Lifthrasil: ( I think I already answered that several times. Talking about no-lynch is acceptable in this game, because it fits the flavour and some of us are trying to roleplay. And (in character) we don't have a reason to want a lynch so far. Our characters don't know they are in a game and they don't know they need a lynch and a flip. As far as they are concerned what we need is every single defender alive. Why would we weaken ourselves as long as wolves or monsters that sound like wolves are out there, as long as we don't have any hard evidence, that some of these monsters are hiding among us?
My suspicions are in the same vein. On Day 1, we don't have any evidence to go on. So I go with the flavour and someone talking about the taste of a victim that has just been eaten, HAS to appear offensive and suspicious to those around him. Do I think that wolves are more likely to make bad jokes than not-wolves? No. That way WIFOM lies. "I wouldn't have told this joke, drawing suspicion to myself, if I were a wolf." ... "Yea. But that's exactly what a wolf would say too."
But that's also why my vote is NOT on one of those jokers, but on a lurker. It's the only thing that makes sense both in character and as a player. A lurker ALWAYS is bad for town. Lurkers don't contribute to the game. They don't reveal anything about themselves and they don't try to find out anything about others and their behavior can't be analysed on the next Day, because there is nothing to analyse. It is very easy for scum to hide behind lurking, to fly below the radar. So a lurker is either scum, trying to hide. Or a lurker is a thoroughly useless townie. On Day 1 we risk hitting town anyhow and it's better to lose someone useless than to lose someone, who actually plays the game and is trying to help town. Additionally many players actually find it more difficult to find something to write when they are scum. So lynching a lurker even has a better chance to hit scum than lynching anyone at random.
Therefore my Day 1 policy is and always has been: lynch a lurker, unless something better arises. Like someone appearing to have made a genuine slip. ... And in this game I like this policy even more, because it benefits the game and fits the flavour too. Because who is more suspicious than someone hiding in the woods, where the monsters are? )
Sure, it makes sense to no lynch for roleplay reasons but Brasas wasn't roleplaying unless there was some really sneaky roleplaying going on somewhere that I didn't catch, so excusing his push for a no lynch because it makes sense for roleplayers is ???.
Calling lurkers bad for the town and only the town is just rhetoric; lurkers are anti-game and hurt whatever team that they are on. I can understand wanting to lynch a player from the bottom half of players (you're right that there are plenty of people who are uncomfortable talking as wolves), but pushing someone who hasn't spoke yet?
Flavorwise, it doesn't make sense to vote to lynch someone who isn't here (how do you lynch someone that isn't around), but it does make sense to question and grill one another about their knowledge of events, especially if you have suspicions of something out of the ordinary going on (and you should based on the number of people who fled to Nashua).
We risk lynching town every time we play this game. But we have to take risks in order to lynch wolves; otherwise, people are handed victories simply because they have the magical ability to post when they're told they are a bad guy and that seems like an extraordinarily odd and boring game to me.
SirCrimsonFox: and uh uh wow and things. Come on over mister!
I've never seen instant cows before! Are they the same color as regular cows?
Is there a way you can tell?
What flavor are they?
I have so many questions.
Instant Cows, much like Instant Oatmeal, looks exactly the same as the original. However, their behavior from normal cows is completely different; as you can imagine, you need a cow to be pretty insane in the membrane in order for it to cook itself, so you can typically tell an instant cow the moment they open their mouth and "I Took a Pill in Ibiza" comes out of their mouth instead of the more common "moooo". Instant Cows, much like Instant Oatmeal, also comes in a wide variety of flavors, the most common being Harvest Moon and Rocky Road Vanilla.
It's been 10 minutes!
Anyone who is around, please come talk to me; I don't have much time today but engaging people in real-time has a pretty good chance of being more fruitful than the email correspondence that we have going on now.