#1. SirCrimsonFox -
I came to the thread and he had made 2 post-edits. I thought "Okay, he's new to the forums, they're apparently merges, I wasn't going to sweat it. Then he said he chopped something or the like? something I took to maybe mean he removed something, which is not cool, but, again, I was just willing to play it cool and not worry about it too much, early game, new guy, I don't want to be too much of a hardass because I was already being a bit of a hardass about my unusual rules. But then I still felt I had to penalize him very minorly since he did it twice and didn't show much regard for caring that he did.
Also, the rules were posted WAYY in advance of the game at signups, and there is a rule that notes the post merges and editing issue. A post SCF made seemed to show that he was not aware of the post merging qualities of these forums, and that showed me it was possible he either didn't read the rules, or had forgotten that part of the rules.
If he didn't read the rules, I had to make sure he read the rules, if he forgotten that part, I needed to remind him and ask him to re-read the rules in case there's anything else important he may have forgotten. I penalized him with a 1-handed typing penalty and asked him to let me know that he received my message and read back over the rules.
My intention was that AS SOON as he responded to me, with pretty much anything, even just an "okay", I was going to remove his posting restriction and move on. He never responded. I messaged him trying to get a response. No response. I had JMich contact him, because as far as I knew, he was possibly not even receiving my/any messages, and I needed to know. Never a response.
I never got a single response from him in regards to anything, ever since his signup. JMich got no response. He was gone for days, I had to warn him about posting frequency. I gave him plenty of time, and even felt I was a bit lenient with his behavior. Then I warned him that he'd incur a penalty if he didn't post by the next morning. He hadn't posted by the next morning. I penalized him. He quit+edited posts. I mod-killed.
I think the no-flip on the kill was best for the game, if you want me to get more into that, I will.
#2. My big mistakes -
Simply, I should have informed everyone in the signup thread, first thing, right at the top, that my game would be like this:
[uhttp://forum.mafiascum.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=64005]Large Theme Games
also, keep in mind for the duration of everything that there is this:
Hidden elements and that I think everything I did in this game is still considered "normal" (even the voting thing)
I didn't realize that games like that were a thing that was done normally. This would have cleared up a LOT of confusion and I'm sorry I didn't do that + do a better job at making players aware what they were getting into because it would have been more enjoyable that way, obviously.
- Further with the lynches, my goal was to allow everyone to RELAX with the voting/lynching, and simply vote how they wanted and worry about getting who they wanted lynched rather than simply securing a lynch. I really, really, REALLY, thought I'd made it clear that I was going to NOT have a majority lynch and hammer mechanics and that players should treat it as if they are members of the community, all caring about each other and making the decision with deliberateness, and that there would NEVER be some sudden "ahah! got you dead!" in this game because it simply didn't fit with the flavor, OR how I wanted the mechanics to work (the flavor was born of the mechanics after all! I wanted to come up with a setup that supported/represented my disdain for hammer-lynching.
It seems cheap to me, and I don't think it serves good gameplay in soooo many ways. I would like to see hammer mechanics as a very infrequent thing in games (where it'd be kind of novel and an interesting / different way to play once in a great while.)
- I misnamed Sarah Matthews' observer ability as "watcher." The mechanics involved in her ability were complex, and not as simple as watcher, and naming it such was misleading, not intentionally, but I simply didn't realize I could have named it more accurately (or rather, more ambiguously!)
- I made a vote-count post edit and realized after the fact what a huge issue that can be. I hope it didn't cause too many issues in the game for people, I think I noted at one point there was confusion over who was voting for who when, and that very likely could have been my fault because I edited a vote-count after votes were made rather than post a new one (so that the VC displayed wasn't actually representing the votes made up to that point, but had accounted for votes afterward.) HUGE no-no, I realize (and felt off doing at the time, should have known better, duh.) Sorry.
- I wasn't thorough in Marie's flavor (re: "clean") and caused confusion. It could have been really bad. Thanks bler for understanding and working with me.
- I was a bit critical in the observer chat, but, do realize it is my first time modding and I was alone and frustrated during that horribly long D1. Please forgive me if I berate you in observer thread. ++edit++ Also, I should have just left shit completely spoiler-free than talk about stuff "sort of" like I did in the observer chat, it caused too much heat and wasn't productive much really.
There were more things I could have done better, but I thought these were the biggees. Please give feedback, I am open to it! But please be constructive!
#3 - The stage + lynch mechanics. (with a pre-bonus)
pre-bonus (the potential bastard element I mentioned before) - all penalties that were not specifically told what the penalty was, your vote was voided for the Day - yep - bring the hate! (and I'll still stand by the decision, though I don't know if I have the effort to get into explaining the thought process again, maybe I will at some point.) Notice that these penalties didn't ever change the result of a lynch. Dan Evans' vote was never valid (and Brasas didn't until I told him after he "died.") The D1 wagons were tied 3-3 after the final votecount.
There was more to lynch mechanics, but none of it came into play.
DAYBREAK - This is just an extension of Night. It allowed everyone to prepare for the coming Day activities. PMs done, sent out, and then it gave everyone time to read them, read the start of the Day flavor, and process it all, BEFORE having to worry that the Day had gotten under way, posts were being made, the game was being played, and they had to still read their 5 pages of Night flavor. It kept things more balanced/fair.
MORNING - Again a pacing mechanism that I found in my observing to have worked really well. It didn't ever last long and just allowed for a little warm-up discussion before things really got into the heat (all players have checked in and made a post.)
MID-DAY - The standard Day portion of the game. Meant to be the meat of the Days where everything gets put on the table before EOD decisions are made.
SUNDOWN - 2 ways to trigger but the main trigger was what would normally be known as L-1, but there WAS NO ACTUAL L-1 (omg I wanted to smack every single one of you each time you said "L-1.") Pretty simple, I thought: someone gets to L-1, game pretty much goes into a different STAGE, waiting for person who is at L-1 to claim and then things to progress from there (either to a lynch, or reforming of wagons, a new push to a new claim, and so on.) To me, at this point, it's time to focus and simplify the options for EOD. Too often there is too much clutter as deadline approaches (or too much clutter that gets in the way of coming to an EOD with anything but a brutally painful snail-crawl) and then the lynch wagon is shit because everyone just hopped on whatever for whatever reasons because they can't frikken seem to whittle shit down and make the hard choices.
There was no trigger from Sundown -> Evening, it was a flexible amount of time, whatever reasonable + necessary that the players needed to make a final decision on lynch choices (I had it in my notes to be ~4 days depending on how things were in the game, and I would simply keep it tended and once everyone seemed done making cases, then I'd switch it to evening.)
EVENING - OKAY, cases have been made, the main wagons are formed to a point where you can almost start making a read on them as soon as you get the flip, depending on which wagon goes to lynch and what the flip is, let's go around the circle and make sure everyone has their votes where they want (allows for maneuvering and manipulating of wagons without discussion, which I think is a great little game to be played between scum+town at EOD, if it can just be allowed to happen!!! and is the BEST way to analyze wagons on the following Day after flips.)
TWILIGHT - Allows for totally open discussion about the seeming result + wagons (sans flip) and how it came to be before the end of the Day. I think this is VERY healthy for the game, and a lot of fun too. I probably would have liked Twilights to last longer.
So, D1 took so painfully long because you guys took so painfully long at making NO decision WHATSOVER! :þ I mean, that's what you get. I had a 2 week deadline for D1-D3, and fucking hell, I hoped it would never come to that long, but it did. Nothing triggered Sundown on D1, you just let it go until I knew what would be my ultimate limit of patience. It is not the mod's job to move the game state forward, if players want to take until the next full moon to make a decision, that is up to them. Heh, and then even when I switched the Stage, you still all did bupkis for wagon-building. WHYYY?! loveya though!