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BadDecissions: Interestingly (or not), if you look at the number of new backers who signed up today, it's less than the number of new backers who signed up yesterday--even though they made more money today than yesterday. So whatever it's doing, providing the DRM-free option doesn't seem to be attracting a whole bunch of new people; but either the new people it does attract are willing to pay more, or it's causing a bunch of previous backers to increase their amount.
Completely anecdotal, but from what I've seen posted on the BSN and on Obsidian's boards, it seems many of the people that wanted a DRM-free version either upped their initial pledge to the 140 dollar level, or if they hadn't pledged, they immediately pledged the 140 dollar level.
So I selected one of the reward tiers now and upped my pledge. Thinking about upping it higher again to $250. I'm depending on Wasteland 2 and this project to restore some faith that I can purchase PC games again after a 5 year drought. If I am sent a boxed copy that is rendered useless by DRM, I will be extremely depressed by that dick move.

People who left comments asking about the DRM had to pledge first before commenting. So, how can tracking the next two days be any kind of indicator about the DRM issue? I hate DRM and still instapledged. Many others probably did the same thinking they can at least back out if they don't like options by the end of the project. There's a post here suggesting that people that already pledged have upped their pledges. If anything, it shows that people who put up with DRM (don't prefer DRM or don't care because they just crack it) care enough to ask for a copy without DRM. We are being extremely generous so why not give it to us? The backers are the ones taking all the risks here.
KyleKatarn: People who left comments asking about the DRM had to pledge first before commenting.
I sent them a message instead. I still got a reply.
KyleKatarn: If anything, it shows that people who put up with DRM (don't prefer DRM or don't care because they just crack it) care enough to ask for a copy without DRM.
That's the million dollar question. I would really like to know that as well.

As for Wasteland 2's option I've no idea, I didn't have the chance to pledge there as I found out a few days after it was too late.

BTW, I'm not so you're going to like this but nevertheless you could always pick GOG instead of Steam for your digital copy (I assume at $250 you get a boxed and a digital right?) and then burn that to a DVD, put that into the boxed version and throw away the original. If a new version is released you just burn a new copy.

I understand the box itself is important if you opt for such a high pledge and not a DVD installation or am I wrong?
KyleKatarn: If anything, it shows that people who put up with DRM (don't prefer DRM or don't care because they just crack it) care enough to ask for a copy without DRM.
Nirth: That's the million dollar question. I would really like to know that as well.

As for Wasteland 2's option I've no idea, I didn't have the chance to pledge there as I found out a few days after it was too late.

BTW, I'm not so you're going to like this but nevertheless you could always pick GOG instead of Steam for your digital copy (I assume at $250 you get a boxed and a digital right?) and then burn that to a DVD, put that into the boxed version and throw away the original. If a new version is released you just burn a new copy.

I understand the box itself is important if you opt for such a high pledge and not a DVD installation or am I wrong?
Part of the reason is that a printed disc is going to last a lot longer than something I burn. So it's like a high-quality back-up that is already made for me that I won't screw up as long as I take care of it. Also, I'd go for that reward mostly for the fact that I want to support this game, the other stuff is a nice consolation prize. Lastly, if funds get tight, I could sell it and (gasp!) maybe buy some more games or something. I was this close to pledging $600 for some art for Banner Saga and part of my thinking there was that I could enjoy it for a year and then resell it if I didn't want it anymore. Or not. Basic principle of property.
Gersen: Mine went from 0 to 250... that's the only increase I care about.
SimonG: Yeah, well this is nice, but a single pledge won't get a game funded. Unless we see an increase in pledges the next few days, I will remain convinced that the "DRM-free" crowd is only one thing: loud. And there are several reason those pledges should go up, so it would be even more telling if nothing happens.
You really are a cynical Steamboi fan.....
pledged of $1,100,000 goal
days to go
Post edited September 20, 2012 by nijuu
Sabin_Stargem: One possibility is that Obsidian fulfills a niche among RPG gamers, so people would be willing to buy, despite the presence of Steam. That is why it is important to see from which distributor that people download their games from, because we can't tell from sales alone. It is the downloads, not the sales.
Indeed. Hopefully, considering the type of game therefore not such a young audience, GOG will have at least a close number compared to Steam.
If anyone wanted absolute clarification on the $20/$25 issue, I messaged Obsidian and received an answer from Feargus:

"I think the Facebook post was an error. At any of the levels, you will be able to get a GOG key for the game."

So anyone who was worried about that doesn't have to be.

They are really awesome about replying to PMs. I've gotten two responses so far.
Post edited September 20, 2012 by kelseyr713
kelseyr713: They are really awesome about replying to PMs. I've gotten two responses so far.
That's good to hear, always nice when developers answer themselves and quickly.

I just checked KickTrack on the project and apparently it has some sort of estimate at where it's going to end. I wonder how accurate it can be but 8 mil does sound a bit high depending on their upcoming stretch goals. I'm sure a few people are holding up till the end to see what they actually have planned.
Gersen: Mine went from 0 to 250... that's the only increase I care about.
SimonG: Yeah, well this is nice, but a single pledge won't get a game funded. Unless we see an increase in pledges the next few days, I will remain convinced that the "DRM-free" crowd is only one thing: loud. And there are several reason those pledges should go up, so it would be even more telling if nothing happens.
I'd already pledged with the understanding that we'd get to the DRM free point. If we hadn't somehow I'd have considered cancelling it. Not just because of the DRM, but because I don't really trust Obsidian. Still, they got 20 bucks in the hopes I could trust them:)

I don't know if it's fair to expect a huge spike in pledges due to the DRM free announcement, I think this is old hat by now and most DRM-free folks know they'll get it, so don't wait to pledge.
What are we arguing about? How much of a bump the project is getting from that crazy group of people who like to play games with little hassle, also known as the "DRM-free crowd"?

It's amusing to me that some people are frustrated at the notion of other people wishing to have games DRM-free, especially when they're paying the developer directly and bypassing publishers.

Kickstarter is all about people WANTING to pay money to artists. If the artists add layers or hurdles to the backers accessing the content, it undermines some of the spirit of this newborn developer-consumer relationship. It's like saying, "Thanks for your trust and pledging in advance! But we don't trust you, so we're still using DRM."

If both options are there, there's nothing to argue about and nobody is slighted.
So, I just read the reply for my PM yesterday. The disc will be DRM-free.
Will the disc versions be DRM-free?
They will be and that should be updated now.

Thanks for the incredible support!

I don't know what update he's talking about though, the only DRM-free I see is about GOG, then again, I'm on my phone and have a little trouble looking for details.
Post edited September 20, 2012 by Miaghstir
mondo84: What are we arguing about? How much of a bump the project is getting from that crazy group of people who like to play games with little hassle, also known as the "DRM-free crowd"?

It's amusing to me that some people are frustrated at the notion of other people wishing to have games DRM-free, especially when they're paying the developer directly and bypassing publishers.

Kickstarter is all about people WANTING to pay money to artists. If the artists add layers or hurdles to the backers accessing the content, it undermines some of the spirit of this newborn developer-consumer relationship. It's like saying, "Thanks for your trust and pledging in advance! But we don't trust you, so we're still using DRM."

If both options are there, there's nothing to argue about and nobody is slighted.
My sentiments exactly.
mondo84: It's amusing to me that some people are frustrated at the notion of other people wishing to have games DRM-free, especially when they're paying the developer directly and bypassing publishers.
This attitude really annoys me. No one is frustrated here. DRM-free is good. Having options is good. No one is trying to pretend otherwise.

All I want (and knowing Simon, all he wants) is data. I am curious to know how many people care about DRM. How big the awareness and the whole DRM-free movement is. What is wrong about that? Why do you (general you, not personal) have to brand people who just want to know as fanboys/DRM lovers/whatever?

People have claimed DRM-free raises sales. All I'm asking is, well, does it? And by how much?
orcishgamer: I'd already pledged with the understanding that we'd get to the DRM free point. If we hadn't somehow I'd have considered cancelling it. Not just because of the DRM, but because I don't really trust Obsidian. Still, they got 20 bucks in the hopes I could trust them:)

I don't know if it's fair to expect a huge spike in pledges due to the DRM free announcement, I think this is old hat by now and most DRM-free folks know they'll get it, so don't wait to pledge.
Still no public word of the boxed version, so my pledge is still at $20 where it's been since day one.
I'll up it to some boxed tier at some point when the announcement is publicly made.

Pretty hard to extract data of how much no-DRM announcement made.
There's a definite bump but the question is, how much pledges would there have been without the announcement?

Daily pledges from Kicktraq:

705 -> 482 -> 199 -> 156 -> 72 -> 93

Would it have been... say 50K without? Or another day of 72K? Or would the pledges hover around 100K no matter what?

My guess is, about a third of yesterdays pledges came from DRM-free announcement. (and were basically the result of 2000 no-drm dudes upping their pledges,the amount of backers was still on an slight downhill ride).
Post edited September 20, 2012 by Jarmo