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So does this mean that as they've reached their goal and will be releasing on GOG I don't have to pledge money on Kickstarter, I can just buy in on GOG when it's released?
That's excellent news! Not only DRM-free but added in my GOG collection as well!
Now I can pledge in peace!
SimpleUser: So does this mean that as they've reached their goal and will be releasing on GOG I don't have to pledge money on Kickstarter, I can just buy in on GOG when it's released?
Sure, I don't see why not.
Part of me thinks that pledging higher to get things like the soundtrack isn't necessary since that could be included with the GOG version alongside other bonus/behind the scenes features.
SimpleUser: So does this mean that as they've reached their goal and will be releasing on GOG I don't have to pledge money on Kickstarter, I can just buy in on GOG when it's released?
lowyhong: Sure, I don't see why not.
That's ok then, no need to keep reading this thread then ;) I'll sit back and await the fan-fare!

Hopefully GOGs little extra will be worth it not bidding the high values asked on the Kickstarter.
Honestly, I can't say I didn't expect that. The whole project is as if custom-made for the new GOG.

(I'm not entirely sure which version I'll choose yet, though. And I don't find the new digital extras anything too special, so still the same $35 it is.)
Funny thing is that all the big Kickstarter projects (DoubleFine, Exile, Obsidian, ...) initially were kind of Steam exclusive and soon went DRM free. It's like the fans and the devs are living in a completely different world where the devs still thought that Steam is the holy grail. It turned out that fans see it differently and here they are the decisive factor... Of course I have nothing if also a Steam version is offered as an option.

But it's really peculiar behavior.
Post edited September 19, 2012 by Trilarion
And once again we have proof that publishers are bat-shit insane and have no clue about their own business anymore. Kickstarter exists for devs who want to get games funded that publishers refuse to fund themselves - its very existence is to get money from other sources. Publishers really are a sickness, a disease that makes games rotten whenever they get involved - same with games using IPs. Any external meddling from sources that aren't skilled at making games = bad.

There's a reason the best PC games were made in the 90s before publishers started buying out developers and making them their slaves.
Well slap my ass and call me Judy!!! I go out to run some errands and come back to this awesome news! WOO HOO!!! I guess that $160 pledge of mine is going to stand as is. Yeah, baby!

lowyhong: WTF just happened? I woke up from a dazed-like state and found my pledge had jumped by by $120 more...
I see you already got the news. Was going to toss you a PM, but no need now. Especially since your wallet decided to act of its own accord...

SimpleUser: That's ok then, no need to keep reading this thread then ;) I'll sit back and await the fan-fare!

Hopefully GOGs little extra will be worth it not bidding the high values asked on the Kickstarter.
If you want to play the system, as it were, just pledge 25 bucks. You'll get a GOG key when the game's released, and GOG always has extra goodies for free anyway, so you'll get those for the 25 dollar price (I'm assuming the game will be 25 bucks or more here when it's first released). Plus, you'll be adding to the total pledge dollar and helping to reach more of the stretch goals. Win/win, IMO.
Trilarion: Funny thing is that all the big Kickstarter projects (DoubleFine, Exile, Obsidian, ...) initially were kind of Steam exclusive and soon went DRM free. It's like the fans and the devs are living in a completely different world where the devs still thought that Steam is the holy grail. It turned out that fans see it differently and since they are more dependent on them...

I don't have any other explanation for this peculiar behavior.
I think part of the problem is that Devs are Devs. They develop games, but they're not necessarily good at PR or that sort of thing. That's what publishers are for, so when a studio goes indie (like Obsidian or DF), it can be kind of jarring for consumer relations.
Trilarion: Funny thing is that all the big Kickstarter projects (DoubleFine, Exile, Obsidian, ...) initially were kind of Steam exclusive and soon went DRM free. It's like the fans and the devs are living in a completely different world where the devs still thought that Steam is the holy grail. It turned out that fans see it differently and here they are the decisive factor... Of course I have nothing if also a Steam version is offered as an option.

But it's really peculiar behavior.
I'm waiting for the increase in pledges. We'll see tomorrow if the announcement of the DRM free version will lead to a noticeable increase.
SimonG: I'm waiting for the increase in pledges. We'll see tomorrow if the announcement of the DRM free version will lead to a noticeable increase.
Mine went from 0 to 250... that's the only increase I care about.
SimonG: I'm waiting for the increase in pledges. We'll see tomorrow if the announcement of the DRM free version will lead to a noticeable increase.
Gersen: Mine went from 0 to 250... that's the only increase I care about.
Yeah, well this is nice, but a single pledge won't get a game funded. Unless we see an increase in pledges the next few days, I will remain convinced that the "DRM-free" crowd is only one thing: loud. And there are several reason those pledges should go up, so it would be even more telling if nothing happens.
Coelocanth: If you want to play the system, as it were, just pledge 25 bucks. You'll get a GOG key when the game's released, and GOG always has extra goodies for free anyway, so you'll get those for the 25 dollar price (I'm assuming the game will be 25 bucks or more here when it's first released). Plus, you'll be adding to the total pledge dollar and helping to reach more of the stretch goals. Win/win, IMO.
Good point. $25 Pledge. Done.

Thanks! ;)
In case you want to check it by the hour, you can take a look at

Roughly 39k accumulated over the last five hours, which is a good sign.