good chance of not being posted. Anyway, part of what I wanted to say is that games have proven benefits. They're good for you. Like chocolate.

I'm currently tempted by the Cryptic Bundle at Bundle Stars. That's one bundle site I haven't used before, but this bundle has some hidden object and adventure game that got decently positive user reviews on Steam, so...
awalterj: Update: Clean since 0 days

So much for that...good news is the according giveaways will follow :)
BillyMaysFan59: And the GOG style "Good News(TM)!" is that you caved in? :P
Good one hahaha! :D

Sockerkaka: NOOOOOOO!!!! Oh well, if it's summer sale it's summer sale, no greater way to test your virtue.
And no greater battle to suffer a noble defeat in.

Sockerkaka: To make sure I don't buy games on a whim anymore I have a list with games I've wanted to play for a really long time and I don't allow myself to buy anything that's not on the list. I think it's a nice system, it helps to sort out what games I feel are important and worth paying for right now, even if it's a crazy good deal it has to go through the list and then eventually bought later if I'm still interested. It's definitely not bulletproof but I know it has saved me more than once so maybe it's useful for someone else as well!
I've successfully limited myself to wishlisted games on Steam but here on GOG I can't avoid to look at all the sales since I always start from the main page and the sales look so nice with all the colors etc. I like to click on the nice colors.

ET3D: awalterj, I meant to reply to your previous posts, but any post that takes too long to formulate has a good chance of not being posted. Anyway, part of what I wanted to say is that games have proven benefits. They're good for you. Like chocolate.
I know what you mean about long posts, the more you want to say the more difficult it is to write it down in a satisfying manner.
As for chocolate, a while ago I was addicted to Toffifay and had to buy and eat one box every day. Then I stopped. How did I do it? I realized that chocolate (in this quantity) is not good for you. Two pieces a day would be beneficial, a whole box is too much. Too much of virtually everything is bad for you, it's all about the dose.
I'm buying too many games, hence it's bad for me. Buying small quantities of games surely is beneficial.
Post edited June 04, 2015 by awalterj
Good news:

I heavily reduced my wishlist by removing all the games that I wouldn't immediately install and start to play even if they suddenly were available as freebies. That concerned mostly time consuming strategy games which formed the bulk of my wishlist. Also kicked off lengthy RPGs. At the moment, I have neither the time nor the energy for most strategy and RPG games, making only very few exceptions.

I usually prefer to have my wishlist hidden but to prove that I did the house cleaning, I made my wishlist public. Transparency is important for successful therapy!

On Steam, I cut the wishlist in half from over 50 to only 24 - I could cut it down more but since I hardly ever check Steam sales, the wishlist is the only place I'd notice sales at all over there. Only a handful of those games are games I most definitely want but I can't bring myself to remove the other entries yet.

On GOG, I cut the wishlist from 76 down to 15 meaning I eliminated 57 games (not counting 4 wishlisted games which I bought in this sale), not that I wouldn't want the ones I removed but I don't think I'd play them any time soon so those entries got axed. Since I check the GOG main page at least once almost every day, removing stuff from the wishlist isn't a cure-all as I'm still going to be exposed to all the colorful promos.

Bad News (good news for you):

I relapsed 7 times during this summer sale already and updated OP accordingly with details:

This is good news for you because all the purchases had to be made double. So far I spent $39.31 in this sale ($15.43 of games for myself plus $23.58 of games for giveaways)

It might look like I'm spending more money this way but if I didn't have to buy everything twice, I'd very likely have spent more than $39 just for myself already, increasing my backlog beyond reason. Actually, more than very likely. I just did a quick and rough calculation and I would have indeed spent slightly more on games just for myself than by buying less games even if I buy those twice, small difference though. So before anyone thinks it's pure altruism, this is also a simple therapy measure. I only bought $8.15 worth of non-therapy related gift codes but even that isn't pure altruism as it's bringing me closer to reaching the $50 goal to unlock Xenonauts.

Nevertheless, I feel frustrated. With the money I've just spent on gift codes, I could have bought 5 high priority games for myself:

-Pilot Brothers
-The Banner Saga
-Door Kickers
-Escape Goat 2

Even though the altruist path saves me a small bit of money, my wishlist could have been significantly cleared had I stuck to egoist mode. I feel guilty even thinking about having gone down that path but I must admit it crossed my mind :(
Perhaps making the giveaways will be enough fun to outweigh that feeling of guilt but either way, it feels like I'm kinda ending up at the same suboptimal point regardless of which path I take. RL can be quite linear that way O_o

PS: screencap below is already outdated since I already spent more than $30...
muststop.jpg (50 Kb)
Post edited June 08, 2015 by awalterj
Well, to bad I did not found this sooner :( Cos I could used the help of this community few minutes ago :(

I was unable to resist the urge to buy 7 games on my wishlist with just one click :(

Bad Bad GoG and Paradox :(