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I was thinking about lx's claim on the way to grabbing lunch, and I think I buy it and him being town. I thought about the possibility of scum claiming non-disclosed investigative and thought that would be very simple for scum to do because they had the opportunity to work around what other investigatives might already be in play and therefore not be in danger of being counter claimed seriously. However, it doesn't feel that way and I particularly liked the bit about thinking others might have something similar and that people shouldn't start defending him and give scum more info than they're already getting.

His seeming out of step with things in the game, not answering questions and the vote on bler, which I agree looks more like frustration than an actual scum read, might just all be indicative of play style and not alignment.

I left to grab something to eat just after he claimed, so I'm picking up from there now.
Sheesh... Tammy so scummy for not posting earlier... 9 minutes is cutting it close...

bler144: The "you aren't who I thought you were" was me realizing you weren't on the same page, but that's not alignment indicative.
I was this close to making a trombone joke... but I'm not sure I actually understood it originally, so am worried it would be a faux pas...

We're more alike than you think. But really Bler, what page is that? You keep jumping...

I can't really imagine a difference between early or late game for how positive or negative your style is...
TammyTown: So is the weird responses to bler the norma for lx (i.e. where he claimed Bler's attack was just making everyone think they were buddies even thought that makes no sense whatsoever with what's going on in the game)?

i'll be catching up in full this morning :)
Non-responsive, responses not matching the question (i.e. evasive). Bizarre theories like people thinking he's scum buddies with someone who he clearly doesn't appear to be. Yup. Par for the course.

He's the only player I know who is hard to read because everything he does looks so scummy all the time regardless of alignment.

But given this same off-kilter approach, I'm not sure I'd give him a free pass for his claim either. While a normal player might contemplate holding back on something like the compulsive adjective, I'm not so sure he thinks through his posts very carefully, nor the ramifications of his claims, true or false. I'm giving him a Day Pass because he has claimed a power role and I honestly cannot tell his alignment. He shouldn't be acting like this if he is scum, but that doesn't mean he isn't. But he shouldn't be doing this as town or neutral either.

It's hard to believe he will survive the night, but maybe scum will spare him thinking they can get a lynch after he fails to get NK'd.
Still have Bler as my strongest town read. I don't get the votes on him, but I'm not going to make too much of a fuss over them as I still remember all too well how frustrating it was in GoT when I suspected Yogsloth and phighter yelled at me for it because he was just so so town. I doubt that's going to go anywhere and the votes look like frustration and paranoia rather than actual suspicion.

Votes could probably find a better home, but as I haven't been very comfortable placing a vote of my own welp.

Still like Brasas, Wyrm and also Christi. I keep forgetting about Cristi until she posts or someone else mentions that they llke her and are town reading her and I think to myself that I agree. Normally I'd be concerned about forgetting a player, but I think in this case it's more a matter of me not being familiar with the player list than she's slipping under my radar.

Unfortunately I don't have great scum reads I can write home about. Agent was my biggest scum read, and while RW doesn't have me seeing the green light here, I like his tone a little and am trying to look at him through new eyes considering the things that people have said about how valuable he can be as town (heard the warnings about scum as well!).

While I wasn't so sure that you actually caught docbear on a slip, he was someone I thought was suspicious. And while his replace out does look suspicious, I liked when his replacement said something about that many people not being a bad judge of character. Yes, I know that scum can say this very easily but it's one of those things that always makes me hesitate.

Not sure what to do with Lift. I do think the roleplay aspect of his play is adorable but I also can't really get a read on him.

On Ix - I'm not hard town on him and the only thing making me lean town is the manner of the claim.

I like some of Stanari's posts.

Need more from Yog and Nacho, things I like there but more would be nice especially since you guys are concerned about yog and him not doing much. After GoT, when Nacho was talking about Yog and the dead thread's discussion about how little scum hunting he had done, nacho said that he didn't find really anything that much different from the scum hunting he had done in another game that he followed, so I had the impression of Yog as a kind of amusing coaster who has flashes of reads but helps keep the party going and the moods light. Now I'm not sure what to think. I am surprised that Yog thinks I seem fairly similar to GoT though. I mean I am in the stuff that matters and how I approach the game, but I kinda expected to get some flack for not being as active in this game as I was that game.

I keep forgetting about dragon sushi and dessimu. I'm considering voting Quad. Oh I don't know about Trent. He seems fine but for no reason or anything for me.

i'm sorry this is mostly a bunch of nothing and is in part for me to keep track of where I am here. I do agree with Barback that there might have been too much flavor? Not from the mod. I love the flavor and the flavor updates both privately and throughout the game. But maybe flavor has been discussed a bit too much? I do think there was a bit too much theory talk as well, but I don't think that it was done too much where it was scummy to talk about it. I also think it has been somewhat necessary, but I also think it might be why I'm finding it hard to have a true scumread I feel really great about.
Uh Quad might actually be town. I don't like his last post, not at all, but there are some glimmers of town think or side-thoughts that I might be thinking he's scum because there are others I have liked more than him.

I'm over my hesitation on Barback. He's probably actually the most suspicious. Maybe.
TammyTown: Uh Quad might actually be town. I don't like his last post, not at all, but there are some glimmers of town think or side-thoughts that I might be thinking he's scum because there are others I have liked more than him.

I'm over my hesitation on Barback. He's probably actually the most suspicious. Maybe.
What are your thoughts on yogs and nacho disappearing like they have? Is it something you've seen nacho do before? It is not typical of yogs to just disappear.
TammyTown: Uh Quad might actually be town. I don't like his last post, not at all, but there are some glimmers of town think or side-thoughts that I might be thinking he's scum because there are others I have liked more than him.

I'm over my hesitation on Barback. He's probably actually the most suspicious. Maybe.
trentonlf: What are your thoughts on yogs and nacho disappearing like they have? Is it something you've seen nacho do before? It is not typical of yogs to just disappear.
Yogs disappeared a bunch in GoT and if his town meta is to actually scum hunt then my early leaning town read takes a little bit a of a hitl. At the moment i'm giving him the benefit of the doubt that RL is getting in the way. Also he said he's town. (I'm only partially joking here, yes I know.)

I'm not worried about Nacho's lack of activity right now. I know he's been busy, but I imagine we'll see him at some point this weekend. Nacho can be a difficult one to read at times. I have a much easier time getting a stronger read early in a fast paced game than the slower pace but I can still usually get a decent read on him. Activity is not usually alignment indicative for him - I've seen him lurk and be heavily active as either alignment.


I just read through DragonSushi and I want to mull that one over, but I don't like him as much as I'd like to. I do understand now why he voted between Trent and Stanari, but I feel kinda meh about those reads and want to look back at it in context.

Probably won't be back around today as I'm going to a music festival this weekend. Hopefully phone service will work and I can keep up when not watching bands or driving.
Hi everybody!

Don't worry, my Mom sewed "Town" into my underpants so I wouldn't forget. You can rest easy.

Granted, my Mom might not actually remember doing this, but she's old and smells like turpentine.

I'm floundering. Have we hacked anyone to death with an axe yet? Here I am not even voting for anybody.

Let's get a deadline and wait until ten minutes before it and then Chinese-Fire Drill onto somebody random.


OK. Well, hmmmm.

Unvote yogsloth

Not bler. Not babark. Still just don't want to be a meanie and vote Stanari, and those are the three rolling wagons (or at least recently discussed.)

What to do?

Vote Bookwyrm627 (Craig)

I'm intrigued. Why bookworm?
yogsloth: Not bler.
Tell me why, tell me sweet little whys.

Tell me whys?
yogsloth: TOAN MUFUH
Since when has that stopped you?
You don't like bookworms town or you like blers town?

I feel like I'm playing charades or something :p

I don't like Bookwyrm's tone.

The way he's moving his focus around. He looks like he's mis-reading some things on purpose. He's poking for traction on different things. I suspect him of contemplating stringing mis-lynches. I suspect he may actually be a lizard person. Lots of little things.
Ay caramba

[egg >> face]