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pledged of $1,100,000 goal
days to go
Gazoinks: I'll tell you what was confusing: Playing 3.5 (well, Pathfinder first) and then trying 2.0. Wait, high AC is bad? And what's THAC0? It didn't take that long to get used to, but it was a weird transition.
Thac0 and BAB are functionally identical. You take your Thaco, subtract their AC, and that's your target number. Add any modifiers on top of that. The only actual difference is that with BAB, you're adding up to a target number rather than subtracting down to a target number. You still want to exceed that number, and bonuses still add to the roll. Arithmetic is just hard, I guess. Pic related. It gets a lot more hate than it deserves, methinks. At least you got it, some people just see "negative is good" and their brains shut down.

Back on topic, I'll throw fistfuls of money at them as soon as they clarify the DRM situation.
thaco.jpg (42 Kb)
Post edited September 18, 2012 by bevinator
lowyhong: See? I told you guys TET would be all over this.

Between that, the Conquistadors game, and Numenara, my wife is probably wondering where all the money went from my account this month. :P
TheEnigmaticT: Between that, the Conquistadors game, and Numenara, my wife is probably wondering where all the money went from my account this month. :P
Can't you use the excuse we all use, "GOG games I just have to have"?
TheEnigmaticT: Between that, the Conquistadors game, and Numenara, my wife is probably wondering where all the money went from my account this month. :P
You can play Numenara with her, but I don't know how you're going to explain Conquistadors and Eternity.
JMich: Can't you use the excuse we all use, "Steam games I just have to have"?
Fixed to a more plausible explanation.
Post edited September 18, 2012 by lowyhong
JMich: Can't you use the excuse we all use, "Steam games I just have to have"?
lowyhong: Fixed to a more plausible explanation.
Well, i *did* preorder XCOM on Steam, but that was a gift for someone else. :P
Getting close (if it has already made it) to a Macintosh version. After that, they will add player housing which sounds pretty cool.
lowyhong: Fixed to a more plausible explanation.
TheEnigmaticT: Well, i *did* preorder XCOM on Steam, but that was a gift for someone else. :P
..."But, honey, I funded/pre-ordered them for you!"
I just hope that the house feature doesn't just end up a feature which is mostly decorative and counts as an enlarged inventory.

Actually make the house part of the game itself (BG2 did this with the various strongholds you could have having their own subquests to get and keep them). Heck have it so that if you don't hire a guard you have stuff pinched from there (heck the PC is doing that where ever they go and they can't be the only thief in the world)
A post from J. E. Sawyer in the official forums with his opinion about the house:

In my mind, a player "house" is something like The Sink. A player stronghold would be something like Crossroad Keep, with much more in-depth strategic gameplay.
gandalf.nho: A post from J. E. Sawyer in the official forums with his opinion about the house:

In my mind, a player "house" is something like The Sink. A player stronghold would be something like Crossroad Keep, with much more in-depth strategic gameplay.
I would be very happy with something like The Sink!

"I will burn the world in nuclear fire!"
I've high hopes on that house system. Hopefully some neat stratetic options and role playing consquences will be able. I imagined some thief going in steal your equipment and the options to hire different kind of body guards. It might not suit the kind of game but I thought it might kick up management system in RPGs.
Interview with Tim Cain that expands on some points. Sound goodly. Also cake.
Gazoinks: Interview with Tim Cain that expands on some points. Sound goodly. Also cake.
I see that, for all their talk about how they're creating a whole new world, we still get humans, elves, and dwarfs as the racial options. Hopefully, some of the new races we get due to stretch goals will be less boring and generic.
Post edited September 18, 2012 by BadDecissions
Gazoinks: Interview with Tim Cain that expands on some points. Sound goodly. Also cake.
BadDecissions: I see that, for all their talk about how they're creating a whole new world, we still get humans, elves, and dwarfs as the racial options. Hopefully, some of the new races we get due to stretch goals will be less boring and generic.
I don't think having them is the issue, the issue is how they are represented. For example, humans are always the big number as elves have lost their former glory and have this aristocrat glow around them and more common with natural magical talents and dwarves are grumpy but great miners and craftment. If they break that and mix it up I don't have any issues with classic fantasy races. The dwarf ranger was a good starting point for art concept in my opinion.

Great finish in that article about multiplayer and guns. :)
Post edited September 18, 2012 by Nirth