Posted September 09, 2016

Registered: Sep 2016
From United States

Mafia Admin
Registered: Nov 2011
From Italy
Posted September 09, 2016
Post edited September 10, 2016 by TheGOGfather

finding balance
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States

Yip Yip
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted September 09, 2016

So a few things here. As noted prior, cristi does have a tell, and it's basically floating in at the end of each day with consensus-y, largely-repeaty info with no analysis.
Here was HSL's take on her last December (I think he has a more thorough analysis from a later game somewhere else but I can't find it):
"For the moment, I'd like to say that I also find cristigale a bit off. Besides the lurking, she's been posting the same way she did when she was mafia in CSPVG's game, and managed to fly under the radar of all of us almost until the very end.
If you go over her posts, it's mostly rehashing what has been said, put her own touch on it, then cast a vote. "
#213 is example A of precisely that, aside from the vote.
Now, she's not voting, you might say. Fair enough, but as noted, that was last December, and since then she's changed up a bit. For example, in yogsloth's game as mafia, she ended Day 1, Day 3, and Day 4 with no vote on the table at all. Town won on D5.
Amusingly, she came in and stated that she would be "voting soon" after yogs had closed Day 1.
Now, to be fair, and again with the irony, I ended D2 in that game (was a sub for Agent, and only alive D2) not voting either at town. But the crux here is the softbally, consensus stuff that rehashes info, maybe adds a new tidbit, and avoids any actual analysis.
In this game, until pushed, she did the jokey flavor thing, did the 'vote the mod' thing, and then repeated much of the speculation about werewolves adding the moon detail. I get that everybody is going to, and probably should do some of that, but she's someone town needs to analyze, and esp. 12 hours ago there was enough content on the table that some analysis was possible.
I care less that people agree with me at this point - this gambit was mostly about her demonstrating that she's capable of some analysis, so that, regardless of alignment, she doesn't just coast on the consensus/info/flavor stuff. Now you all know she can do it. So if necessary, ride her until she does. ;)
(catching up)

finding balance
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted September 09, 2016
October 9, 1696 -
The first week and a half after Julie's death are filled with grief, fear, confusion, and a great deal of adjustment to the dwindled number of villagers left in Oakwood. None of you know exactly what to do other than try and work together as a community the best you can and figure out what the best course of action is to take.
The group of you is very used to working together and everything is well-organized and there are no logistical issues with the lot of you being around for the pertinent parts of whatever discussions are going on. You are all able to get your basic and necessary chores and work done around the village and your homes (again, as much as you can with your dwindled numbers.) You are working together and doing your best to keep the village running as best you can, and that is pretty damn good, actually. Everyone is able to eat regular meals and you all get what sleep you can in these anxious times. There really is at least some semblance of normalcy, despite it all.
You all spend a good portion of every day at The Community Home, and it has been a center of activity among you. At least one meal is prepared and cooked there for the group each day. It varies each time who works together making what, and it's a nice affirmation of your dedication to working together.
Pancakes, bacon, eggs, and breakfast potatoes (cut-up potatoes, peppers, onions, and garlic fried in a cast-iron skillet, crispy and yummy!) are a favorite and are had regularly, and in general a good deal of edibles are kept around for those that want something to eat during the long hours of discussion that tend to happen and there is never a shortage of available food.
Often when preparing your own food at your own homes, depending on what you make, you will make an excess and bring the leftovers to The Community Home to share with the rest of the remaining villagers.
All of you still have plenty of time, energy, focus, and opportunity to get together and discuss the situation at hand as much as you can. You reflect on things, talk things out, and really feel like you are all working towards figuring out what course of action to take.
There are some who think it is possible that the attack on Julie was just an isolated event and that perhaps everything is fine and safe and perhaps the exodus of the main portion of the villagers was pre-mature, and then there are some of you who think there is a serious threat at hand, just waiting for the right moment to strike.
Everyone is well-adjusted to the flow and you are currently all at The Community Home working on the situation at hand.
More than half of you, whether with much conviction or not, have conceded that the discussion that needs to be being had is whether or not to kill one of you.
7 villagers seem to think it is best not to kill anyone - they are :
Nathan (Dessimu), Emma (Ixamyakxim), Adam (agentcarr16), Craig (Bookwyrm627), Dan (Brasas), Claire (cristigale), and Sarah (TammyTown)
The rest are very split on who they seem to think might be a good idea to consider and discuss killing, and it all breaks-down like this:
Nathaniel (Nathan) Smith [Dessimu] ........... - 0 -
Sean O'Donnell (Sean-O!) [Lifthrasil] ........... - 1 - Fergus (Nachomamma8),
Laura Jennings [docbear1975] ..................... - 1 - William (QuadrAlien),
Emma Hess [Ixamyakxim] .............................. - 3 - Sean (Lifthrasil), Emily (trentonlf), Laura (docbear1975)
Adam Johnson [agentcarr16].......................... - 0 -
William (Bill) O'Brian [QuadrAlien] ................. - 0 -
Craig Adams [Bookwyrm627] ......................... - 0 -
Daniel (Dan) Evans [Brasas] .......................... - 0 -
Claire Dwyer [cristigale] ................................... - 1 - Marie (bler144)
Jason (Jay) Peterson [SirCrimsonFox] ......... - 1 - James (DragonSushi)
Eric Barton [yogsloth] ........................................ - 2 - Justin (Stanari), Jason (SirCrimsonFox)
Fergus (Fergie) Perkins [Nachomamma8] .. - 0 -
Sarah Matthews [TammyTown] ....................... - 0 -
Emily Barton [trentonlf] ...................................... - 0 -
Marie Thomson [bler144] ................................. - 0 -
James (Jim) Peterson [DragonSushi] ........... - 0 -
Justin Dawson [Stanari] ................................... - 1 - Eric (yogsloth)
if any of the villagers take issue with where their vote is, simply say so and clarify how you would like it to be, and I will adjust it accordingly (aka: I think I have it right, if not, let me know!)
The first week and a half after Julie's death are filled with grief, fear, confusion, and a great deal of adjustment to the dwindled number of villagers left in Oakwood. None of you know exactly what to do other than try and work together as a community the best you can and figure out what the best course of action is to take.
The group of you is very used to working together and everything is well-organized and there are no logistical issues with the lot of you being around for the pertinent parts of whatever discussions are going on. You are all able to get your basic and necessary chores and work done around the village and your homes (again, as much as you can with your dwindled numbers.) You are working together and doing your best to keep the village running as best you can, and that is pretty damn good, actually. Everyone is able to eat regular meals and you all get what sleep you can in these anxious times. There really is at least some semblance of normalcy, despite it all.
You all spend a good portion of every day at The Community Home, and it has been a center of activity among you. At least one meal is prepared and cooked there for the group each day. It varies each time who works together making what, and it's a nice affirmation of your dedication to working together.
Pancakes, bacon, eggs, and breakfast potatoes (cut-up potatoes, peppers, onions, and garlic fried in a cast-iron skillet, crispy and yummy!) are a favorite and are had regularly, and in general a good deal of edibles are kept around for those that want something to eat during the long hours of discussion that tend to happen and there is never a shortage of available food.
Often when preparing your own food at your own homes, depending on what you make, you will make an excess and bring the leftovers to The Community Home to share with the rest of the remaining villagers.
All of you still have plenty of time, energy, focus, and opportunity to get together and discuss the situation at hand as much as you can. You reflect on things, talk things out, and really feel like you are all working towards figuring out what course of action to take.
There are some who think it is possible that the attack on Julie was just an isolated event and that perhaps everything is fine and safe and perhaps the exodus of the main portion of the villagers was pre-mature, and then there are some of you who think there is a serious threat at hand, just waiting for the right moment to strike.
Everyone is well-adjusted to the flow and you are currently all at The Community Home working on the situation at hand.
More than half of you, whether with much conviction or not, have conceded that the discussion that needs to be being had is whether or not to kill one of you.
7 villagers seem to think it is best not to kill anyone - they are :
Nathan (Dessimu), Emma (Ixamyakxim), Adam (agentcarr16), Craig (Bookwyrm627), Dan (Brasas), Claire (cristigale), and Sarah (TammyTown)
The rest are very split on who they seem to think might be a good idea to consider and discuss killing, and it all breaks-down like this:
Nathaniel (Nathan) Smith [Dessimu] ........... - 0 -
Sean O'Donnell (Sean-O!) [Lifthrasil] ........... - 1 - Fergus (Nachomamma8),
Laura Jennings [docbear1975] ..................... - 1 - William (QuadrAlien),
Emma Hess [Ixamyakxim] .............................. - 3 - Sean (Lifthrasil), Emily (trentonlf), Laura (docbear1975)
Adam Johnson [agentcarr16].......................... - 0 -
William (Bill) O'Brian [QuadrAlien] ................. - 0 -
Craig Adams [Bookwyrm627] ......................... - 0 -
Daniel (Dan) Evans [Brasas] .......................... - 0 -
Claire Dwyer [cristigale] ................................... - 1 - Marie (bler144)
Jason (Jay) Peterson [SirCrimsonFox] ......... - 1 - James (DragonSushi)
Eric Barton [yogsloth] ........................................ - 2 - Justin (Stanari), Jason (SirCrimsonFox)
Fergus (Fergie) Perkins [Nachomamma8] .. - 0 -
Sarah Matthews [TammyTown] ....................... - 0 -
Emily Barton [trentonlf] ...................................... - 0 -
Marie Thomson [bler144] ................................. - 0 -
James (Jim) Peterson [DragonSushi] ........... - 0 -
Justin Dawson [Stanari] ................................... - 1 - Eric (yogsloth)
if any of the villagers take issue with where their vote is, simply say so and clarify how you would like it to be, and I will adjust it accordingly (aka: I think I have it right, if not, let me know!)
Post edited September 09, 2016 by drealmer7

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States
Posted September 09, 2016

Just a small, innocent little mistake, huh?

If you want to catch something, then put out the proper bait.

A little voice in the back of my head just said "THAT is Yog's penalty?" in a tone that makes the desert look wet.

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted September 09, 2016

"I had to make this lame wolfy vote cuz I gotta vote, yo. It's a rule and shit."
I know, right?
I'm always amused and amusing you
Sans le fear of impending doom
The vote count made me sad, though. I had forgotten your name was Claire. Now I can't shake the feeling I'm trying to lynch Molly Ringwald.

Registered: Sep 2016
From United States
Posted September 09, 2016
Flavor: I kill and cook things. Also bake pies, apparently.
Having repeated premonitions that bler is going to eat me alive. Content's good though.
cristigale feels disengaged. Lift feels engaged but fluffy. Though the same is probably true of most of the thread.
SirCrimsonFox: Who was talking about no lynching? First I've heard of it, son. Are you the first one to say it? orly
How hard will it be to extract actual content from you?
I'm sort of wondering if the wolves are possessed. Because, like you said, no tracks.
Having repeated premonitions that bler is going to eat me alive. Content's good though.
cristigale feels disengaged. Lift feels engaged but fluffy. Though the same is probably true of most of the thread.

How hard will it be to extract actual content from you?
I'm sort of wondering if the wolves are possessed. Because, like you said, no tracks.

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States
Posted September 09, 2016
I took it to mean that there were no tracks where the kill happened because of the struggle, and around the kill there were only human tracks meaning that it was a werewolf that changed back to human and left no tracks. If not then whatever killed Julie stepped awfully lightly.

Yip Yip
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted September 09, 2016

Nathan (Dessimu), Emma (Ixamyakxim), Adam (agentcarr16), Craig (Bookwyrm627), Dan (Brasas), Claire (cristigale), and Sarah (TammyTown)
@bler - will get to your post, was waiting for a vote count for confirmation before moving my vote (or lack thereof at this point)

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States

Registered: Sep 2016
From United States
Posted September 09, 2016

Again, demonic wolves from hell.
repent all ye sinners

Yip Yip
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted September 09, 2016
Going to start with the matter that bothers me the most, the votes on Ixam.
trentonlf: Still nothing from Ix, that's not good. First game I played here, ironically, Ix was the host and players allowed another player to stay alive who had stopped participating. I think it caused town to lose the game. Not going that route again. Hopefully he shows up soon, but at this point he's hust dead weight. Emphasis added - this is my biggest issue with a votes on Ixam. He's not lurking, he didn't stop participating. We are not lynching a lurker, he hasn't joined the game. (trent - not saying you said that, just making a point)
Nacho and bler said it well here:
Nachomamma8: No, I don't think we should lynch the guy who hasn't posted; I think it's an easy vote for wolves and would rather let the moderator deal with lurkers (whether with kills or replacements, it's not fair that we should have to clear out those who aren't participating and skew the game in the favor of whatever team has the least amount of flakes). Here:
bler144: And worse, if by some chance he's town PR in a game that could well have had N0 due to the delay between "Game launch impending!" and actual game launch, we're knocking off a PR who might have a tease or a claim and can't defend himself . It's not exactly ideal strategy. (emphasis added)
And here:
Nachomamma8: 2) I hate the idea of lynching someone who straight up isn't here. If lynching lurkers is the route that we want to travel, then I think that lynching people who have said little over people who have said absolutely nothing is the way to go. People who contribute little but are still here are more likely to be people who are uncomfortable posting as wolves and are people who will not become readable as time goes on, whereas people who are NOT HERE AT ALL are simply not playing, and are likely to be taken care of by drealmer as he's a moderator and dealing with people who don't meet activity reqs is part of the job. Unless Ixam shows up and warrants it, I will not vote for him. We learn nothing from the death a player who has never posted. It's a shot in the dark. I believe it's best to let the mod deal with it.

Nacho and bler said it well here:

And here:

Yip Yip
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States

Yip Yip
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted September 09, 2016

IDK. The thing that makes me skeptical about the latter is that if the flavor were to note who was on scene and who was a late arrival that would be a bit gamebreaking, wouldn't it?
Unless of course there's a twist and it wasn't wolves at all.
I like Fergie's idea that we all work/sleep in shifts.