Stanari: I have the...unfortunate...habit of listening to other people too much.
This will be a
difficult post to make. I have not done a Bler reread and am going on more general observations of his play. Also I dislike this kind of quote post quote ... but even since my vote he provides examples of what I see as scummy distractions.
I want to say very clearly, the flavor play has nothing to do with my decision to push Bler.
bler144: snip ... I should probably put energy elsewhere.
Out of game - good luck and godspeed.
In the game - and here you are, actually seeing what I find scummy.
bler144: On re-read though I think I get your progression here where I didn't on first pass.
Yup. Always seeing too much? Why not just ask, and wait for answer? Muddying the waters with a push and an immediate wink / nod.
bler144: I do feel kinda bad that I invited Lift to talk and then snapped at him for what he said. Bad mediator, bad!
[Reagan voice] There you go again...
bler144: Yeah, not if you're going to propose killing me.
We'll give you a fair trial Marie. Sacrifices are required. Tragic really... [if you're town that is.]
I assure you it will be extremely painful for me to lynch you my dear.
And in the meanwhile, why not try some new experiences?
Lifthrasil: Yes, bler is Sir Spamalot, but so far it seems to me to be towny spam and actually invested towny hyper-activity and not a scum smoke-screen.
So you see the mess he's causing but don't like the wagon? How
sure are you he is town heh Lift?
bler144: Biting my tongue. Really want to answer, but slightly more want to see Brasas respond first.
I think you're not biting hard enough.
Though I like it when you nibble... you know...
trentonlf: ... how he's playing now is how he always plays town or scum.
No I have not played him. I am
now. How
sure are you he is town heh Trent?
This is a goldmine. Let's just number them:
1 Heh
2 Also conveniently your scum M.O.
3 Wrong
4 Some
5 Scum | Wolves | Nasty McPants team
6 What question? Even under attack you are distracting from the fact you're under attack!
7 I don't do Russian
TL:DR too many false positives, too much driving going nowhere.