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See, this is the kind of BS that keeps me on GOG -

So does this mean that anyone who bought occulus stuff that's tied to their occulus account is now forced to have a Facebook account or loose access to everything they bought in 2 years time??
#delet... no, #getfuckedfacebook
Scary thought: I just might have bought one if I had had a bit more money. Guess who would have been livid.

In my nightmares CDP sells off GOG as non profitable enough and something similar happens here.
Post edited August 18, 2020 by Themken
The Oculus Rift for me died the moment FB acquired it..
facebook :D rofl
Cyker: See, this is the kind of BS that keeps me on GOG -

So does this mean that anyone who bought occulus stuff that's tied to their occulus account is now forced to have a Facebook account or loose access to everything they bought in 2 years time??
they should have thought this before buying drm-ed stuff:D
Post edited August 18, 2020 by Orkhepaj
Good, I can now not care about them as one thing instead of two.
Themken: Scary thought: I just might have bought one if I had had a bit more money. Guess who would have been livid.

In my nightmares CDP sells off GOG as non profitable enough and something similar happens here.
The thing is, you'd be able to download your games from GOG and just leave, while still being able to install and play them in the future.

Now imagine if it was Steam that got bought out by a more abusive company...

You'd be totally F'ed since you can't download the installer and all your games are tied to the Steam service!

Imagine you had to convert/merge your Steam account to a Facebook or Apple or Amazon or Microsoft account or lose access to your games... brrrrr!

(oh wait i don't have a steam account! phew! :P)
Holy business suicide, Batman!
Post edited August 19, 2020 by Randalator
Cyker: You'd be totally F'ed since you can't download the installer and all your games are tied to the Steam service!
The sad thing is most people would probably not give a rat's ass about all the ways they'd be getting fucked over with a red hot poker as long as they got to keep playing and getting all the precious achievements and trading cards.
Post edited August 19, 2020 by Breja
phaolo: The Oculus Rift for me died the moment FB acquired it..

My FB account is mostly empty and most areas are private even to friends. I probably log into it once every 2 weeks or unless really needed.
Ganni1987: My FB account is mostly empty and most areas are private even to friends. I probably log into it once every 2 weeks or unless really needed.
Facebook from what i can tell, spies on you, sells your data, and removes posts they don't like (very biased). For years i've only been posting interesting news on my FB.
Post edited August 19, 2020 by rtcvb32
nvm, this post didn't happen
Post edited August 19, 2020 by Breja
It's so easy to create a fake FB account, and use that with services like this. I know I do this and never had a problem
Ironically, that's against the Facebook TOS, so if you had merged your Occulus account with a fake Facebook account, and they then found out, they could delete your account and presumably all your access to the Occulus stuff you'd paid for!

Just can't win their game - The only way to win is to not play their game...
te_lanus: It's so easy to create a fake FB account, and use that with services like this. I know I do this and never had a problem
No, that's not easy at all.

Oftentimes, FB's algorithms will automatically prevent you from accessing your account right as soon as you finish signing-up with them, unless & until you first email them a photograph of your birth certificate.

And even if that algorithm doesn't trigger when you sign-up, if you aren't using your real name, then that's a violation of their TOS, so they will ban your account once they find out that you aren't.
Post edited August 19, 2020 by Ancient-Red-Dragon