ddickinson: Horses do tented to eat a lot, but then they are very energetic animals. Camels have evolved in an area where there is scare vegetation and water, so they have adapted to been less demanding on feed and upkeep. When I talk about camels, it always makes me think of
Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling -
how the camel go his hump.
Hey, that's one of the earliest books I read in English with my dad as a kid. Some other ones I remember well is the Nutcracker with awesome illustrations by Maurice Sendak, A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle and of course the Jungle Book, also by Kipling.
ddickinson: I'm not sure you can put me in the same group as trentonlf, I'm pretty sure I saw him turning water into wine once. :-)
That actually sounds believable but wait... that's heresy! Only Jesus can do that so now at last we have something to send you to the 6th circle with the heretics, unless it's really true in which case you're off the hook and trentonIf could be sent all the way to the 9th circle for being a counterfeiter or sorcerer.
Heaven is probably an empty place.
ddickinson: I'm not sure holding back on opinions would change a person from being nice. Many people do not comment on issues as they know what this will cause, they may not want to argue, to make something into a problem, or get involved in a less than civil debate with one of these "troll-like and confrontation-happy people" you mentioned.
Some people have enough things going on in the real world and would rather not have to have more troubles to deal with online.
All of us have better things to do, some of us are just better at procrastination than others and feeding trolls is a wonderfully classic trap one falls into when looking for ways to procrastinate. It's like feeding pigeons...everyone knows it shouldn't be done because pigeons shit all over the treasured achievements of mankind but then there appears a bag of old bread, magically out of nowhere.
ddickinson: But if you are thinking I am different in real life than I am on here, then the answer is no, for the most part. I behave on here as I do normally, I don't see the appeal of behaving differently, just because the internet provides me a level of anonymity.
It's funny that people assume other people behave worse on the internet, I think I'm actually nicer online in terms of what I say because in RL you can use body language and tone of voice to say meaner things and -most often- perfectly get away with it because there's an entire other layer to non-verbally communicate that one isn't really evil while as online one can quickly create the accidental appearance of being evil even if one isn't. Hence humans should express a healthy distrust of the written word, wherever they find it. But not strike upon it with great vengeance - Books of Trolls, 7:11
ddickinson: I agree, a bit of silliness and self-parody are always a good thing. For me it helps to keep things in prospective and not take things too seriously. But as you said, there are limits to this and exceptions.
I would like to emphasize that I only place a voluntary limit on myself in terms of
self-parody, to preserve at least minimal self-dignity. There can however not be any limit on parody of public things outside the self. Especially things like politics and religion that expect compulsory respect and, once entering public space, shall be given no quarter and no mercy from satirical persecution and ridicule.
ddickinson: I don't think I have many secrets from anyone, in general. I'm quite open to most people, there are only a few things I don't share, and that's because they are private, not because they are dark. I don't alway volunteer information, but if people ask, then I tend to be honest and open with them. The person who knows everything about me is someone I trust completely, a person who means more to me than anything and anyone in the world. So I think it's a safe risk to trust my secrets to this person. I love having someone I can be totally honest with at all times, someone who knows me inside and out and still wants to be with me, that's something that always makes me happy. But then I don't think the secrets are anything major, just private things between us and some other things. I think many people keep things secret because of how people react to things, not necessarily because the secret is something bad.
There's no clear overlap between simple matters of privacy vs things of a darker nature, naturally. I'm trying to address intrinsic character flaws / extrinsic factors in the context of e.g. game purchasing addiction rather than simple private but not dark stuff. Game purchasing addiction itself isn't too darkly dark but dark nonetheless and it's just one angle to look at things, especially if it's connected to other issues. Which it virtually always is.
There's no need for anyone to cough up personal private things but if you don't openly share about character flaws then we can't fix the problems you don't have. An antimony! Don't you see the impeccable logic?
ddickinson: I don't think I have ever caused a calamity on someone else, I have had them happen to me, but I have never really caused such things to others. As I said before, life is too short to be going around causing hardship on others, especially when here is little justification for such actions. What do we really gain by being jerks to everyone?
On the long run, nothing of worth is gained. However, do we know whether we have caused hardship and if yes, to what extent? One can observe many people creating hurt and/or hardship for others without even noticing. Does evil even know it is evil, or is it not the very nature of pure evil to be unaware of its own nature? You can cause calamity entirely without evil intent of course but I think virtually everyone is guilty of having done true evil, even if only small true evil.
Here's a little story about such an ever so small evil, I've done way worse things but I'd rather only confess to a small evil rather than a larger one if it's just about making a point.
Posting this in the Frozen Synapse giveaway thread as I promised to share a "tactical" story there, it was the topic of the giveaway and as the host I felt obliged to share something personal as well. So now it's an "evil tactical" story:
http://www.gog.com/forum/general/frozen_synapse_giveaway_drmfree/post14 ET3D: Couldn't resist Sorcery! 2 and King of the Dragon Pass on the current Humble Mobile Bundle. I'm worried that I'll never play a PC game again with that Android backlog getting larger.
You have an Android backlog? It will follow you everywhere, there is no escape now. I bought an 7" cheap Android tablet a while ago but I hardly ever take it along with me, I'm sort if a low tech person not for being hip but because I'm a minimalist and try to not carry any equipment that isn't super essential though a smart phone would really be of great help. Satellite internet would be even better but I've somehow managed without all that stuff, on many trips abroad not even bringing a cell phone or camera. Android tablet are probably quite fun for playing games when you commute but I wish I had picked a 10" one instead, 7" is too small for using a browser and writing emails etc.
catpower1980: You know what's worse than gaming sales? Assets sales!
Unity always has a daily on one asset but regularly (every 1-2month), they do a theme-sales with a bunch of discounted assets. Then you get the same situation than with games
=> "Oh this asset looks cool and useful for my future projects, I'll buy it!"=>"Ugh! Seems like I already bought it in fact..... :( "
The difference with gaming is that it cost a lot more money than a 5$ bundle :o)
You mean like, with real money kinda assets? :O
I guess I'm not highballer enough for that considering I had to impose a ban on myself to stop buying even cheap $5-$10 games.
aluinie: I tried to stop was doing well then 6 starwars games just jumped into my basket.
If you're starting to hallucinate, you're particularly affected!
I think we need to come up with some kind of emergency contingency plan for when we are in imminent danger of relapsing. I almost bought Galactic Battlegrounds today and could only hold back due to my self-imposed system where I would have to give away the exact game I'm committing the relapse with. Although I enjoy giving away games, I simply can't afford to, hell I can't afford to buy them for myself. One game wouldn't be the end but if I start making exceptions, there will be no end to things. I wishlisted the bulk of the LucasArts catalog so my wishlist grew to 48 games. Considering most of the purchases I made so far aren't even from the wishlist, I must be very careful and stick to complete abstinence for now. And finish more games, of course.