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RWarehall: @Ixam Can you guide me to this post of yours you mention in #729?
Ixamyakxim: Yup here you go (I'm going to straight copy / paste the URL - if this screws up can someone give me a bump?):
The problem for me is those quotes are days old. I didn't see anything in Docbear's statement talking about your feud with Bler and Docbear had even posted since those posts. So I'm still not seeing two things:
1) Why you seemed to think it necessary to jump in to defend Docbear's statement?
2) How your posts even apply?

If i weren't somewhat inclined to believe your claim, I'd probably be all over you. Of course thinking about it further, the complexity in the roles are likely not limited by faction. The only investigative sort of role I can think of that makes a lot of sense with compulsory is Thief. Ixam, are you sure you aren't just Neutral?
trentonlf: If Ix really is town and has a role I would prefer no more was revealed about it.
I agree with that with the exception of the question I asked (which Lift just bumped) of which "unspecified" meaning in in play here.

I don't think it gives scum any major advantage to know if he knows specifically what he does - either way he could be dangerous or not. i.e. he could not currently know what he does and turn out to be "super alignment cop" who kills scum if he peeks them, or he could know what he is and just be "Shoe size cop."

I was going to say "What they ate for dinner cop" but in a WW game that might actually be pretty useful. ;)

But I think it could be helpful in piecing together some things in later days. Not a role claim in any fashion but let's just say my PM has some question marks as well, and follow-ups have netted pretty ambiguous responses.

So while the easy answer is that Ix didn't specify, I don't think it's out of the question that drealmer just said "Compulsive Investigator" either.

Bookwyrm627: 1) ... I've heard one of the roles that might have ended up in a 21 player version of this setup.
2) That is STILL incomplete! The compulsive town arsonist ALSO had an investigative ability!
1) Do tell.
2) Yeah I was thinking that vis-a-vis Ix's claim/role, just forgot to note it. It pretty much completes the troll if Ix or more likely Drealmer is trolling us.

RWarehall: I'd expect the truth and some sort of explanation if she's town and some sort of lie if she's scum. What and how it's said might give me insight into which is which.
Speaking from very recent experience, that's pretty much exactly what I expected from pressing Ix.

Instead I just made him nervous and defensive. And that was asking for details about something very broad, not just "what did you mean with this particular WC?"

You're a long time vet with a knack for being forceful coming at a player who's either town struggling to keep up or scum, probably also struggling to keep up. I went at Ix hard assuming he could take it and come back at me if town, and even that really happen.

I just don't see what "clear" answer you get from that. Even if town I think she panics and clams up.

The unfortunate thing for me is that I had you and Doc pretty much equally suspicious and kept mum on that exchange kinda hoping how you handled her might give me insight to you, but now that position is a reset as well. So you're both back in the "who the bleep knows" pile.

FWIW, I don't disagree with yogs that that pile is sizable, but it's super weird he can't find anybody town-him wants to run.

Brasas: hmmm... and yet if you hadn't joined after bler hinted at it, I'd almost say he was pointing to you and me as having similar progressions, and that makes me curious.
Wait, you seriously haven't noticed? Maybe you aren't the father after all.

Brasas: If this is a subtle way of implying I knocked you up, I'm the one being trolled...
Marie T is not your lover. She's just a girl who thinks that Bra is the one.

But the kid is not your son.

After work. Will start rereading. I'm on baby duty though, so might finish only later in the evening.

A few drive byes.

yogsloth: snip
Dude... >:(

Lifthrasil: Well, actually I was Town quite often. ... I was Mafia ...
RWarehall: snip

RWarehall: snip
Thx Appreciated.

Bookwyrm627: What do other people think about pursuing this? I suppose it might come down to how much one trusts Ix at this point.
Yup. I say drop it.

Lifthrasil: My top pick is still Stanari. Unexplained votes, refusal to explain even when asked, instead being evasive and giving wishi-washi statements like 'think harder' or 'I'm never entirely serios nor joking' ... everything screams to me of someone who tries hard to be non-commital. Someone trying hard not to be readable. So, everybody, what do you think about Stanari? ... And yes, I am pushing and I know that will make me unpopular with some players. But I think pushing is sometimes necessary and it is necessary to submit non-commital players to scrutiny.
Why is that necessarily scummy?
And considering the irony vote Lift


bler144: snip
0_o 2x
Messed up tags so this shouldn't mergepost on retry:

Lifthrasil: Hope that helps.

I had played as a sub in the academy game, but that was the one where you lurked (16 posts through end of D2 when you were lynched).

Lifthrasil: Well, actually I was Town...
Apart from the ones you mentioned, I was Mafia...
Should've refreshed before posting that horrible WOT.

A) Lift is clearly talking about prior games, which I had pointedly asked him about, and B) not only that says he "was mafia" if the following paragraph which was still included in the text you quoted.

This not only "might" be nothing, it's what all the contextual evidence points to! Blaaaaah!

yogsloth: Come on over.
Sorry, wish I could but I think Brasas and I are trying to make it work. We're talking about starting to go to relationship counseling.

In 300 years, when that's a thing.
Phew - good news!

I'm not actually pregnant. Just a little scare. Wooow. That was a close one, right whoever the dad was?

The vomiting was self-induced anxiety, and Aunt Flo came to town today, if you know what I mean.

I mean my menses came. I'll be in my barn.
Stanari: Also, I've given reads. Just not reasons.
I would love to see reasons.

Stanari: It only took me like a week but I get it now thanks.

Assuming you refer to my defense of Ix after he'd posted? I mean. I see nothing scummy about that. I defend townreads whether or not they happen to be existent. If instead you refer to my objection to lynching absent players, then we're going to have words.
Yes, I'm referring to when your defense of Ix after he arrived in the thread. He'd posted in the game, but he was afk at the time of our back-and-forth.

Yes, a townie might defend someone else viewed as townie, but a wolf might defend another wolf. I was leaning toward you being wolf-helping-wolf, considering my wolf-read on Ix and all the reasoning you presented for your Trent vote.

I might disagree with the stance on lynching players that haven't shown up (whether at all or for multiple RL days), but I can understand why townies might hold such a position. In a broad sense, I view either side of "Kill the one that hasn't shown up at all" as non-indicative; it is such an easy vote for wolves precisely because such behavior is so unhelpful for town.

Bookwyrm627: 1) ... I've heard one of the roles that might have ended up in a 21 player version of this setup.
bler144: 1) Do tell.
There is no rule against talking about it, it isn't in this game (I don't have the power, and I can do what the power would do), he's indicated its existence would very likely be outed at game start if he used it in a later game, and he has indicated its presence might be subject to change, so I should be fine going public with it.

In the 21 player version, one role (and apparently only that role) would have the power to request vote counts.

As a side note, I've been asked not to post any more vote counts in the thread. I can request them, but I assume anyone can.
The potential character in a 21-player version of this setup is a vote-caller (someone is allowed to post and ask for vote counts.) yep

the idea is to have a mildly useful role that is "open" and alignment flexible that, at the player's discretion, can be helpful to town, or not

it's a role about trust and reliance
Post edited September 15, 2016 by drealmer7
Bookwyrm627: Yes, a townie might defend someone else viewed as townie, but a wolf might defend another wolf. I was leaning toward you being wolf-helping-wolf, considering my wolf-read on Ix and all the reasoning you presented for your Trent vote.

In the 21 player version, one role (and apparently only that role) would have the power to request vote counts.

I've been asked not to post any more vote counts in the thread.
1) So IIRC you're now reading Ix as "probably townie" so how does that fit into your analysis here? Or are you subtly proposing to lynch Stan as a backdoor way to possibly test Ix?

2) I would tooootally have abused that role. Can't lie.

3) I'm surprised he only asked you, considering he'd warned me off pretty sternly waaaay back.
Could someone quote the most recent votecount for me?
Stanari: Could someone quote the most recent votecount for me?
This one, I believe. (#759)
So Marie... no tea and herbs?


Crap, sorry.
vote count / vote-count / votecount

Nathaniel (Nathan) Smith .............. -- 0 --
Sean O'Donnell (Sean-O!) ............. -- 1 -- Fergus (Nachomamma8)
Laura Jennings ................................ -- 3 -- William (QuadrAlien), Adam (RWarehall), Emily (trentonlf),
Emma Hess ...................................... -- 2 -- Nathan (Dessimu), Claire (cristigale),
Adam Johnson ................................. -- 0 --
William (Bill) O'Brian ........................ -- 0 --
Craig Adams ..................................... -- 0 --
Daniel (Dan) Evans .......................... -- 0 --
Claire Dwyer ...................................... -- 0 --
Eric Barton ......................................... -- 2 -- Eric (yogsloth), Marie (bler144),
Fergus (Fergie) Perkins .................. -- 0 --
Sarah Matthews ................................ -- 0 --
Emily Barton ....................................... -- 1 -- Justin (Stanari),
Marie Thomson ................................. -- 1 -- Emma (Ixamyakxim)
James (Jim) Peterson ...................... -- 0 --
Justin Dawson ................................... -- 3 -- Sean (Lifthrasil), James (DragonSushi), Craig (Bookwyrm627),

not wanting to kill anyone ................ -- 3 -- Sarah (TammyTown) , Dan (Brasas), Laura (babark)

if your vote is not where you want it to be, say so, and I'll correct the vote count
Post edited September 15, 2016 by drealmer7
bler144: 2) I would tooootally have abused that role. Can't lie.
not that I want to hijack the discussion, but, that is one of the ideas behind the role - abuse of power (and then there are those who rely on those in power, and trust them to varying capacities, and such things...)
Post edited September 15, 2016 by drealmer7
Unvote: lxamyakxim

Quick check in. Don't see why not to believe lx of him having a role. At least for now.

Won't vote anyone till I am able.

Back to packing.
yogsloth: So Marie... no tea and herbs?


Crap, sorry.
Were you suggesting I take your special tea blend as an abortifacient?

I'm conflicted - the feminist in me thinks that shows wisdom and respect for a woman's right to choose. Bradstreet was a feminist, after all, and I so want to be like her. But the 17th century Puritan in me thinks you're a horrible monster.

Or wait, maybe I'm Buddhist. Will have to re-read my PM.

drealmer7: not that I want to hijack the discussion, but, that is one of the ideas behind the role - abuse of power (and then there are those who rely on those in power, and trust them to varying capacities, and such things...)
Those are fine high-falutin' ideals, but as a practical matter, if you're going to troll me with a nonsense role and hand me that godawful power, I'm going to troll the crap out of you right back. ;)

Besides, you'd have sheer gameflow problems if that role died and you planned to actually punish people for making their own unofficial counts as you've implied here.