Sorry, trent. :( Hang in there and do what you need.
Nachomamma8: Bler, I think you mistake playfulness for lol catting. I am not cut from a lol catting cloth.
Fair enough? Maybe? I guess with the wagon you'd amassed it seemed like the playfulness in that context was throwing in the towel rather than, y'know, doing something other than clarifying a few tangential points.
Any actual thoughts on players and/or gamestate?
Think I asked this earlier, but why did you vote cristi initially before her claim?
Updated claimed PRs: Tammy - Neutral 2 shot vig with motion detector
cristi - Neutral 1 shot vig with 1xRB
bler - town PGO (unlimited?)
stan - town hunterator
VT: yogs, trent, nacho
Flipped PRs: Quad (guard/watcher)
babs (doctor or wolf fluffer)
ix ("seems normal" cop)
I don't know how much time I'm going to have today to do anything significant. Spouse is having a nervous breakdown again, and child is at peak threenager mode. Those two things may be connected.
I'm assuming no one got QT clarification from Drealmer that meaningfully changes things?
qualifying: uh, still like my vote where it is.