Nachomamma8: The only real counter to my point that I see is that if no one plays, then wolves will win off NKs. We are nowhere near a situation like that, so I don't really get your point with the above.
I was disagreeing with the line "lurkers are anti-game and hurt whatever team that they are on." Lurking only hurts wolves if people go after lurkers.
Nachomamma8: Drealmer saying in flavor that people are leaving to Nashua? I'm not really sure what you're questioning here.
My question is: why would the number of people fleeing to Nashua have any bearing on anything?
Nachomamma8: What benefit does assuming that you would know about events at the beginning of the game bring me as a werewolf? Why would I assume that you knew about events at the beginning of the game as a werewolf?
The possible wolf benefit is more about taking advantage of a chance to make a townie look more scummy (and therefore easier to lynch), not so much about this particular piece of data.
I was questioning why you'd assume I started with the knowledge, when you talked about my timing feeling off. Thus, my talk of shade and fishing.
Nachomamma8: What part of the situation did I misrepresent, exactly?
Maybe the version you presented is accurate, maybe not. To me, it felt like you were spinning some more narrative.
Nachomamma8: If by fishing you mean "asking for your thoughts on other players", then I'd say that I was related to a famous fisherman if I knew any.
You asked for thoughts, and I gave you some thoughts.
I think you've been doing quite a bit of fishing. I haven't decided whether I think you are a townie fishing for reactions and scum, or whether you are scum and fishing for something to use, but either way I think you're fishing.
Here's a couple more thoughts, to offer a little more to your previous question:
-Bler feels quite town to me. There would have to be a pretty epic melt down somewhere before I'll vote him Today.
-I'm not particularly interested in lynching Lift or Brasas.
TammyTown: How does smart mean he's supposed to know that you just received that event? Does smart equate to mind reading, esp or something?
Smart means he doesn't turn off his brain after coming up with one possible solution. To me, at least, someone suddenly going "BTW, extra things could happen, but I don't know (m)any details" could mean they knew about it from the start, OR it could mean they just found out about it. Again, if there had been any acknowledgement that maybe I did "bring it up as soon as possible", I think that would have been the end of it.
Instead, it was
"It's my personal expectation that if you were specially informed of Events being a thing that you would bring it up as soon as possible; your timing seemed off"
How could my timing be off, when it was exactly in line with his personal expectation? The unspoken assumption was that I didn't meet his personal expectation.
TammyTown: I don't need to ask myself how he knew anything at all about the timing because I think it's pretty clear by his questioning you that he didn't know anything about it at all.
If he didn't know anything about it at all, then why did my timing feel off for not revealing it as soon as possible?
TammyTown: You presented it as information you knew not something that had just occurred. Basically i'm just really really lost about how you expect that people would just know that when something as simple as clarifying what happened was all that was necessary. Just reads off.
It isn't that I expected him to know the right answer. It is that I expect town!him not to completely ignore another likely solution, when that solution would have been exactly what he'd expect a player to do. He seemed to skip "did it right" in favor of "did it wrong".
Nachomamma8: So Drealmer said that No Lynch is currently at L-1 despite the fact that not even a quarter of the game is voting No Lynch because...?
My interpretation of his remarks would be better phrased as "47% of the players in this game were not interested in voting/killing any player in particular" (as opposed to "actively don't want to kill anyone at all", which is No Lynch). As you stated, otherwise we'd be at No Lynch right from Day start, or else someone could vote and promptly unvote in order to advance the game stage (by crossing and recrossing that 50% marker line). Since no one except me actually wants to check this mess, I'm planning to drop it and move on; further reference to the mechanic is just filler until/unless people are willing to actually test it.
agentcarr16: I probably won't be back any time soon, tbh. I'm too busy with school and work and sort-of-gf, etc. Again, sorry all.
Go Forth and Be Awesome!