Vote cristi So a few things here. As noted prior, cristi does have a tell, and it's basically floating in at the end of each day with consensus-y, largely-repeaty info with no analysis.
Here was HSL's take on her last December (I think he has a more thorough analysis from a later game somewhere else but I can't find it):
"For the moment, I'd like to say that I also find cristigale a bit off. Besides the lurking, she's been posting the same way she did when she was mafia in CSPVG's game, and managed to fly under the radar of all of us almost until the very end.
If you go over her posts, it's mostly rehashing what has been said, put her own touch on it, then cast a vote. "
#213 is example A of precisely that, aside from the vote.
Now, she's not voting, you might say. Fair enough, but as noted, that was last December, and since then she's changed up a bit. For example, in yogsloth's game as mafia, she ended
Day 1,
Day 3, and
Day 4 with no vote on the table at all. Town won on D5.
Amusingly, she came in and stated that she would be "voting soon" after yogs had closed Day 1.
Now, to be fair, and again with the irony, I ended D2 in that game (was a sub for Agent, and only alive D2) not voting either at town. But the crux here is the softbally, consensus stuff that rehashes info, maybe adds a new tidbit, and avoids any actual analysis.
In this game, until pushed, she did the jokey flavor thing, did the 'vote the mod' thing, and then repeated much of the speculation about werewolves adding the moon detail. I get that everybody is going to, and probably should do some of that, but she's someone town needs to analyze, and esp. 12 hours ago there was enough content on the table that some analysis was possible.
I care less that people agree with me at this point - this gambit was mostly about her demonstrating that she's capable of some analysis, so that, regardless of alignment, she doesn't just coast on the consensus/info/flavor stuff. Now you all know she can do it. So if necessary, ride her until she does. ;)