drealmer7: October 9, 1696 -
The first week and a half after Julie's death are filled with grief, fear, confusion, and a great deal of adjustment to the dwindled number of villagers left in Oakwood. None of you know exactly what to do other than try and work together as a community the best you can and figure out what the best course of action is to take.
The group of you is very used to working together and everything is well-organized and there are no logistical issues with the lot of you being around for the pertinent parts of whatever discussions are going on. You are all able to get your basic and necessary chores and work done around the village and your homes (again, as much as you can with your dwindled numbers.) You are working together and doing your best to keep the village running as best you can, and that is pretty damn good, actually. Everyone is able to eat regular meals and you all get what sleep you can in these anxious times. There really is at least some semblance of normalcy, despite it all.
You all spend a good portion of every day at The Community Home, and it has been a center of activity among you. At least one meal is prepared and cooked there for the group each day. It varies each time who works together making what, and it's a nice affirmation of your dedication to working together.
Pancakes, bacon, eggs, and breakfast potatoes (cut-up potatoes, peppers, onions, and garlic fried in a cast-iron skillet, crispy and yummy!) are a favorite and are had regularly, and in general a good deal of edibles are kept around for those that want something to eat during the long hours of discussion that tend to happen and there is never a shortage of available food.
Often when preparing your own food at your own homes, depending on what you make, you will make an excess and bring the leftovers to The Community Home to share with the rest of the remaining villagers.
All of you still have plenty of time, energy, focus, and opportunity to get together and discuss the situation at hand as much as you can. You reflect on things, talk things out, and really feel like you are all working towards figuring out what course of action to take.
There are some who think it is possible that the attack on Julie was just an isolated event and that perhaps everything is fine and safe and perhaps the exodus of the main portion of the villagers was pre-mature, and then there are some of you who think there is a serious threat at hand, just waiting for the right moment to strike.
Everyone is well-adjusted to the flow and you are currently all at The Community Home working on the situation at hand.
More than half of you, whether with much conviction or not, have conceded that the discussion that needs to be being had is whether or not to kill one of you. was a bit of a logical swerve.
Will catch up in a bit.